Better life with steemit Diary game 20 April 2021

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Assalamu alaikum all brothers of steemit users . I hope you are all enjoying good health by the grace of Allah Almighty and the prayers of their parents and the prayers of their elders. By the grace of Allah Almighty I am also fine and enjoy happy life by the grace of Allah almighty and the prayers of my parents my brothers and my elders.

I got up early in the morning at about 3 a.m. first of all I take bath. Then I awoke up my house number. My mother read meal for us because of ramzan ul Mubarak. We are all take fast. After sahri I go to mosque. There I offer fajr prayer and recite the holy Quran today I recite the soorathul Rahman. Surat ul rehman give the message of Allah and tell us about the gifts of Allah Almighty. Everything in the world our body parts our parents our brothers our relatives our food our environment our homes hours atmosphere our fields our everything else in the world all the gifts of Allah Almighty this is the message of surah Rahman.

After this I go to walk . Cold air is blowing I enjoy the morning walk.

Then I go back to home at 7:00 a.m. I wear my uniform and ready for college. After a while my friend come and I with my friend go to college there II our test series is continue and test are conducting daily. By the grace of Allah Almighty test with great efficiency. After test 3 lectures are done. After three lectures students go to back their homes and I also. I come to back home with my friend.

When I back to home first I sleep for 2 hours. Then I woke up and I take bath and change my address. Then I study for 2 hours.

After study I offers ASR prayer. After ASR prayer I go to fields. Today weather is very beautiful


Today weather is very beautiful clouds are blowing overhead. In fields where I see I feel very better because I see greenery everywhere. Greenery is very useful for our body for our eyes.

Now time is 6:00 PM. After visiting the fields I shall back to home and buy something from Bazar for Aftari . Then I shall offer Magrab prayer. After back to home I shall sit with my parents and my other family members. Then I shall go to mosque fa offering of Isha prayer. Then I back go to home and sleep.

This is my dairy game today . Thank you so much steemit and steemit users.
#rashid001 #haidermahdi


Yes your diary games is very excellent. I really like your work .
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Your post is very good.well work
Keep it up.

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