Weekly Engagement Week # 17 ENTRY BY@azizulhassan

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum everyone to all my friends and whoever is reading this post I hope that you are doing well and motivated I am also good thank you so much today I am taking part in this contest because I really like the idea of this contest it's about steemit  and this platform has early effect on my life so today I have a chance to  share that with you guys

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 the importance  steemit in my  social life

Well I am really introverted person I don't go out that much and since the beginning of 2020 we are our kind of that nobody goes out that much because the situation don't allow us to Hero with all the pentamix and everything to be honest my social life and it there was no social life I had no print peacock we had no one to talk to Since last six months I am very satisfied with my social life because of steemit  I have made so many Amazing Friends from all around the world I talked to them I discussed many topics with them and that helps me and all just because of steemit  so it's really important for me and my social life

 the importance of steemit in my economic life

 well since I have started working on this platform steemit  my economic situation  is really good I have stable myself and to be honest fulfill many of my dreams I had a dream that I thought I will once I have money and because of steemit  I could do that so there is a very huge importance of steemit  in my economic life because of this platform I was able to setup a dual monitor setup in a new PC  I have set up my whole to  studio  which I was planning to build since many years yes many years and steam it help me built that studio so the importance is very big I can't explain that in words

The importance of steemit in my creativity

 in the last few months I have learnt so many things because I take part in many contest in this platform and that required creativity like food I have met so many new dishes because I had to take part in the contest and I have started taking so many pictures of everything because I need  those pictures I will give you an example of the recent creative contest that I took part ine was colour palette contest which was quite nice and I had to be too creative for that Limit is playing any big role in my creativity 

Importance of  steemit i in positive living

  well it's really good flood formed because everyone is positive nobody is talking negative and nobody is trying to push you down you will get some really good comments and feedback on your work if there is some mistake they will tell you to fix it they won'  push you down that you can't do anything they will always support you and that brings a lot of positivity in your life you are motivated to do more and more work in the contest and all the topics are so amazing that everyone can take part in I am always feeling positive because I received a good feedback on my work if I make a diary for story of I am making contest post I always give a really good feedback and that bring a lot of positivity to myself in 6 months I have been working constantly and that is all because of the positivity around me and when I say them I mean everyone on this amazing platform

 importance of steemit in  learning

 well I have learnt a lot I've been so much knowledge because of this platform about so many things not just cryptocurrencies about life in general and also about cryptocurrencies I have attended so many lecture from the cripto Academy and that has being a very good source of learning for me since the last 2-3 months and I read many peoples post regarding different things if it is a food recipe  I have learnt many recipes from them and I have learnt many other things from other communities how to take pictures for example how to you do many things I have learn and that is why steemit  is very important for me in a very good source for me to gain knowledge

When should you invest in a currently

I will talk about my experience with the investment that I had before and now so I had some really bad experience with investment I have lost  e much capital and investment I will share that with you guys and I will share but current investments as well so let's begin

 when should you invest

 ok first of all the simple thing that everybody will tell you is that when the rate or price is down you should buy it and when the price is up you should sell it that is the simple and easy way of putting it 

YouTube search for a specific a currency which is under your budget always remember don't buy expensive currencies because in that case if the rate goes down you can lose all your capital you should always pick a currency which is under your budget and which is not more than $1 it's my experience you can shoes as if you like but that is what I have learnt in this few years so once you pick a currency you will have to do a little bit of research not a little bit a lot of research because it is about money and you are there for money so do you research

 thing that you have to find out first check the volatility rate of that specific currency if you talked about cryptocurrency then you can check that by going to website coinmarketcapYou will get all this information from there and then if you find it it a good investment  then you can go for it

When you should not invest in a currency

 I am made this mistake last year and I want you guys to be aware of it that when everybody is talking about something don't go for it in a heat of wave this happens when everybody is talking about something for example Bitcoin and everybody is saying invest in this its point  it is going high and most of the time that is not the case only the professional investment investor can deal with that because the big currencies has a lot of volatility because there big the volatility rate is big and that's why you should not  go for that

 thank you so much for reading this post and making a part of your day I'll see you in the next one





 3 years ago 

Good work, very well-done. Well explained the both parts.

thanks man means a lot

 3 years ago 

very well explained. good work.
And indeed steemit has made our lives better in many forms and you have discussed them in the right way.

Thank you so much mam
it feels really good when people appreciate your work
especially when it comes from a certified authors like you
#,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,

 3 years ago 

hehe there is nothing like that :p

come on you are a great writer if you are not why would they give you are certificate it means you are a great writer and I believe that trust me I never lie

I just try my best to write good thing and i am just a kid learn few words from movie and that's it if you see something good in my work then it means a lot

thank you so much ma'am

 3 years ago 

Very nicely explained in simple words. keep up the good work. Appreciated!

thank you so much for the comment means a lot

 3 years ago 

This post has been upvoted by the @steemit-pak official account

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