An Ultimate Guide to Write a Quality Post by @event-horizon

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Greetings to all friends!

I am back with some more tips that will help build up your account on Steemit. I hope you will find them useful.

When I check posts in my community, I find few plagiarised posts daily by newcomers, mainly. Maybe because they are not guided properly. I request you all when you invite someone here, do tell them about the no-plagiarism policy. I am sure everyone has something interesting to write about. There's no need to copy others work.

So, newcomers are often clueless about what to post and what not to or they strive for quality. In this struggle of posting prime-quality content, some start posting plagiarized or paraphrased content. They think they can post anything that they find on Internet. If you are in that category, let me tell you, you are on the absolutely wrong track. Steemit is not an examination hall where you have to write dull academic or copied posts. Instead, Steemit is a community, where originality is the key. Be yourself in your writings. Everything you put up here has to come from you. That is the first rule of posting on this platform.

I will now address some of the major issues that newcomers face.

How to think of a topic?

If you are new and clueless, there are always contests, to begin with. My suggestion would be to start participating in contests. In this way, you will learn to follow rules and you will get to be more creative. You get exposure and know many people. Then slowly you can start thinking of your own topics. Ideas will come more easily to your mind by that time. Whenever, an idea comes, write it down at once. It will help later.

Consider your readers while selecting a topic. Whatever you decide, think about what value it is adding to the platform. It means your post should be beneficial or at least interesting to read.

There are so many communities here. I am sure there is one for you. If you are a foodie, there is steemit-foods. If you are a woman and love makeup or DIYs, there is steemwomensclub. If you are into photography or art, there are communities for that.

If you still don't find anything for yourself, you can still post in Steemit Nursery or make a community of your own.

How to make a good post in less time?

Generally, people have 9-5 jobs or are full-time parents or have other responsibilities that don't allow them to spend as much time here as they want. I myself am a parent of two little boys so I am always on my toes at home. I would like to share few tips that help me manage my time more efficiently and productively.

1- Make a template
You should have a template for each type od post. Decide what you want to write in the beginning and in the end. It will take less time to work on the layout when you are short on time.

2- Make Notes
Whenever you get ideas for a post, immediately note down the points. This way when you are actually writing, you will not forget anything. I usually get ideas when I'm in the middle of something. I pick up my phone and type it in here or simply write on paper. There are always papers and pens lying around my house for emergency situations like these. :p

3- Go with the Flow
When I get ideas in my mind, I start writing with the flow of what my brain tells me. I don't stop to edit anything or apply markdowns. I just keep typing until I have poured down everything that was on my mind. When I am done writing then I proofread the post and make necessary editions and apply markdowns. In the end, I add pictures and decide the title of the post. Trust me, this saves a lot of time.

4- Grammarly to the rescue
The tool that saves my time is Grammarly. I have downloaded its extension in my browser. It automatically corrects all my spelling mistakes and guides me with the right punctuations. I am using the free version but the premium version allows you to have help with grammatical errors and sentence structure too. This tool saves a lot of time needed for proofreading.

How to write an interesting post?

1- Get in your readers' shoes
When I write something, I take a break. Then with a refreshed mind, I start reading my post from a third-person point of view. I analyze my own post and only then I am able to find flaws in the post structure and make meaningful alterations.

2- Don't be boring, Engage your readers
Having the habit of checking my posts from a readers' point of view, I have learned that overly academic posts are boring. Personally, I have the tendency to leave them midway. To make them interesting, I try to be original and add personal experiences. For instance, this post could have been extremely boring if I had just plainly written all the points but I have tried to add my experiences.
This technique helps to involve and engage readers.

3- Add Subheadings or highlight keywords
This is a great way to attract readers. When I open someone's post, I try to scan keywords, subheadings, or anything through which I can get a basic idea about the post. If I find them interesting then I read the post more intently. I think my readers would want the same, so I add subheadings where necessary.

$100 tip: When writing something, don't think of rewards. Write with all your heart and focus only on the content. Trust me, you will do great.

I hope you found some valuable tips in this post.
Happy Steeming!
Best Regards,


Well said. Enjoy what you're doing. I have a mantra of:

Read more than you upvote, upvote more than you comment, comment more than you post.

Do this, and you'll find a good home here.

 3 years ago 

Totally agree!

P. S. You are one of my favorite authors here because you have a unique writing style.

Ha ha. Like a "unique" hair cut? Or a "unique" dress sense?

 3 years ago 

Haha, that's difficult. Unique in a good way. But the essence is the same.

I'm sure it's a good thing 😆

Very useful guide👍

 3 years ago 

I am glad you found it useful.

 3 years ago 

thankyou this helps alot

 3 years ago 

Pleased to know that.

 2 years ago 

Your post is a pure gem for newbie and thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge it will help a lot!

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