Weekly Engagement Topic Contest Week #6 - About my Future by chaalee

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Hello everyone and happy new year to you all. I am very very Happy to be a participant of this wonderful Contest.
Talking about our future, not everyone can say he/she has a plan for their future. But these are things that we have to be conscious about.

We are supposed to start building our future now. For a firm and better life tomorrow, the foundation has to start today. So with this contest, we will be able to share what we have for ourselves in future, the plans we have set in our minds to enable us make good future.

Before we go into my post, let's take a glance through my table of contents.


1.What I want to become.
2.How I want to achieve this.
3.Have i done something about my future?
4.Am I financially stable for my future?
5.What I do right now.
6.Will i help others to achieve that goals too?
7.How I will help others about their future.
8.Where can I achieve my goals?
9.Will my family support the thinking i have for my future?
10.Expected time to reach the goal and successful future.

1. What I want to become.

I want to be an army, because I want o defend my people. Military has longed been in my mind and I'm still working on it. Besides being a military officer, I will also have some couple of businesses controlled by me. I love been an entrepreneur so I that of handling some businesses won't be a bad idea.

#2. How I want to achieve this.
For now, I'm a university student. This has also been more than a step towards achieving my dreams. I also have some military officers that could help me through it, couple with the fact that I live in a military barracks.
What drives people towards what they do in life is love and passion, talents and creativities. I love this and my passion for it is overwhelming.

IMG_7062 copy.jpg
This is me.

3. Have i done something about my future?

Yes, I've done a lot of things. I have been told on what to do in other to keep myself healthy untill the day I finally join the army.
I have made a lot of sacrifices with the types of food I eat, I now have a regular check-up just to ensure I'm healthy.
Becoming a military is that easy in this country, Nigeria. So I have put everything in place in order to increase my chances of achieving my dreams.

4. Am I financially stable for my future?

Yeah. After all becoming an army personnel doesn't require much money from you the government takes care of everything. So, financially, my future isn't a problem.

5. What I do right now.

For now, I'm a student, trying to obtain my certificate before I could go for my military dreams.

6.Will i help others to achieve that goals too?

Yes I will. I've seen a lot of military officers helping both recruited soldiers and officers get the work. I know within me that doing the same wouldn't be a problem. So if I'm in the position to help other people join the military, I will gladly do it.

7. How I will help others about their future.

Firstly, to become a military personnel, whether recruited soldier or an officer, there's a feeding routine that you are meant to follow. Drinking much alcohol also may reduce your chances of getting the job. Having high-level of sugar in your system is also a bad thing.
So all these things are something that should be fellowed strickly.

And if the person has no interest in military, then all I have to do is to motivate the person their future. Keeping your head straight towards achieving greatness in life is good, with complete determine and dedicated hardwork, both for the military and non-military ones.

8. Where can I achieve my goals?

Anywhere in my country. Achieving my goals as a military personnel isn't a big deal. I just have to do it right and make it. That's all.

9. Will my family support the thinking i have for my future?

Oh yes... They are solidly in support of it. My dream is for myself alone, but for my family, my late Dad and my country. Every other person would support me.

10. Expected time to reach the goal and successful future.

Dive years from now. I have to finish my school first, which is the next three years. Apply for the work the year after am through with school, then wait for enrollment the following year, making it a whole five years.

11. Conclusion

I have successfully written all that should be written. Becoming a military officer someday has always been my long term dreams and I'm not just sitting, I'm working towards it.

To every other person out there, chase your dreams, be self motivated and learn from all your mistakes. With hard work and determination, you can achieve your dreams.

Thanks to the Admins and moderators and to the executive board of this great platform for setting and supporting such a great Contest.

Thanks for reading my entry.

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