Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 4 | Propose A New Steemit Project

Hello Friend.

You are welcome to my post. How are you doing today and how is everything about you going. Today I want to share with you an initiative or project that I want Steemit platform to adopt as part of my entry to this contest.


My proposal are just few projects that I think will be very useful when it's adopted in this great platform and I believe users and the entire Steemit Platform will love this project once it's accepted and install in this platform. Below are the list of the projects.

  • Videos Posting
  • Marketplace
  • Voting Power Bar

Above are the three projects that I will love to see in Steemit platform. Let's take a look on how these three projects can develop Steemit Platform.

Videos Posting

Videos posting is the opposite of content creation that is done in way of using voice and body language in educating audiences. A lot of Steemians are very creative and dramatic when it comes to videos content and some of them have they own YouTube and Tiktok account where they do share they videos an such people are eager to share they videos here on Steemit.


If Steemit can create a way that users can upload videos directly just as image is been uploaded directly it will go a long way and improve this great platform. If you can observe today, when you visit your Facebook you will see that people do no longer post content nor read other people post, instead what they are more interested of looking out for is videos.

If Steemit can add this project (videos posting), I believe a lot of celebebraties and other influential people will start rushing to steemit since they can earn directly from users.

I strongly believe that if this project is adopted in Steemit, the platform will be more lively for users because users can easily laugh when watching a video than reading it as a text. Videos is more entertaining than reading of written contents.

There are more benefit that this project can bring to this great platform of which there are too many for me to start mentioning them but the truth is that adopting video content posting on Steemit will attract a lot of Investors into steemit.

One thing that i have discovered is that companies love paying those that are videos content creator to advertise they products/services than those that are just publishers (writers). Why this? It is because the society nowadays love watching comedy than reading stories.


Marketplace is an interesting project that I will love to see in Steemit. Marketplace can be a community of or blog where users can exchange their goods and services for STEEM and STEEM DOLLAR (SDB).


I believe, if a project like this is build or created on Steemit it will help boost the price of Steem currency and SDB. We can used our Steem reward and pay for goods and services that is render by our fellow Steemians wahooo this will be great and I cannot wait to see such a project or a community like this in Steemit.

With Steemit Marketplace, it will safe users the stress of transferring they Steem to an exchange wallet for fiat of which they can easily send it directly to the seller of an items that they want to buy and wait for delivery.

Voting Power Bar

With voting power bar on Steemit users can easily check the percentage of they voting power. This can add more value to steemit plaform as it will be easy for users quickly know the percentage of they voting power so as to know when they are to vote with certain percentage.

For now these are just the few projects that I wish to see in this great plaform. Thank you for reading through my post.

In this contest I am inviting @nancygbemi and @wase123 to also join me and participate in this contest.*

20% Rewards of this post goes to @pak-charity


I equally love the video posting proposal, because I love editing/posting funny videos on other social media platforms, so if I could do it here too it will really be awesome.
You'hv got ideas for lovely proposals, and I commend you for that.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you sir for reading through my post.

Thank you for sharing your post with us. Honestly videos content will go a long way in Steemit plaform of it's added as part of the things that we can be posting.

Thank you so much

La idea de comerciar directamente con nuestras monedas SBD y STEEM me parece muy beneficiosa amiga ya que ciertamente elevaría el valor de éstas monedas gracias a su más amplio uso. Igualmente el pago de publicidad mediante videos en la plataforma creo que sería bastante llamativo tanto para influencers como inversores.

Muy buenas ideas las que propones ojalá puedan ser ejecutadas, felicidades por tu post 💕✨

Thank you dear for reading through my post I really appreciate your time.

 2 years ago 

No doubt, videos are more attractive and attract more traffic.

I like the voting power idea. It would be very handy to have it displayed on Steemit.

Thank you for participating in the challenge. As you know, it's an engagement challenge, therefore, I recommend you to interact with other participants on their posts. This will also increase the visibility of your posts as well.

Good Luck!

Quality ChecksStatus

Wow all proposal listed are very good, I will love the video posting to be considered and implemented thanks for sharing such a great content with us..
Best of luck friend 💃 steem on

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