Creative writing || Story writing contest ||10/1/22

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Heow here's a new story writing contest!

Fei hong is one of the most powerful scientists or you can say magician of guizhou. The man whom all are afraid of as he can do anything for the sake of his power. An old man with long witchy grey hairs and face resembled some kind of horror movie character. Lived in a cave away from the population of the town. People scare their kids by his stories.

It was famous that he had some kinda powers in him that soon is going to cross his 100 years of life.


"Come here you" He called out one of his servant named Feng leng. "Yes my master" the man with lowered head came near him. "Go and inform shiyi to meet me behind that old banyan tree. Tomorrow is the day for which I had lived those years."
He laughed sarcastically. "Those illiterate people don't know whom they had rejected in past"
The man Feng leng shook his head and left as soon as possible. He reached behind the hill and look around to see someone.

When he gets satisfied that noone is watching him he at once took out a woki toki like device from his pocket and connected it to some kinda wires.

After getting satisfied from his work he attached the phone with his ears. "Yes brother this is me no416" After listening to other person's side he said "Master wants to meet you tonight on that decided location." Saying this he hang up the call and moved towards his home.


Later that night..

"Why have you called me here" A man with milky white hairs asked Fei hong. He smiled strangely and replied "Oh dude have you forgot what promise had you made couple of decades ago taking that from me." He pressured on "that". " I'm sorry bro I was just joking around and don't worry i have your thing with me" Shiyi the one and only friend of Fei replied laughing.

"You know I'm not that kind of jokes person so keep your words to your self" He replied rudely. If there was some other person he must find it rude but shiyi knows his nature. So he didn't take his words seriously and take out a small box out of his pocket.

After giving box the fingerprint of his little finger he rotated a knob like lock to the exact places. The box opened with a click sound.

There shone a tiny white stone which gives out a sharp light. They at once closed their eyes. After a couple of seconds they opened their eyes. Fei took that stone out and kept it in his locket.


The very next day....

"Tomorrow is my 100th birthday I have to complete it before 12:00 am." He murmured to himself working in his laboratory. It was already 11:25 pm and he had only 35 minutes left to complete it.

After some time he successfully completed making a clear glass ball with some machines attached. He waited for clock to struck 12.

As the clock mentioned 11:59pm he took out that stone and place it in the center of the ball. Same white light emerged from the stone and captured the whole room. By 12:00 am the stone had changed its shape into three curved strips

He smiles inwardly. His invention was complete. He named it Steemit. He wants to invent something that will have great advantages in the human lives. People were afraid of him thinking he might be some ghost or supernatural spirit that he is alive for almost a century. But, being a magician who had increased his life ,he still had a soft heart and wants to invent something that helps humanity even after a death.

And now when his invention was completed he felt relieved. He finally had done what he always had wished. People will be able to interact with each other and also improves their financial state with his invention.


And that's how this story comes to an end. I hope you find it interesting. And don't take it serious at all. This is a pure fiction and didn't have a purpose of pointing something or someone.

Many thanks to @vvarishayy


 3 years ago 

Impressive writing skills 👍.
Great MashaAllah

 3 years ago 

Thanks alot for your comments

you are a good writer best wishes 💞

 3 years ago 

Thanks for feedback

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