The Daily Diary Game| 15th -April-2021 | MY little sister birthday celebration

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello salam alaikum everyone I hope that you all are doing well and motivated today I will share and other day of my life in Shape of a  diary 


 let's start the dear diary

 so yesterday I told you guys that I went to my old college for some documents and it was closed so that told me to come tomorrow at morning well me being me e me  Ee today I woke up late as always it was eleven I am at morning but it was still that because the teachers will go by 12:00 p.m. so so I just had a few cup of I ate nothing with that usually I don't eat anything so after that I just went to the main road and I took a taxi and I straight went to the college leave it was open and the principal and   two teachers were there




 I met the principal and we talked for a while and he said that he won't give me the Documents that I want Well I tried to talk to him more but it was not ready so I said OK and I went to the market the market and college both are very close I would say that touch together I bought some chewing gum and if you drink and I decided that I will go home by walk in a taxi or in a car it will take you 20 minutes for every 25 minutes from my home to reach there and by walk it will take about 45 to 50 minutes but I thought tomorrow is Amazon starting to I won't be able to do this for a while and I just wanted to test myself and I started walking




 so as I said yesterday that the route is through a graveyard well I felt a little bit cat in graveyard but luckily there were people and I just started walking fast so that I can cross the graveyard quickly And after that graveyard there is a park in a way which is for walking mostly because there are separate track for walking and people come there just to sit and walk there is no fee or anything anyone can come anytime and walk for just sit it's completely green and beautiful and once I reach there there were some kids swimming in that water well I'm not sure if the water is clean or not well it doesn't look clean but no one can stop them I stand there for awhile to you just to look at them house does jumping into water and they are enjoying their life with no fear of anything on the other hand I was wearing a mask and it was not touching anything I don't know this is how life is you are not aware you are free and once you are aware you are not Free anymore




 after that I started feeling a little bit of heat because I was wearing black clothes and as you all know that black attract sun but it was not much it was a little bit and my home was not far from their because every night I come here for walk just to think about things I come to this Park every night so then I feel like a ok replace is not that far and I reached home but the bad news is that I will have to do something for the documents I really need them and I'll have to find a way now




  night time

 well my little sister has a birthday today so I had to bring some things from the market you know milk and stuff V went to the market and I bought a few cold drink some cake biscuit another thing that are usually required and after that we celebrate it her birthday some of our relatives were also here  it our house  and after that once the birthday was finished and it was getting late on roundabout 11 p.m. at night my mother told me to draw source relative to their house in a taxi because it was late again the house is not that far but because it was late and tomorrow is Ramadan starting so she just told you to drop them and I said yes the weather was quite nice



 I drop them to their house and over there I just decide it again that I will go home by walk and on the way is I started walking  rain started it was fun to be honest I really loved it even though my glasses war completely wet and I couldn't see anything but it made me feel like winter I stand there on the road took some pictures and have I ever told you that I love rain


 I came back home and as usual opened my PC and started working again

 thank you so much for reading this I hope that you have enjoyed reading my diary as much as I enjoyed writing it thank you so much for making me a part of your day




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