Betterlife - The Diary Game - April 17 , 2021 A VISIT TO UNIVERSITY

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


Today was a long and intresting day.
It was intresting for me so im sure that you will also be pleased to read this diary as this diary contains alot of different things.
My college had arranged and educational trip today for the students.
The trip included a visit to a well known Salim Habib University formerly known as Barret hodgson University.
It is a good university although it is new but still it has gained alot of popularity because of their educational and co-currical activities.
It was my first time visiting a university so i was very much excited.
Visits like these are difficult in ramadan but my excitement was so high that it didn't matter at all.
I know from the beginning that it is going to be tiring and hectic day but these kinda experiences are once in a lifetime.
We had to reach college on time without bags.
We reached quite early and waited for all the students to come.
Marked our attendance and soon got into the bus to leave our college.
The university is extremely far and that is the only negative point about that because it takes alot of time to reach there.
It took us around 45 minutes to reach there and during that time i played online game with my friend so the time was passed easily.
Soon we reached the university and i was astonished to see it because it was beyond my imagination and my excitement increased more and I couldn't wait for the visit to start.

Before the visit started we were seated in an auditorium and the speaker who was faculty member of the university guided us about everything the university offers to students.
They also discussed about fields and their respective scope and importance.
Im a medical student and i realized that the university's main focus was towards engineering but soon i was proved wrong when they disscussed some medical related fields and i was impressed alot.
The best thing was that for every field they had certain faculty member of the same field so that they can explain in better words and clear the doubts of children.
Firstly they gave us a virtual tour of the university then we left the auditorium and were gathered in a ground where our pictures were captured.
Now it was time for the final show



Our tour started and the first place they took us was engineering lab.
Although it wasn't my field and not my intrest thing but still it was good to know how the things and machines work and what engineering specially mechanical engineering students study.
There were different instruments and machines which i dont have any knowledge about but the only thing that i had an idea about and which intrested me was a 3d printer.
I had seen that in many videos and experiments but it was my first time seeing it in reality.
Overall it was a fun experience of engineering lab.



The second lab was of my interest.
Not completely of my intrest as i am not very much fond of chemistry but it was fun seeing all the things we study in real life.
Being a biology student i have came to know about many organic compounds which are present in human body or are useful in many other cases but i haven't seen them in real life.
There were alot of bio related things and things we study.
Many students were also studying there so we didn't felt right to disturb them so we quitely visited the lab and left as soon as we could but i could see their work on blackboard.
They were studying about the chemical formulas of different medicines so it was fun to watch them create medicines we eat everyday.




Then we visited the library.
It wasn't allowed to record or take pictures inside so i dont have any picture to show you guys but the library was fantastic.
It consisted of two floors full of books.
Many students were also studying there so we didn't wanted to disturb them so we all left to our next destination which was the funniest experience



As it is the name of the lab the purpose was exactly same.
In this lab the students were taught basic measurements and basic first aid things.
As they are linked to a medical field so the students must learn all these things.
The funniest part was the mannequin lying down on which the students practice CPR and learn the ways to monitor different vital organs.
That was the lab that i had some knowledge about so i could see and understand the machines which were with the mannequin.
Thankfully no students were there so we got to spend alot of time there and the teacher there explained us everything about the lab.



The next lab was my favorite of all time.
It was anatomy lab and the lab of my intrest.
In the lab there were many different things.
There were bones and a whole skeleton.
Students of other groups were finding it funny but us the pre medical students saw it as an opportunity and tried to remember the names of bones.
There many different kind of sections of muscle and tissues which we had studied but couldn't properly understand hy visual so it was a great opportunity and a good experience for us specially pre medical students.
I was hoping to see cadavers there but i think there is no use of it so that's why it wasn't present but still there were alot of different things that we didn't wanted to leave but had to leave because we didn't wanted them to bothered by us.


It was a fun time there and a great experience for me to have of a university.
The staff there was extremely hospitable and guided us properly.
The students were also extremely humble to let us explore regardless of the fact that we were disturbing them

After the visit was over we went straight to the college.
Today i had decided to go to my friends house.
We had planned a small get together at my friend's house.
I asked my college friend to drop me to his home.
Although i was tired but still i played tabletennis with my friend as we were meeting after a long time.
Then for iftari we ordered pizza.
Overall my day was productive as well as hectic but all is worthy if you gain something and today i learned alot of different things which I wouldn't be able to know if never visited the university.


Here is my Achievement 1 post

Achievement 1

 3 years ago 

Please link achievement 1 post.


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