Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see!|| 20% to pak-charity||by @ebunoluwani

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)
Greetings Steemians

Trust our Steemit challenge entry is coming along well?
I welcome us all to this week three of this Engagement challenge. Truth be told it has been a marathon for the past two weeks for Steemians engaging in this contest. I understand how tasking it must be which is why I wish us all good success in all our entries.
Welcome to my entry.


@Steemit-pak has introduced this new contest which involves to defending two statement of our choice and one compulsory statement from the five presented before us. It is due to this cause that I @ebunoluwani has selected

  1. A woman's place is in the kitchen
  2. Punishment never has a good result
  3. Upvotes are not guaranteed by SC
    I shall subsequently discuss this below, I implore us all to join me in the light of this.


A woman’s place is in the Kitchen

A woman’s place is in the Kitchen

A many times or most times this statement would have been pull down by the feminists or critics of gender inequality. I understand that this statement sounds as Biased as it can be, however that statement is a statement of fact which I shall be defending below

  • Cooking is one of the powress or duties mostly done by women. Although some men cook yes! but women own the kitchen.
  • One of the sole responsibilities of a woman is to feed her family. She does that in the kitchen by chopping, dicing, frying, boiling, steaming, baking, and all sorts, to provide a good meal for her family. So, yes it is right to say that the woman's place is in the kitchen.
  • A woman's place in the kitchen can also be interpreted as this, THE KITCHEN IS A WOMAN’S OFFICE The four walls of the kitchen is where cooking is done. The end result of cooking is FOOD.
  • Lastly, Know this, that a woman’s place in the kitchen does not confine her to just the art of cooking alone for the rest of her life. It means that she can own two offices, her kitchen where her family looks for food, and her Career.

I hope we now understand that people view things differently. All these statements could have been viewed differently by other individuals however, it is paramount to keep in mind that understanding is what matters. Most Women view this statement as a form of insult to say that they are confined in the kitchen but it could be a form of compliment to say in matters of the art of cooking no other gender can take the place of a woman in the kitchen.


Punishment never has a good result

Punishment is a penalty for wrongdoings. I shall defend this statement from a Parent/Child Point of View. The effect of Punishment is to bring about a change!!! Change cannot be effected if correction is not made.
Why has punishment never yielded a good result?

  • For every Parent that punishes a child wrongly that punishment will not yield good results.
  • The result of punishment is to bring about a change. If a parent hit a child to the point of leaving a mark on that child that becomes an ABUSE!
  • The punishment that involves the use of some dangerous equipment to effect change will not effect any change. It will further damage that child mentally
  • Starving a child as a form of punishment for steal will make not effect any change.
  • Correction not Punishment is the only thing that can effect change.
  • Punishment hardens the mind of the child or an offender. Especially is the punishment is severe than the capacity which the child or the offender can bare.
    Severe Punishment can cause more damage such as emotional trauma or depression. Correction is that best way to effect change.


Upvotes are not guaranteed _ SC01

I feel like every new Steemian does not know that votes are not guaranteed because they have not grown to this level of understanding yet when they join the platform, so when they post for a couple of weeks and do not get the expected huge votes like they are seeing on another account that has been on steemit for life 2 years, they get tired and inactive. This is because they have not grown to that level of patient maturity and understanding of the Platforms.
Votes are not guaranteed
I'll tell you

  • Voting power is what is used to upvote a post. Just like us Steemcurators which are the ones in charge of upvoting posts also has used steempower for this. Now steemit is a huge platform and they cannot possibly vote for every post.
  • Secondly, if you follow every rule of the steemit platform you still might not get voted on all your post. Steemcurators cannot use all the voting power they have on you and leave the rest of the community because in as much as your trying to attract their attention other are trying too. So you might get lucky or they might.

Many a times community MODS have uploaded post to tell us to be active and to follow rules but even after doing that we might not get our desired upvote. But the advantage of being consistent is that when any Steemcurator visits your account if there is no active post you will forfeit that vote.


This contest has given us the chance to increase our critical thinking. It has also enabled us to develop our thinking faculty. I have been able to view all the above statement in another light and to constructively draw out conclusions from them.
Thank you very much for reading

All images were created on canva


 2 years ago (edited)

You are true friend Voting power is a centralized opportunity that the person having the power has the full authority on what to vote and whom to vote. So votes are not guaranteed.


Thank you for your prompt comment.

Hola amigo excelente publicación, es cierto la cocina es de las mujeres así estemos trabajando terminamos en la cocina al final del día.

Y hay maneras de castigar si golpear a un niño, hay castigos que al final ellos lo ven bien , pero los maltratos físicos , dejarlos sin comida para mi no es castigo. A mis hijos cuando estaban jóvenes el peor castigo era quitarles el celular y así se portaban mejor.

Los votos hay que ganarlos y esperar nuestro tiempo y mientras más publicamos más nos encontramos al curador, estás en lo cierto.

Saludos y exitos

Hola @mireyalongart

I am super excited to be reading your comment. I love excellent feedbacks it shows how much of my message you got.

Muchas Gracias por leer

 2 years ago 

Umh… I cannot help to wonder.. if a womans place is in the kitchen how would the men have been able to enter the cooking challenges?
For sure not in my kitchen! 😜

Your sense of humour is strikingly good.
I'm sure they have plenty of statement to support ma.

Thank you for visiting and for your quality comment too.

 2 years ago 

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it 😊

 2 years ago 


Thank you for taking part.

 2 years ago 

One of the sole responsibilities of a woman is to feed her family. She does that in the kitchen by chopping, dicing, frying, boiling, steaming, baking, and all sorts, to provide a good meal for her family.

I believed societies are governed by law and I know there is no law that says a woman’s sole responsibility is in the kitchen.

What about an independent woman, does her responsibility also lies in the kitchen??🤔🤔

If a man cooks will it not still feed the family??🤔🤔

I am just being inquisitive to learn, hope is not offensive.

Moving on
An independent woman still has to cook and feed. She doesn't have a family to feed yet but she has herself to feed and she owes it to herself to know how to make a good meal for herself.

And if a man cooks it will also feed the family yes!

They're helping plenty.

However how many men cook in comparison to women do a background check of every one or families that you know.

The Art of Cooking is in the hand of this gender. Men are welcome to join the party just like we have women doing what men can do too.

 2 years ago 

My point is women should not be subjected to the kitchen. Everyone, whether man or woman can go to the kitchen and do the cooking. Degrading women’s position in the society to the kitchen only make aggressive and abusive men to further suppress women. My point of view!! Though

I understand your point of view.

But Men's oppression against women is not because of her cooking or her place in the kitchen.
Even if the woman is known and very successful they will still oppress or hit her if they want to.

It is Men that hit or Oppress women that have a very big problem.

I have a career that I'm pursuing and I love cooking and being in the kitchen. I am a manager, I can handle two offices... My kitchen and my career.

Anyone that thinks less of me... Is delusional.
I don't think less of myself.

More so our society is growing past the primitive past where a woman is relegated.

Not at all.
I love engagement

I hope we now understand that people view things differently. All these statements could have been viewed differently by other individuals however, it is paramount to keep in mind that understanding is what matters. Most Women view this statement as a form of insult to say that they are confined in the kitchen but it could be a form of compliment to say in matters of the art of cooking no other gender can take the place of a woman in the kitchen.

Reading this statement shows that “A woman's place is in the kitchen” did not confine her to the kitchen alone. It didn't not had the clause “only” or the phrase “for the rest of her life”

Women can multitask. She owns the kitchen of the above highlted reason. And she is absolutely free to pursue her career as well.

I quite agree with you where you said correction and not punishment is more important, this is very true, nice write up !

Hiii @feyol55
This is the first I'm meeting you, nice to meet you.
Thank you very much for your engagement.

This is a nice post you have written @ebunoluwani.

It is very true that as a woman your place is in the kitchen, not as a degrading remark, but as something special to women knowing that they can hold their own in the kitchen while men are on the street hustling.

Also, I agree with you that corrections not punishment is what is needed to help change a child who has done wrong. However, punishments are only done for extreme cases.

However, punishments are only done for extreme cases.

True though but the kind of punishment also depends. One has to be very careful.

Thank you very much @janeo42

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