Curation from @steemcurator07 has started || Here's how to get votes from Team Cosmopolitan - [Steem Growth, Contest, Powerups, Burnsteem25, Steem Promotion, Marketing, Development]

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone, if you're following @steemitblog you'd know that my team, 'Cosmopolitan' was selected for Steemgrowth for the month of July. You can check it out on this link below:

Steemit Update [ June 30th, 2022 ] : Community Curators for July

If anyone of you don't know what the Community Curators Initiative is, let me explain it to you in short and easy words. Community curatorship is an initiative started by the Steemit team to empower the users who are active on this Platform. There are seven different teams, each focusing on different hashtags, in order to motivate and curate Quality content writers.

For the month of July, my team has been selected for the theme: Steemgrowth. I'd like to thank the team and all the users who showed trust in me. The team consists of 7 members who'll be curating different tags on 7 days of the week. This will ensure maximum curation.

Now moving on to the most important part of this post and that is:

Here are our curation guidelines and here's what you need to do in order to get support.

The Tags you should use:

Yes, we have a specific set of tags which are mandatory to be used in your posts if you think your posts lies under the category of Steemgrowth. These tags are:

#steemgrowthThe first and foremost tag. If you're posting about steem growth, Promotional posts, seminars, new projects, powerups marketing etc, you can use this tag
#contestuse this tag on contest announcement and contest winners announcement posts
#burnsteem25use this tag only if you're setting 25% beneficiaries to @null, thus supporting burnsteem25 (if you don't know about #burnsteem25 you can comment below and let me know.)
#steemexclusiveThe most important tag, which will ensure that your post is steem exclusive

Now, that I have mentioned the tags we'll be looking for, let me mention some very important points, and these are:

Guidelines (Rules) for Users:

Your post has to be steem exclusive. There's no compensation on that. If your post isn't steem exclusive, you will not be voted.

    • b) Being a #club member is mandatory:

#club100 - 50% of the voting power

#club75 - 40% of the voting power

#club50 - 35% of the voting power.

NOTE: This voting criteria is flexible. If your post is exceptional, we might increase the voting power. So be unique and post quality content.

What should your posts have?

There are some users who might thing that using the relevant tags or being a part of #clubs and setting your post to #burnsteem25 will be enough to get you votes. Well that's not the case. In this team, we're looking for actual meaningful and quality content. So there are a couple of things which are mandatory.

  • a) Quality Content

Your post should atleast have 300 words and be in a good Format. Justify your text, use meaningful and relatable pictures etc. The pictures should be sourced accordingly.

  • b) Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Plagiarisim and paraphrasing will not get you anywhere. So don't even try to do that.

  • c) NO Bid-Bots and Vote buying services:

If you're using bidbots and buying votes, your post will NOT be curated.

  • d) Interact and Engage

Yes. Your post should atleast have two meaningful comments. This will promote in the engagement amongst users. So make sure you leave meaningful comments on other users'posts as well.

These are some very basic and easy guidelines for all of you to follow. If you make sure you're following this, we'll make sure you're curated by @steemcurator07. I'm sure all the confusion and questions are cleared by this post. Still, if you have any questions, you can comment below.
Happy Steeming

Team MembersNationalityClub

  • My Discord id:
  • huzaifa naveed#3023


Your post should atleast have two meaningful comments

First of all I will like to appreciate this wonderful guidelines explaining the tags you will use for curation.

My problem here is with the engagement.

So if my post doesn’t have up to 2 comments or has no comment under it does it mean I won’t be curated?

If that is the case, what thus means is that you are telling us to literally ask our friends to comment on our posts so that we can be curated even if the post is up to qualify or I won’t get curated.

 2 years ago (edited)

Excellent question. I'm glad someone asked this. See that's what we want to promote on this platform. As someone who joined this platform for broadening my connections all over the world, over time I realized the beauty in engaging with people from different countries, continents and cultures.

Steemit is all about engagement, only if users here understand that, they'll start getting big votes every now and then. With this initiative, I want to promote the engagement between users. Sure, it'll start with your friends commenting on your posts, but with over time, if you're also commenting on other users' posts, they will start commenting on your posts as well. It'll start as a courtesy in the beginning but with the passage of time, it'll become a habit. A habit of reading other users'posts.

I am sure you must have heard charity begins at home so start off with commenting on different users' posts, encourage them to read your blogs as well. Write quality content so that people are intrigued to read to blogs. Because at the end of the day, this platform is all about engagement and interaction. One of the reasons why the Steemit Engagement Challenge started recently.
Hope this answers the question.

Thank you for taking out time to reply me.

This takes answers a large part of my question.

So if incase you are about curating and at that moment there is no comment on a user’s post will you skip it or you will curate if it is quality? This is all I what to know now.

Thank you .

I'm sorry, but it won't be curated.

Hello friend, excellent initiative to publicize the guidelines and tags so that everyone is informed and can use them properly. As you say, the idea is to encourage interaction between users and also reward quality publications. successes.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing a valuable information with us.

Congratulations Once again Bro.

These are beautiful guidelines you provide here, hopefully Users who really want to make progress will always consider these tips.

 2 years ago 

Please Don't use Tag #burnsteem25 if you haven't set beneficiary 25% to null

I didn't add the tag. It was automatically updated as the tag #burnsteem25 was used in the post

 2 years ago 

We understand but you've to take care of that.
You can write burnsteem25 without # and it won't appear in the tags.

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