Wednesday Educational Theme: Physical Health || 20% beneficiary to @steemit-pak || by @kunwal

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)
20% beneficiary to @steemit-pak

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Assalam O Alikum everyone

Hope you all are fine and healthy. today is Wednesday and it's educational theme I'm going to talk about the Physical Health. So many peoy dont understand the value of Thier physical health it's really very important for our healthy life style.


physical Health :

What is the major consern which is increased rapidly across the world I physical health.
Everyone is sudddenly wake up to this cruel reality that the physical health is most basic need and you can afford or not ! Not anymore .
You body is physical world you represent.
Your one minute walk people can tell about your habbits and they think that you abused your body or take care of it.
People can judge you by just looking to you body . there is simple prove without enjoying great health energy all the riches in the world can never be enjoyed .
The sad thing about human nature is people pay attention to Thier health only after they realize that they have some symptoms generated disease. May some minore heart attack orany other disease.


Why we should take care of our health.

The human body is consider to the most secret temple in the world .when we inventually know that we need to treat this temple very well .
We started care of our body .

How do we care

There so many options here to care but some basic points we can care of our health just easier 10 habbits that we can apply on our daily lifestyle and it's our duty to take care of our body.

Healthy daily habbit

Healthy daily habbit can transform your life.
Now I'm going to share 10 daily habbit that have helped
Not only physical health but also mental and brain health all the habits are backed by science so they really work .

10 daily habits for physical health.

1. Drink water in the morning

After waking up drink one glass of water it can help you body to be hydrate whole day .

2. Meditation

You can take care of your body by meditation it's help your body and mind relaxing there so many meditation tutorial on social media you follow them and do it at you home.

3. Walk outdoor

We should walk at least 20 to 25 minutes daily outdoor and the best Tim for walk is morning when we go outside for walk we enjoyed the nature and sometimes it's a therapy to see greenery .

4. Some other exercise.

We can do some other easy exercise at home like be active whole day do our. Homechores without any help . something green everyday

Try eat green veggies in a day salad or any vegetables you like

6. Eat at least 2 and 3 brightly colored. Fruit vegetables

Take 2 or 3 fruits in a day

7. Listen something relaxing

Listen music or any relaxing sound which you like .

8. Read book .

Try to Read book which you like any thing interesting I'm a Muslim Alhamdulillah and I Read Holy Quran when ever I feel down .

9. Spend quality time with your loved ones and beloved family .

Spend time with your family and loved ones if u have a pet cat or dog spend time with them you can feel much better .

10. Turn off your phone before going to bed.

Avoid using phone before sleeping .
Hope you like my post and it will be usefull for you .

take care and see yaa soon.

Regards : @kunwal
My Achievement 1
I would mention to @steemit-pak


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