in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow Steemians!

Super excited to share my first ever diary post with all of you. I joined this platform recently and past couple of days have been all about exploring and reading everyone's posts.

So, my university friends and I have this tradition of getting together whenever there is a birthday in group. We try not to plan a very lavish birthday every time because it gets out of our budget, and I'm sure all of you can relate to it as well, especially as university students. Similarly, we had another birthday coming up and what better plan in Ramzan than to get together for iftar and have a cozy session with your friends in a drawing room.


Our host friend was kind enough to prepare everything but since we didn't want to burden her with anything during this weather , we decided to add on the table by brining something from our side as well.
Me being a non cook, decided to take Pizza Fries with me, thinking it's the easiest dish to make. Had to wake up extra early to get my Pizza Fries ready and even though the dish itself was not hard to make but believe me, standing kitchen for an hour , without a fan, in this weather was enough to make me realize how hard our mothers have to work and what they have to go through every day ;-;

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Felt like a proud mama


Living in Cantt, you have to leave extra early if you want to reach the destination at time. Being an elder sister also comes with it's responsibilities, one of which is to drop your sister to her friend's home every time you plan a get together. and so we left at 4.30. Picked up the cake from delizia and off to drop my sister at her friend's house.
Extremely bad at directions and so we ended up getting lost, even after using Google Maps. I mean, can you imagine?
Anyways, somehow dropped my sister and went straight to my friend's house.

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We were melting in the heat


Surprisingly, even after all the adventures I was still the first one at her home. Rest of our friends kept coming and we decided to have iftar in the lawn WITH A VIBE. Took a dozen of pictures, none of which came right and had our iftar FINALLY.
Absolutely, Loved everything that was on the table. We were bloating by time we got up for Maghreb. And while the boys decided to pray in Masjid, we prayed in our friend's room.

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Mouthwatering ;-;


Now since, we were all full and fresh after iftar, all of us decided to play cards. If there is one thing that I learned in university in the last 4 years, it's literally every card game you can imagine. We get so competitive while playing that by the time we get up, we're at the verge of killing each other. Besides all of this, there is no way we will ever stop playing like kids ;-;

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Forever our favorite past time

Now, it was almost 9 and since I had to leave early (because you now, Cantt -_-), we decided to cut our friend's birthday cake. Took a dozen more pictures and I swear none of us were in our right mind and every picture came out blurred or weird in some way.

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The cake we bought

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Some people really close to my heart


My entire life has been about me going to my friends house and running back home at time before my parents' deadline. Today it was 10 o'clock and I had to pick my sister back as well so I said my goodbye and left for home.



a good post

 3 years ago 

Thankyou @attiyaasghar

This is beautifully written. It's nice to see the whole group gathered together for someone's birthday. I'm sure you all had fun

 3 years ago 

We did hehe

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