in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

What actually success meant??

All of us want results. We want to be productive and to feel good. Without ever stopping to ask one important question, we are chasing wealth, popularity, influence, education, relationships, and a hundred other things: what, actually, is success?

Definition of success:

Success (the inverse of failure) is the condition of actually achieving and accomplished a goal or objective. The achievement of desired dreams and expected goals implies being successful. In addition, success may be a certain social status that defines a successful individual who may have achieved fame for his satisfactory result as well. The dictionary defines success as the following: "achievement of wealth, prosperity and/or fame."


We might end up raising the incorrect ladder if we do not answer this question and follow someone else's version of success. We just get to the top to find that we've climbed the wrong mountain. We accomplish our targets only to find that they were the wrong ones. It is a tragedy from which few people are able to recover.

Let’s talk about the habits of successful people, and how successful people achieve great things by defining their own terms for success:

At age 40, Stan Lee finally achieved success with Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and X-Men comics.
At age 62, Kernel Sanders’ fried chicken business KFC finally succeeded.
At age 77, Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s president after spending 27 years in jail.>


Success defined by few Honorable personalities:

"To find and fully live your purpose in life, and to leave an enduring legacy of having made a difference in the world."

-Ron Cordes, founder of the Cordes Foundation

"Success is not having to describe what's been accomplished....others do it for you"

Deborah Hopkins, Chief Innovation Officer of Citibank

"I define success as living my true purpose and having a positive impact on the lives of people by uplifting them and inspiring them to think and act in ways that they may not have considered before."

Raj Sisodia, co-founder of Conscious Capitalism and professor at Babson College



It doesn't happen overnight to understand achievement on your terms. It takes time, and many brave actions, to uncover the deeper questions at the root of your journey to success.

You need to learn how to have faith in yourself.



This post is plagiarism-free.



Special mentions to;


A proud member of STEEMIT PAKISTAN

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#successandme #pakistan #betterlife #success #goals #achievements


You need to learn how to have faith in yourself.

You are right without faith we can't achieve our goals . Even we work hard ..

Thanks for sharing a well explained post about success .. 💓

 4 years ago 

You described success from everyone else's point of you and left behind yourself xD
Kidding :p
But one should not underestimate himself xD
You can also be one of those honorable personalities i am sure :p
So focus more on writing what you believe ad you said in your post too :p

You need to learn how to have faith in yourself

This looks the best among all :)

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