The dairy game

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello friends how are you i am fine and i hope you are all well when i am in the morning what is breakfast what is after breakfast i came to my seat outside my house makar friends today is very hot because tomorrow I didn't get much sleep at night because of the heat. It was very hot in the morning. I sat outside the house. I used YouTube and Facebook for a while. Then I went out. When I went out, the wind was blowing. Friends, it was still very hot. I was chatting with my friends till about ten o'clock. After that I came to my house. I rested for a while and then I started eating but because of the heat I started eating. I was not feeling well, but my friend came out to eat as much as he wanted. At Mobile has taken

We have taken the mobile from Rabi Plaza. After that we came out to the bazaar and drank juice and ate fruits etc.


We have taken the mobile from Rabi Plaza, then we came out to the bazaar, came there, drank juice and ate fruit, etc. Why was it so hot for me today, so we talked about the juice and ate the fruit. Then we went out to our house. When we left Mianwali's house, we came by the canal track. People were not bathing everywhere. When we reached Trikhel, there was a lot of rush. There were many people bathing. On the way home we also ate samosas because we were hungry
After that, friends, we went straight to our house. As soon as I reached home, there was no light. I lay down in front of the solar fan. Now the light has come, so I am going to take a
May allah keep you all happy may allah keep you safe from every sorrow and leaf may allah keep you all from every evil may allah be your supporter and helper remember in prayers


 3 years ago 

Hey @farooqm, dear please check the post before posting it. There are only 2 images? and even one of them is not perfectly uploaded.

The text is scattered, not making sense, no attraction. Please focus on the presentation and use of images. The use of images in a better wat can make your diary extremely beautiful!

Do make sure that to put the date in the title.

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Country Representative Pakistan and Admin STEEMIT PAKISTAN.
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