What if You Got A Chance To Time Travel

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


There will be a lot of things changed by 2050 people, the world won’t be the same as it is today. Certain tasks I have in mind which I will perform if I get a chance to travel in 2050. As it will be a lot more innovative era and science, technology, health sectors will be more progressive than they are today. I’ll take a big size notebook and then go in 2050 to explore them to find out what changes have been made, so I can carry them with me after coming back to my present time.


Health Sectors

In the present world, there are many lifelong diseases which have no cure, people have to live with them all their life and finally die. Science is progressing day by day, we can see a few decades back from now there were no remedies/treatments for big diseases like hepatitis, etc. But with time science found out such formulas which could cure them, so there is a big chance that by 2050 the world will be witnessing Cure to cancer, polio, Human Immune Virus (HIV). I would carry the antidote with me in 2021.


Digital currencies / Cryptocurrencies

As these are the most dynamic and volatile currencies which are changing continuously mostly in the favor of investors, I would be curious to know what is the position of cryptocurrencies in 2050, did it overtake the paper currency, or still, are they in use. And what techniques are being used to invest in these cryptocurrencies if they are still giving profit in 2050? Few cryptocurrencies are starting from now, and claiming to be on the peak in a few years. I would note down those currencies and after coming back I would start to invest in those currencies and also help others to play their role in them.

Meeting with myself

Now, as 2050 is almost 29 years from now there would be mostly everything changed in my personal and professional life. I would meet myself and gave a talk on my 29 years life span that I still have to live, and what ups and downs I have to face in these years. Then, list down all my mistakes, failures, achievements, personal life situations so I could handle all these scenarios in a suitable way when I would cross over them. Then, I’ll seek advice from my future self on how I can make my career more successful than it is right now.

What will I gain

After all the experience I would gain in my time travel, I can use it in the present time to make a better world for myself and the whole of humanity. The knowledge I'll get will be priceless when introduced to this world. My journey will end after becoming 30 years advanced.

Thank you for reading my post hope you like it.

Friends: @baberali, @yousafharoonkhan

CC :
@haidermehdi, @hassanabid, @rashid001


Good thinking

@farhanali I read your thinking about time travel. I really appreciate your thinking and hope it is as you think.

Thank you @moiz-ali for reading my post.

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