Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || by @chant

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

3ED847EA-E127-44F1-8616-4CECABBAF64C.jpegImage taken from the challenge post edited on Pixelcut

Hello my esteem friends in the Steem Pakistan community, accept greetings from Cameroon and I will use this opportunity to appreciate the work done so far by admins of this community with regards to the challenge. I will be defending the statements “a woman’s place is in the kitchen, Money is more important than love” and the famous steemit quote used as a rule in most contests “Votes are not guaranteed” as indicated with arrows on the image above.

“A woman's place is in the kitchen.”

5E5AA945-56D5-4753-8613-07546DB55991.jpeg Is my place subjected only on the fireside cooking🤔🤔🤔 because I’m a Woman??

I will be defending this statement based on two perspectives: the African perspective and the global perspective.

Within the African context, this statement was used during pre-colonial Africa where men were seen as powerful and women “weak” based on the activities men and women were permitted to do. For instance men had to trek several kilometres to trade goods and services while women because were described as “weak” had to stay at home, cook for their kids and husbands, wash dresses etc.

Also, African cultures promote more patriarchal values which somehow leads to masculinities practices that turn to subject women to the kitchen. For instance, in the family especially within royal families, the men have supremacy over women in terms of taking decisions, in terms of managing family resources and all the woman has to do is cook food for the men. Men are believed to exhaust more energy in doing hard work.

Furthermore, during pre-colonial era and even during the colonial era in Africa, there existed no modern tools to facilitate road construction, building etc. Most of these hard tasks were done by men because they believed men were braved and powerful to perform the tasks. Women were to stay at home to cook food and feed the men and kids.

This phrase “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” was therefore inherited from the pre-colonial and colonial society and till date some societies especially in Cameroon still hold to this statement.

Looking at the statement in a global context, we will realised that a lot of things have changed especially with the introduction of human rights. A particular gender should not be subjected to a particular role in the society because we all are human beings born with inalienable rights.

In those pre-colonial days, it was not an issue because they were not educated. Nowadays, women know exactly what to do, when to do a particular task, how to do it well. Human rights are universal, meaning that they apply everywhere in the world.

CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of ALL forms of Discrimination Against Women) was adopted in 1979. Source

Was implemented due to degrading statements as such that women’s position in the society is tied to taking care of the home.

The implementation of CEDAW law was a critical step to standardise women’s rights as it emphasises on all forms of violence or discrimination against women. Subjecting women to the kitchen is an abuse as some men who are believed to be most perpetrators of violence against women use it to abuse women. I know of a case I once handled where the man tortured the wife to death because she insisted on going back to school. The man told her that she belongs only to the kitchen and nothing else.

Gone are those days when women were seen as weak because today, I see more women taking the lead be it presidents, in the army, in sports etc. We have seen of recent in Ukraine women braving the odds and leading the frontline to defend their country. So, I am 💯 against the statement “women’s place is in the kitchen”.

Money is more important than love.

To me this statement depends on the choice of an individual. Some persons will go for money because it is important but others will say love conquers all. Yes of course love conquers all when money has compliment to buy your needs.

F67A3B29-8560-4330-9423-FFB31F12FF74.jpeg Source

When we look critically we will see that both compliment each other. Love cannot exist without money in as much as money cannot buy happiness. Love can bring in happiness and then money compliment it to make both live a happy life.

Money and love have their different values or meanings attached to our lives. As an individual, if you do not have love, then you will not have any reason to live in the first place , and without money, you cannot live.

We need money to purchase basic needs, if not we might end up die of stress. Remember stress is inherently a cause for lack of money. When you have money, you will be able to pay bills, take medical care seriously and not suffer from NCDs (Non Communicable Diseases).

Therefore, one cannot have inner peace by only acquiring money without love. Inner peace comes when both money and love are playing a role in your life.

Some school of thought will say “money is the root to all evil…”, I will say the root of all evil is tied to poverty. Without money, one cannot eat love, pay bills with love, cloth yourself with love. We need money to pay the bills, cloth ourselves, feed and we need love to live happy life.


I think this came up when most users were constantly tagging steemit team, country representatives, and any other user they feel has huge SP to upvote their content.

It was becoming nerving especially when you sign into your account and see huge number of notifications all tagging on unrelated content. If it was nerving to me as an individual, then I can imagine the steemit team if all the users tag them.

First, I will say “votes are not guaranteed” was implanted by steemit team especially with regards to steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 accounts. Many users especially newbies have misconception that steemit is a “get rich quick” site where they can write any thing and get rewarded. So, when they post and have no upvotes, they began looking for users or accounts with huge SP that can curate their content. They believe that tagging you or a particular account, will attract votes.

My dear steemians, especially our newbies, votes on steemit are not guaranteed because it is a Decentralised platform. Votes are distributed in a Decentralised manner.

However, since this statement was introduced and if my memory has not failed me, it was said if you tag steemcurator01 or steemcurator02, your content will not be curated. It baffles me that I see some particular users still tag these two accounts and receive votes. Does it mean that this statement does not apply to some particular users??

I believe newbies tag steemcurator01 and steemcurator02 because they see some old steemians tagging these accounts and having huge upvotes.

Notwithstanding, whether newbie or old steemians, the bottom line is to have passion for the platform, be consistent in posting, withdraw less and power up more of your earnings, commenting and upvoting other users content. By doing this, you get a larger audience which will then support you as well to grow. If your passion is to get rich on this platform then I’m sorry to say you have misplaced priorities. Steemit is not a platform for those who want to get rich soon.

Respecting rules, posting consistently, commenting on other users content and equally curating no matter the value, all is a way for you to succeed on steemit. But always have it on the back of your mind that “votes are not fully guaranteed”.


In sum, women should not be subjected to a particular chores because we all have rights to be protected. If you look at the CEDAW law, it says ALL forms of discrimination irrespective of gender, religion, ethnic groups etc. The kitchen belongs to whoever wants to take the responsibility to feed the home at a particular moment.

Money and love are vital in our lives because each of them has its own values attached to it. We will all have no reason to live if there is no money and love.

As a steemit user, first have passion for everything you do on the steemit platform, engaged on others content by upvoting and commenting, and lastly be consistent in posting. The reward you will receive is attaching value to your consistency, passion and engagement on the platform.

 2 years ago 

Your entry in this contest is one in a million. Women place is in the kitchen depends on the era and the family. And the way you have explained it shows that you have that statement at your finger tips. Come to think of it, as Africans, women believe in preparing good and delicious meals for the family even though other members can from time to time cook. But it doesn't stop women from working to support the family.

Money and love are complimentary, I agree. But love conquers when all money is gone, only love can remain to help work for the money again.

I don't want to talk about the last statement because it is a well established fact. I wish you success in your entry

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading through my entry post and I will say when it comes to women’s rights, I defend it at ease because I once suffered subjection from my family because I was a woman. They are a lot of women out there still suffering from society subjecting them to a particular role in the society. Women and men all have inalienable rights. Meaning they were both born with God given rights as humans which cannot be taken away from them.

I appreciate your support, once more thank you✌️✌️

Before i begin properly, i'd like to applaud the usage of your original photo for the first defense. It shows that you practice what you preach!

I will be defending this statement based on two perspectives: the African perspective and the global perspective.

The African way🙌🏻

Many users especially newbies have misconception that steemit is a “get rich quick” site

I love this statement.
You explained so well as you defended the 3 major statements. Although the second statement was a little more of a neutral debate, i love the way the last paragraph swayed a little more to support the statement👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

 2 years ago 

🌚🌚🌚Thanks for your comment and I am happy you found my entry worth reading.

The statement votes are not guaranteed is really an interesting point in steemit.
To stay on steemit is really a latter of passion because I know some people who did not receive support from sc01 and 02 since they joined the platform for a very long period of time. Imagine you spend half a day thinking on what to write until you finally do and you get no support 😅 not only on one post but on all your posts. If course some one will be discouraged if that happens to him. Yet you still continue because you find it fun to share your experiences and knowledge. Oops I went talking if something I was not to originally.

Pardon my disorganized way of commenting but I go to what captured my intention first.
For the fact that money is more important than love I find it rather unfortunate that people even think of it for if God had that thought, humanity won't exist for sure. Yes you need money to do everything. But what you forgot is you can have everything you wish on this earth including money. Maybe the type of money you want is so huge that what you already have is so small for you. In fact we just live based on our standard.
Thank you for your wonderful post @chant

 2 years ago (edited)

Exactly my dear if there is no passion for the platform, then you will not survive the taste of time on the platform. At times you post, respect all rules but at the end no votes.

Thanks for your support.

At times you post, respect all rules but at the end no votes...

Very correct, but we continue because we have newbies that we are taking care of. So our passion guide us.

You are welcome ma'am

 2 years ago (edited)

Hi, the contest requires you to write in defense (pro) to all the statements regardless of your personal opinion. You did very well in the last two but you wrote against the first one.

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 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the review but I thought the challenge asked us to think critically? There was no emphasis that we should limit our opinions only to “pro” and not against. I am just a critical thinker ma’am.

You have taken time to defend the statements you chose. Your choice of words and opinion is commendable. Woman's place is no more in the kitchen. Their responsibilities are more than cooking... Women too can contribute to the society.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading through my post.

These are strong points made by you. Right from onset, i do not side the statement about women permenent place in kitchen.

Kitchen is for both genders. I learned this from my father. He cooked as well irrespective of wether my mum is available or not and he never stress this point of women place in the kitchen before.

I think its a wrong view.

As for love over money, i was about asking what your stand is.., but in your conclusion you made it clear that this two things works in pari passu. You are right though.

However, in my own opinion, i'll say that real love works much better when money is not there...

I appreciate those two points.

 2 years ago 

Globalisation has made it in a way that we all have as duty to protect one another irrespective of our gender.

I’m not saying real love cannot work but it will only work if you can afford good life. Having money to compliment things does not mean money is important than love. However too much love for money, can be termed evil.

Thanks for going through my entry post.

You are welcome.

 2 years ago 

Well done on your post! I love the way you have explained the African and the global view. You have defended your viewpoint which I applaud you for.
As a female I am glad I have you on my side.
Keep on writing!

 2 years ago 

😂😂😂😂 I am just being a critical thinker and I am happy you found my work worth reading.

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