Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see! | by @lebey1

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I am glad to be entering this contest. The reason why I am happy is that I love the topics up for discussion this week. I believe many people will be educated based on the outcome of the topics. So, be part of the contest from the steemit Pakistan community, which was uploaded by @steemit-pak. Click this link to check the contest out. The topics I will be working on are:

  • Punishment never has a good effect.
  • Money is more important than love.
  • Votes are not guaranteed



Punishment never has a good effect

Punishment doesn't teach children what to do when upset or angry. Parents are often surprised when a child they just punished for a crime wrong goes ahead to commit the same offense almost immediately. Children don't learn what to do when they are upset or angry.

For example: You tell your child that you will put him in his room if he hits his brother, and he won't be allowed to watch TV. He hits anyway, so you carry out your threat. But the next day, he hits again. You punish him again, but the punishment doesn't stop the hitting or teach the kid any lesson.

Punishment doesn't change behavior long term. Instead of discussing what to do, punishment is an action in reaction to something. If a child says something mean, they get punished. If they hit someone, they get punished. But if the punishment effectively changed behavior, why is the same thing happening repeatedly?

The answer is that punishment isn't about changing behavior; it's more about getting even. It's more about making the punisher feel better than changing behavior. Punishment doesn't create empathy or understanding - it only creates power struggles, resentment, and anxiety in children.

Punishment makes kids more aggressive. When disciplined, children tend to react defensively. Suppose your child is angry at you for punishing them. In that case, the child will not learn anything from the punishment experience; besides, it's possible to get away with what they did because you'll stop paying attention after a while. The same goes for physical punishment: even if your kid learns that hitting hurts, they will probably keep doing it and learn to be more aggressive as a result.

Remember that kids care most about their pride and self-esteem to avoid this outcome. To have meaningful discussions about mistakes instead of degenerating into an argument about who's right and wrong, parents should acknowledge when the kid has a valid point and suggest compromises. It takes time and patience to master this approach. Still, the payoff is worth it. You'll see much better results than when resorting to punishment!

Punishment makes kids mistrust their parents as they fear them. Punishment instills fear in children. When children fear their parents, they learn to mistrust them: they believe that their parents are not a safe source of love and support. The child becomes afraid to be themselves and feels he must hide his feelings from his parents. He also fears that something worse will happen if he doesn't obey his parents. Children who are punished often feel ashamed that they have made their parents angry and worry that they may not be worthy of love or care. They may become anxious and feel helpless when the parent is around.

Punishment makes kids mistrust their parents as they fear them. Punishment instills fear in children. When children fear their parents, they learn to mistrust them: they believe that their parents are not a safe source of love and support. The child becomes afraid to be themselves and feels he must hide his feelings from his parents. He also fears that something worse will happen if he doesn't obey his parents. Children who are punished often feel ashamed that they have made their parents angry and worry that they may not be worthy of love or care. They may become anxious and feel helpless when the parent is around.
When you punish, your kids react defensively and do not learn anything.

When you punish your kids, they react to that punishment as anyone would: defensively. They feel hurt and not understood, and they experience one of these emotions: anger, fear, or loss of love. They do not learn what to do instead to make amends.

For example: You tell your teen daughter that she is grounded because she broke curfew last night. She'll now feel angry at you. She will also resent being punished while her friends are still going out on Friday nights. That's the sense of loss of love. If she feels fearful toward you, it's because she doesn't want this punishment to happen again! Suppose you punish her more severely in the future, like taking away her car for a month. In that case, she will feel even more afraid and unable to control her life (which is a genuinely terrible thought).



Money is more important than love

Money can buy you the kind of love you want. It's true: money can buy you many things. The most important thing it can buy you is the love you want. People tend to like rich people more and, in turn, are nicer to them. When you pay for your date's dinner, they are more likely to say yes next time you ask them out. If the person doesn't fall in love with you after this, then money may not be enough. But that doesn't matter because when someone breaks up with a rich person, they still have friends and family who will comfort them through the heartbreak. After all, they also want some of that wealth for themselves. Being broke and alone is never fun; being rich and alone is acceptable as long as there is some form of entertainment around (iPod? Magic tricks?). Being rich has many benefits that make having someone by your side irrelevant. You can buy your way out of any situation: if the judge rules against you, offer them a bribe.

The Beatles were wrong, money can't buy you love, but it can buy you a big house near the beach in Barbados, a yacht, and a fabulous wardrobe full of designer clothes. And if that's not love, then I don't know what is. Money will get you the lifestyle you want to live. It'll give you the freedom to do things you wouldn't otherwise do and have the things that other people only dream about having. If love makes us happy, then money will help us have more of them than we could without it. But money won't make your friends and family like you more. It won't make them stick around when times are tough or stop making your life miserable when they're jealous or angry at something else. Money can indeed bring happiness, but it will never bring true satisfaction.

Money can't buy love or happiness, but it can help get them. While money can't buy love, it can help you get it. Many people have conscious or unconscious ideas about what makes them happy, and these ideas often involve owning certain things. These desired items require that the person has a certain amount of income to afford them. By having more money to spend on your hobbies, you give yourself more opportunities to meet others with similar interests, expand your social network, and increase your chances of encountering someone who could become a romantic partner. In addition to potentially aiding in finding love, money is necessary for living a happy life. Many people associate happiness with comfort. Having money can make life easier by giving you access to resources such as healthy food and healthcare professionals that you wouldn't have otherwise.

If you have to choose between love or money, choose money over love any day of the week. In my experience, money is more important than love. It certainly doesn't hurt to have money in your relationship, either. And I hope that you find true love in this life because it's a beautiful feeling. But I also hope that you prioritize having the financial security to take care of yourself and your family before you focus on falling in love with someone.

The reason for this is simple: if you don't have enough money, it will be challenging to keep your family safe and secure. You need enough money to pay the bills and cover basic necessities like food and housing. Suppose you're struggling financially, perhaps because you've quit your job to manage a romantic relationship. In that case, your ability to take care of yourself or anyone else will be limited by the amount of money you do or don't have. It's not just about relationships, either: having ample financial resources has its advantages regardless of whether or not you're seeing someone right now. Even if there isn't anyone special in your life, plenty of things make life worth living outside of romance!

When it comes down to it, money is more important than love most of the time. While it's common to hear that money can't buy happiness, the truth is that it absolutely can. If you find yourself in a place where you have enough money, or at least enough to get by, you'll be happier than if your life was full of love and gratitude but without any cash. Money is king in this world. It might not be cool to say so, but it's true. Suppose you're a musician with a thousand fans who adore everything you do but don't buy your music. In that case, you will have a hard time making any money from your career and will struggle to keep practicing your craft and promoting your work. Your fans may dream about spending their days doing nothing but listening to your songs and watching videos of you performing them on YouTube, but how often does that pay the bills? Sure, some people can make money off their skills as an influencer or sell merchandise related to their art through social media sites like Patreon or Twitch. But most people who rely on fan support alone as their primary source of income end up working elsewhere so that they can eat. And what good are all those adoring fans when they can't afford concert tickets?

The same applies if someone loves you so much that they want nothing more than for the two of you to live together happily ever after as long as neither one of you has any financial needs whatsoever. How many couples do you know who've broken up because one wasn't pulling in enough money? In this situation, the person with less income will either feel inferior or resentful towards the partner with more money-making love nearly impossible. One partner will feel guilty for being wealthier when others suffer from poverty (making love nearly impossible). Even if there were no bitterness involved between two people who truly cared about each other but didn't have enough money, how long would they last?



Votes are not guaranteed

With many creators rushing the steemit platform to showcase their creative talent, it is almost impossible for the steemcurator account to capture everyone. The steemit platform has become so big that everyone sees it as an avenue to showcase their talents and connect. While showcasing their talents, they also get rewarded for contributing to the steemit platform.

While rewarding comes in the form of an upvote,, the outcome depends on how big the steempower is. Steemcurator has a big bag of steempower, and they try their best to ensure they support lots of communities whose authors create quality content this may see authors who didn't put effort into their content get left out.

Also, cases were an authors will not get votes are:

  • Plagirised content
  • contents that are not quality enough
  • Not adhering to a community terms and condition
  • Not supporting other authors content
  • Using Vote bots
  • lastly, not putting an effort




With all said, I hope we all could learn a thing or thing that:

  • Punishment has a negative effect, and we should employ our communication skills to resolve issues. Most especially if we are dealing with kids (They all have egos), to prevent a case of them being resentful towards us.
  • Also, love is essential, but money keeps life going and makes love even fun. without money, Love will not work, but money will work without love.
  • Also votes are not guaranteed also because of the vast majority of authors on the platform whose quality content might superceed yours based on a topic.

I am inviting @starrchris @ijelady, @swaylee, @fombae, and @ruthjoe to participate in this awesome contest.


Rebellion is the automatic answer of kids and even teenagers for such unreasonable punishments that in fact they have to be more cautious and illustrated about why certain behaviors are wrong without the necessity of physical acts to correct them.

Punishing kids only makes there heart harden and things gets tougher from that point

Yeah. So true indeed.

You just wrote like a man of wisdom. you said are true punishment all results to fear and not change or respect. Thanks for sharing such a creative article.
I wish you success.

Nice post you gat there. I was thinking about what to start from but it seems this contest is worth being my first. The topics they picked out are really interesting especially the part about women in the kitchen.

Okay bos.. thanks . I will do that now

I just did. Thanks for the heads up bro

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusive
Word Count~2103
Beneficiary to pak-charity20%

You are a critical thinker @lebey1

The 3 points here is very clear but the one that interest me so much is love and money, in my own day it was love we choose over money but today Money over love because those things we call love then was suffering, thank you so much for inviting me

Glad to have your support . Thanks for visiting

Your content is superb @lebey1

I have really learnt more from you on why votes are not guaranteed.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.

Pleasure. Thanks for reading

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