in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


I hope all of you are going good. Its 5:50am and Im awake just because of the bad weather its 32° but feels like 40°+ and no electricity I don't know why but our Goverment is not doing anything on load shedding issues and also on other issues. Well back to the topic.

I was scrolling down my Instagram and I just saw a news article that in Canada Toronto a Muslim's family is killed by a truck driver and police declared that its a pre planed murder, I mean what!!

What the hell is going on in all over the world this is too bad to hear about the family and its glad that the social media and other platforms using there pictures and tag to support this family. Even th Pm of Canada gave a statement on it also


But I want to know from where to when the Muslims being killed just because their religion is Islam?

I want to ask all communities that tell us whats the issue with Muslims what we have done to your people we always welcome you in our country we pleased you and always try to give you all peace and the beauty of Pakistan. Then why?? as you all know what are Israel doing with plastine people can anyone do anything for Muslims overthere killed day by day families are dead little angles are being killed no one is taking any action can you ever imagine the lose of your love ones in front of you?? have you ever wanted to see??? No one can bear such pain all the Muslims are bagging asking for help but Goverment and public both are sleeping I think or they don't understand the pain.

I don't know is this good and not good to post such a diary game on this platform but I want to raise my voice on international platform so the people know Muslims community is not too bad as they are thinking and please stop killing us we never wanted to kill you people then why you punishing us tell us what the issue with out religion? Our religion always guide us to respect and give love to all communities.

This diary game is not just belongs to me its from whole #Steemit-pak community and from all Muslims all over the world



Sadly, Islamophobia is getting prevalent in many regions of the world and the fact that Muslims cannot practice their religion without fear and extreme trepidation is condemnable and should come to an end.

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