Steemit Engagement Challenge | View About My Country

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Greetings all,

I had been very sick on the first day of this challenge. Somehow, I have managed to write my first post for the May Challenge. I didn't do justice to the post but this is the most I could write in this condition. Have a read.


Love for the homeland is not something uncommon. It's in human nature to grow an affiliation with a land that is his true identity. I am not sure if "growing affiliation" is the right word, usually it's like "Love at first phenomenon" or some feelings that are born with.

I was born and raised in Pakistan and still living in this beautiful country, never in my wildest dreams, I can imagine leaving this land.

You must have heard about Pakistan in different contexts on media. One day, you hear about the achievements of some talented people, an athelete making the record or a student scoring the highest grades internationally, and the very next day you hear about a suicide attack defaming Pakistan as the most dangerous place to live in.

Well, Pakistan has a very complex history and still going through composite times. Let me give you a short tour of my country through this post by mentioning some good and bad points.

Three Reasons, I Love Pakistan

1- Pakistan is Beautiful

When I say beautiful, I truly mean it. This piece of land ranging over 8.8 km2 has all kinds of natural regions.


Korangi Creek, Karachi

From the spectacular beaches of Karachi which touch the mighty Indian Ocean to the deserts ranging from Interior Sindh to Southern Punjab, from beautiful valleys like Kaghan to the world's second-highest mountain range of Karakoram, we have it all.


Kashmir Point

We have beautiful caves in North West, incredibly amazing world's largest Salt Mine in Khwera. The list is long.

Moreover, we get to enjoy four seasons all over the year. Usually Summer last 8 months and Winter is short and not as cold. However, we still have areas where it snows like anything and areas where the summer heat gets deadly.


Lower Topa, Northern Pakistan

This diversity enables us to produce a vast variety of fruits and vegetable crops. No doubt, Pakistan is an agricultural country.

2- Rich Culture and Heritage

Pakistan got independence from the Indian sub-continent in 1947. Prior to that period, our ancestors lived with Indians and have a long history of the Mughal Era. Our culture and heritage are mostly the reflections of that timestamp from the past.


Attock Fort

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, Noor Mehal, Darbar Mehal, Rohtas Fort, Darawar Fort and many others are worth visiting sights if you want to see our heritage.

3- Hospitable and Friendly Nation

One of my favorite thing about us Pakistanis is hospitality. If we have guests coming over, then you will know just by looking at the lady of the house. The whole house is turned upside down for deep cleaning. The corners which you didn't know existed before in the house are cleaned thoroughly that day. As if the guests are going to inspect each and everthing on their visit.

Not just cleaning, we cook a lot that day. I literally mean " a lot". There should be 7 or 8 dishes at least on the table from 2 or 3 appetizers to 2 or 3 main courses and homemade desserts and special local ice cream. Most of the times guest come uninvited but we still go to extremes to spread a generous table for them and in some households, hosts force-feed the guests. XD


Glimpse of lavish dinner

Three Changes, I Wish to See Soon

1- Freedom of Women

Pakistan is an Islamic country and Islam has provided an esteemed place to women. Unfortunately, we have forgotten that. We inherited some wrong practices from old Indian culture in which women are treated as trash. Trash might seem to harsh but it's a reality that in some remote areas, they are treated like that.

I wish women of my country had some freedom. I wish they could get as much education as they wanted. I wish they weren't raised as a burden and parents shouldn't instill in their minds that their sole purpose of existence is getting married and bearing children for their husband.

Men are considered the only bread-earner of the family, if we let our women get the proper education they could not only help provide for their family along with their husbands but also could be useful for the upbringing of their children.

2- Cleanliness

The most annoying thing that pisses me off is littering. It sounds trivial as compared to more grave issues that our country is suffering from. But for me, it is an important issue.

When a Pakistani comes back from a foreign country, he usually can't stop admiring the clean roads and hygienic public places and feeling sorry about how dirty roads in Pakistan are. He says such stuff while casually throwing a butt of a cigarette or a wrapper of candy on the floor.

What is this behavior?

I wish this funny hypocrisy could be changed.

3- Law and Economy

Pakistan has the poorest law and judiciary system which has raised the crime rates to extremes. Rich people buy and mold the law for their own gains. Obvious and proven criminals are not caught and punished, just because the victim is poor. I really wish this could be changed.

Our economy is in critical condition. Due to the highly unstable political state of the country, the economy has been suffering for a long. Inflation is at its peak, poor can't manage something as basic as bread and butter. Lower middle class and even middle-class people are slowly getting deprived of basic needs such as food, water, residence, and education.

I wish those who run the country, now think about their people as well. They should stop filling their own pockets, this poor nation has suffered enough.

There are many more things that I like and dislike about Pakistan, nevertheless it's my homeland and I am still proud to be a Pakistani and would very much like to see this country prosper over the coming years.

Note: All pictures are mine, unless otherwise stated.

Thank you.

I invite @ngoenyi, @myblueworld and @nadiaturrina to take part in this challenge.

 2 years ago 

Indeed, Pakistan is blessed with all kinds of weather, Alhamdulillah, which makes agriculture even more fruitful.
I remember when I was studying history for CAIEs, it made me love my country even more because Pakistan has the most complex history, no doubt. Our leaders have got this land for us with so many hardships and sacrifices.
I 100% agree with your deep cleaning and hospitality point! As you know Eid is around the corner and my mother is driving me nuts 😂. She wants every corner of the house to be neat and clean, preparing half-done food beforehand and freezing it is every Pakistani mom's ritual. We can't run away from that😂
Every country has their pros and cons. And, regarding Pakistan, I think you have made a perfect selection of them both.
Educating women is the key to a successful generation. Because only a well-educated mother can educate her child well.
I've noticed everyone is mentioning about the littering habit of Pakistanis. And I agree its is the most dreadful issue of Pakistan. I hope we take care of our country and make it clean in the same way we clean our homes.
Our judiciary might be valuing their own benefits, I agree. But people with high powers are making it worse for the judiciary to carry out their work with honesty.
I hope we get to see a better image of Pakistan. I hope we live long enough to experience the best days of Pakistan. Afterall, there's always a light in the end of a dark tunnel. InshAllah.
You have written an amazing post.
It was a really good read!
Best of luck for the contest ❤️
Pakistan Zinadabad 💚

I don't think the issue of cleanliness should be a small issue for anyone. I think this issue concerns to, both, the government and the people here. As much as I don't want to say this but as it goes; you cannot catch a hare with a tabret.

People here are so persistent in this that no matter what anyone says to them, they'll throw trash on streets. Here I think, the government should impose a fine of all of us for infiltrating the area. Maybe this would stop them from littering.

 2 years ago 

we get to enjoy four seasons all over the year

God has bestowed special mercy on Pakistan and blessed our beloved homeland with four seasons. Every season in Pakistan has its own taste.

my favorite thing about us Pakistanis is hospitality

My favorite thing too. No one can beat us in hospitality. There is no precedent in the world for the best rules and regulations laid down by our religion of Islam regarding hospitality or the manner in which Islam has bound us to the etiquette and rules of hospitality.

Allah has made Pakistan very beautiful. May God bless our homeland twice a day and four times a night. Amen.

 2 years ago 

If only we follow the teachings of our religion, Pakistan could be a far better place to live in.

 2 years ago 

First of all, your explanation is very good. It was an enjoyable tour and article for me.

The features of the crescent and star on our flag and our countries are very similar indeed.

Hospitality is a subject that I love very much. Friendship and kinship relations are important. In this regard, women do a lot of work at home, although men do not have much burden.

I know these preparations very well from my mother and my wife. Sometimes I wonder if it's a holiday when I see the cleaning done before the guests arrive. During the holiday, they do deep cleaning at home. Probably so do you. :)

You are so right about education. There is a well-known saying. Behind a successful man there is always a successful woman. I hope this old mentality will change. Your wishes will come true in these matters.

Competitors in the competition are increasing.
Good luck in the competition.

 2 years ago 

The features of the crescent and star on our flag and our countries are very similar indeed.

You are right, we have almost the same flags. My child used to call Turkey's flag, "Red Pakistan". XD

In this regard, women do a lot of work at home, although men do not have much burden.

Do you have the same situation in Turkey? In Pakistan, the whole responsibility of the home, cooking, cleaning, children's upbringing, education is on the lady of the house. Women are mostly not permitted to do jobs. But lately, things have been changing in regard to women's employment. What I don't like is that the responsibility of the home is still only on women whether she goes out to earn or not. Men don't lend a hand in domestic stuff generally.

During the holiday, they do deep cleaning at home. Probably so do you. :)

On Sundays, my husband cooks, and I do the deep cleaning. I enjoy the satisfaction later on. XD

 2 years ago 

Red Pakistan. After my son is born, I will show him the flag of pakistan and see if the room will say green turkey. :)

Turkey is a little ahead in this regard. Because the number of working women almost approached the number of men. To give an example from myself, I help my wife in everything. Because I think she's not my maid. Because in Islam, great importance is given to women. But I think it needs some time to get better in Pakistan.

 2 years ago 

Haha, please tell me if he says Green Turkey.

It's good that Turkey is going in the right direction. I hope things will get better for women in Pakistan as well. I consider myself lucky to have all helping male figures in my family specially my father and husband. I wish the same for all.

 2 years ago 

You've presented our country so beautifully. Our rich heritage, kind and generous people and our beautiful country, everything makes me feel absolutely blessed to be a Pakistani but then there are things that need serious amendments like the one's you've mentioned above. These things are depressing because they're being done by our very own people who claim to be loyal to our country.

I just pray to Allah to give us an opportunity to fix all the negative things from law and order, to giving equal rights to women and last but not the least keeping our country clean.

Loved reading your post.❤️

 2 years ago 

These things are depressing because they're being done by our very own people who claim to be loyal to our country.

This hurts the most. The whole mindset needs to be changed. It won't happen overnight but might take a few more generations.

 2 years ago 

Great you have explained about Pakistan in detail.

When a Pakistani comes back from a foreign country, he usually can't stop admiring the clean roads and hygienic public places and feels sorry about how unclean is Pakistan.

Yes you are right.The roads and streets of Pakistan are very dirty.The garbages are lying everywhere and it is the bad habit of Pakistani people,they throw the wrappers there where they are standing.

we get to enjoy four seasons all over the year.

We are very lucky we enjoy four seasons in a year.Every season has its own joy.

May Allah keep our country safe.
You have written your post very nicely.
Best of luck dear.

 2 years ago 

The roads and streets of Pakistan are very dirty.

Those who litter around should be heavily fined. They will think twice before throwing something. Moreover, trash cans should be installed every few blocks so that people don't have to look for a place to throw the trash.

 2 years ago 

Yeah right.

Hello @event-horizon, I read very carefully and I was surprised to find so many points in common with my own country: Exuberant beauty, gentle and kind people. Corrupt and impoverishing policy of the nation.

However, like you, I share the love for my country.
I hope that all those good wishes you have can come true and soon Pakistan will be as beautiful in all aspects as its natural beauty.

Thanks for sharing, I liked reading you.

 2 years ago 

I read a few Venezuelan posts as well and was surprised to know that we have almost similar issues. I thought such issues are with my country only but Venezuela seems to be in the same boat.

I pray that both countries come out of these hard times and move toward the road to prosperity.

I am glad that you liked this post. Thank you for your visit.

Such an amazing post. Loved the content. @event-horizon

You have explained Pakistan in great depth. Your love for your PAKISTAN seems in your words. You have shown the beauty of PAKISTAN. And the most important thing is the freedom of women . And the other thing is that the cleanliness of our country. These both are very important

Second thing is that I love your presentation. I always learnt from your post. Because you show another idea on your post about presentation. So I always appreciate your work.

PAKISTAN is our country. We lover PAKISTAN. Best of luck for this contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your comment. I believe these are all important issues that need to be resolved now.

Yes you are right

 2 years ago 

With the description you have given about your country Parkistan, I can understand it's a place one should visit. With its beauty, cultural values and hospitality of the citizens, it's a place one can feel free and enjoy.

However, the problems you have mentioned are not just peculiar to your country. It's something that can be taken care of over time.

Your country is not bad at all and I can see you love your country. Don't worry my entry is loading and you will like to read about it not so? Let's see how it goes. I wish you success

 2 years ago 

Pakistan is indeed beautiful and rich in culture. You would definitely love it if you ever get a chance to visit.

There are many socio-economic problems but I feel media exaggerates everything and portrays a bad image of Pakistan. I don't deny the issues we have, but those don't define our people and our nation.

Like you said, I hope those issues resolve over time. It might take another era but things should improve even if gradually.

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