weekly engagement contest, Your favourite shopping mall, 10 % pay out to steemit pakistan

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Assalam u Alaikum to my best community members. Today this community share with us the different topic of contest .And im excited to share my choice.
So without any time wasting i share my choice,

Packages Mall

This is one of the beautiful malls in Lahore.

Why i like it:

The one of the most reason is this is very nearest mall of our home. And we go there any time when we are free.
The second reason is there is many shops of Brands and buy any Branded thing here. Afterall here are many thing are cheep then other shop but we never held any selection to choice things.

Branded shops


What thing i buy here:

I mostly buys here clithes and shoes but when i saw any crockery my feets automatically steps there,so that i buy many thing of kitchen ware from here.

Children's like to go here:

Because there are beautiful toys shops for every age of children.


And motor rides and train ride too so children are like to go with us .


Traditional dresses:

My elder daughter like our traditional dresses so she like to buy these thing from here.


Afterall it is the best shopping mall for public.
Neat and clean environment is the best quality of it.

I think you will like it too.
At the end i invite
to contribute in this contest.

 2 years ago 
Club Statistics#Club100
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Number Of Words234
Betterlife Tag
Pakistan Tag

Account operated by @haidermehdi

 2 years ago 

Package MAll is one of good shopping mall. I have visited johar town branch. It's food Corner is favorite one of mine. Good luck for Contest 🙂

 2 years ago 

And please recheck tags and correct it

 2 years ago 

which tag i missed or i incorrect plz guide me

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