A Dreadful Night and A Bustling Day

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Do you wait for weekends? I for one dread those. Gone are the days when Saturday and Sundays were fun. Now I have all the domestic chores piled up for weekend.

So much so, my domestic help is at leave, and I am highly dependent on her in some chores that require physical exertion.

This reminds me of the dreadful night of 27th August...

At midnight, we were told that flash flood is expected in about two hours as few miles away from my place, a headworks collapsed. Major parts of the country were already badly affected and now it was our turn.

The news came as a shock. I never thought that I would have to deal with a natural calamity. The thought of my home in waters gave me chills down the spine. A small ray of hope was that we don't live on the ground floor. But what about the ones living below us?


Picture sent by a friend of neighboring city Nowshehra

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I walked towards the window 2-3 times during the night to see if water was coming. I felt I was losing my mind and to top it all I am aquaphobic. I can't even bear half foot deep water.

With the morning prayers, an aerial inspection was done of the area, and we were told that fortunately water just missed us by 2km.


After effects of flood in sismandi

When my helping lady came that day, she looked miserable. Her home is 4km away in a small town called sismandi which was submerged in water. Teary-eyed, she told me that she can't even see the door of her home. It's all in water. She was heartbroken because her daughter's wedding is due in two months, and she was keeping all the hard-earned wedding gifts/dowry in her home.

I felt so bad for her and for all the people who are in suffering.

Coming back to my day... husband was home, so it was his turn to prepare breakfast while I helped the kids in freshening up. After enjoying a delicious breakfast, it was time for laundry.


Washing toys

I had been ignoring it for the whole week but neglecting it more would only cause me more trouble. So, I turned on the first load which consisted of all the stuffed toys of kids. My toddler puts them in mouth, so I try to wash them frequently.


Making toy box

While the load was on, my son dragged me to his room and handed over a cardboard box to me. He wanted me to make a toy box for him. It was nothing complicated, he just wanted me to wrap a sheet around the box. Therefore, I sat down to help him.


Mounting Shelves

Meanwhile, husband was mounting some shelves in the kitchen. We rearranged the kitchen a bit due to which there was less counter space. We had some old shelves in the store, so we thought to install those.

Laundry, shelves, toy box.... so much was going on at the same time.

I finished the toy box and put the new load in washing machine and started preparing for lunch. Today's menu was mutton payee. I put everything in the pressure cooker and turned it on. It was time to relax, no way! I had to clean my bedroom too and the mess here and there because kids keep littering around.

I was dead tired after cleaning up. Lunch was ready by then and laundry was completed too.

I hurriedly came back to bedroom after winding up everything, turned on my laptop and started working on Steemit. I planned to sit through the evening as a lot of tasks were pending.

Couple of hours later.... "dozed off on the spot".

25% of the rewards of this post will go to @pak-charity with the intention of helping the poor flood victims of Pakistan.

 2 years ago 

اللہ تعالیٰ کا بہت شکر ہے کہ آپ کا گھر سیلاب کی زد میں نہیں آیا؟ اور اپنی آنکھوں کے سامنے اپنے گھر کو گرتا ہوا میرے رب یہ کسی کو نہ دکھائے اس افسوسناک پہلو کو میں نے کئی بار اپنی آنکھوں سے دیکھا ہے کیونکہ ہمارا گاؤں دریائے سندھ سے تقریباً دو کلومیٹر کے فاصلے پر واقع تھا اور جب بھی سیلاب آتا تھا تو سب سے پہلے ہمارے گھر گرتے تھے اور ہم بہت مشکل سے صرف اپنی جان اور جانور بچا پاتے باقی کا سامان وہیں رہ جاتا اور تقریباً ہر چیز خراب ہو جاتی بہت زیادہ نقصان پہنچتا اور میں بچپن سے یہی دیکھ رہا ہوں۔ اللہ تعالیٰ تمام سیلاب زدگان کی مدد فرمائے آمین

 2 years ago 

مجھے افسوس ہے کہ آپ کو کئی بار سیلاب کا سامنا کرنا پڑا اور اس کے نقصانات اٹھانے پڑے۔ امید ہے آپ اب کسی محفوظ جگہ پر رہتے ہوں گے

 2 years ago 

I can understand how anxious you must've felt that night because we felt the same way. Even though we have moved to Peshawar now, all of our stuff was packed up in the garage in Risalpur. From my daughter's toys to my furniture, literally each and everything was in there and that night I thought we were going to loose everything to the flood.

Allah ka shukar that didn't happen but it was heartbreaking to know how people living just a few miles away from there were severely affected by the flood. </3

 2 years ago (edited)

Natural disasters are really terrible situation to deal with them while you are living in ground floor and have lavish lifestyle. I live in 3rd floor and it's really tough for me to come and up with kids. I really wish to settle in ground floor. But after seeing the situation of ground floor in flood scenario it's prefer to stay on already living style. But in Sindh and Blochistan all the dreamers homes are completely destroyed due to flood. It's really sad for them. May Allah save all of us from natural disasters Ameen.

 2 years ago 

Respected Mentor @event-horizon
we all are with the flood affected community with praying that Allah Almighty always save you and all . It is your courage that you make a toy for your son in that critical situation to handle with courage.

 2 years ago 

We should be Thankful to Allah Almighty for everything. And Alhamdulillah that your house is still far away from the flood. May Allah pak save you and your town from the Flood. Ameen.
Although flood is taking away everything we should keep remember those people who are suffering from this natural disaster.

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, we are safe. May Allah ease out things for the affected.

 2 years ago 

Gone are the days when saturdays and Sundays were fun, the line hits! Saturday is still somehow endurable but not sunday! It's always such a bustling and noisy day at my place.

All thanks to Allah who's keeping us safe from these disastrous flooding situations.

 2 years ago 

Sundays are always spent dreading Mondays. Haha

 2 years ago 

It is a very difficult and difficult time when a person sees the house built by his own hands meeting in the soil.
In this difficult time, we should help them regardless of race and color, and encourage them so that they can face this difficult time and be red-handed.

 2 years ago 

Indeed, can't imagine the helplessness of the people.

 2 years ago 
  • Flood is a natural calamity. Allah has protected you from flood, it is your good fortune. Otherwise, this time the flood that has come in the four provinces of our country has caused destruction. Even after hearing the name of flood, I get scared. God knows, the scene of the Day of Judgment will be upon them who are ahead of the flood. We have to help the flood affected people because this is a very difficult time for them and for us it is also a testing moment to see what we can do for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
  • Your whole day was spent in housework today. Stay busy in housework. I love doing housework
 2 years ago 

This time, flood did manage to scare me as well.

I don't love housework every day. Haha

 2 years ago 
  • May Allah keep you in His care.
  • A person's health is very good by doing housework, sister😂😂😂
 2 years ago 

My health gets down. 🤣

I am very glad to read your post that you have kept me away from this calamity otherwise many people were displaced from their homes due to this flood today and lost their belongings. I felt very sorry for the woman whose daughter. was married and their house is under the flood may ALLAH help them and may ALLAH protect you and give us all the courage to help the flood victims.
 2 years ago 

Can we also donate to @pak-charity for helping flood victim?are you guys planning to do something for them?

 2 years ago 

Yes, I am collecting donations for the victims. I have three cases of badly effected families. If you want to help, then start setting beneficiary to @pak-charity.

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