#The dairy game 5/4/2021, visit to school

Peace, Greeting!
Hope you are good friends .And you must have a lot of fun in this life.

I woke up early in the morning.

Wazu and went to the mosque to offer prayers. I returned home after offering prayers.

Then I went out into the fields to walk. I walked for a while.

Start taking long deep breaths. He returned home a short time later.

And I have breakfast.
سلام ، سلام!
امید ہے کہ آپ اچھے دوست ہیں ۔اور آپ کو اس زندگی میں بہت مزہ آئے گا۔

میں صبح سویرے اٹھا۔

وجو اور نماز پڑھنے مسجد گیا۔  میں نماز پڑھ کر گھر لوٹ آیا۔

پھر میں چلنے کے لئے کھیتوں میں چلا گیا۔  میں تھوڑی دیر چلتا رہا۔

لمبی لمبی لمبی سانسیں لینا شروع کریں۔  وہ تھوڑی دیر بعد گھر لوٹ آیا۔

اور میں ناشتہ کرتا ہوں۔


It is a beautiful school in our area which was founded in 1906 and its foundation was written in the time of Sikhs, and Hindus and it is a very old historical school .
I visited the whole school which has very nice .
and beautiful classrooms and the children are provided with a beautiful environment.
The school has also set up a very good computer lab and library from which the children get a lot of guidance.


This is a very old historical school.
Before Pakistan was formed, many Hindus and Sikhs used to teach in it and continue to do so.

This is a beautiful school in our area .
Without education, the basic development of any country is the other half.
Just as a person gets education, so he walks on the path of development of the country.
and it is also an old historical saying that if a country or a nation is to be destroyed,
then all Before it destroys its education system.


If any country wants its basic development, it must first make its education system as good as possible ,
because only because of human education can it progress in the letter whether it is a doctor, a teacher, an engineer or whatever Development in every field is very important.
And the school has beautiful flowering plants that help keep the environment clean.
and add a lot to the beauty of Scott .
and the school has a huge playground where ,
The children are entertained and beautiful and well.


The first staff of the school is very hardworking and good .
and the headmaster of the school is also a very competent and decent person who treats the children well if they have any problem regarding education and learning and Solves their problems.

And I also met a very good teacher,
because teachers are equal to human parents .
and they also gave me advice to integrate into a very good teacher life.
and had a great time.
After spending two or three hours there, I returned home.
Came back.
And I had a great day today.

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