#betterlife - THE DIARY GAME || 13-feb-2021 || visit to bank

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

#betterlife - THE DIARY GAME || 13-feb-2021 || visit to bank

Assalamu Alaikum how are you all I hope that you all are doing amazing and wonderful today before starting my diary I just want to say that  thank you so much for supporting me in 5to 6 days I will be completing my I one month 1st mate in the journey e been really good so far I have learnt a lot I have met some really good people and the best thing is that my writing skill has gone really good so I feel really good in I am still learning there are new things coming up everyday but just the fact that it's a great community and amazing platform any special things to all the curated I always say that without them it's impossible to even dream of making this a great platform thank you so much to all the curators and to everyone who is making amazing content together we will make it the best and the greatest platform ever


 let's start with the diary

 all that so we will want to start this diary from  yesterday because it's connected kind of so I had to go to bank ok so yesterday I went to bank and it was late like I want to be found about 5 p.m. at a time which is pretty much late I don't know what other countries but in Pakistan it's kind of the closing time only for banks so I went to the bank and Bank was still opened but the manager that I had something to do with you was not there for the employer  so they told me that he is not here so I just came back home  I mean what else could I do when my mother was really angry at me because I don't wake up early in this why I got late for the bank  i promise that I will go to  bank tomorrow in early time now let's come to the present so I woke up around about  12:00 p.m.  m.and my cousin was still here I mean he will not go today he told me that yesterday what thing was that he don't have any Metro card so we made a plan that we will go to the metro station together we will make a card and then you will give on his way and I will go to the bank



we had a really good breakfast I mean you can't say that it was breakfast but technically it was then I got ready I mean I get ready so fast Tera not meeting but I do so I got ready and then we went to to the metro station I am in the main metro station where they provide new cards as I told you that he came from Saudi Arabia  after 4 years in the metro started life last year  in August these things  so we went to the metro station we made a new card for him well it was full of people I don't know whether it was because of what it was full of people I just told him which get he had to take Ek to get to the bus stop because you are going to Islamabad and then I I had to to my bus I mean my place was not that are the bank I am talking about ok long story short I went to the bank and you guys won't believe what happened they told me that they are having a pack for like one and half hour now this is the most difficult thing waiting so now I will have to wait for one and a half hour doing nothing will I just said there waited hang around took some pictures so many pictures and I have no internet these days when you are completely reliable on your internet I am in all day long I'm just using the internet and then there is like one and a half hour outside your home completely free you can't go here and there just have to sit there so it was really heart trust  it was hard


Let me tell you funny story so what happened while I was waiting outside the bank sitting in the chair he just left I mean he started that waird noises When I looked at him he was sleeping that made me really angry how can you sleep in a chair on road side well that was quite waird after that  when the time was up i got inside the bank and they told me that the manager i wen to see was in in hospital i got so angry i told him you could tell me that yesterday  well that not the only reason i hate banks so then i called home and asked them if i can do the work from another bank  and they said you  go and try i wen to the other bank and asked if they can do it i cant tell you what but its just some work then i had just one more bank left to ask in and this time i was lucky as i went to the bank there was old man sitting in the chair i asked him if this service is available here or not and he said yes its available i was so happy  he was amazing gu we talked in english for a while i took the money i went back home 



Now let me tell you while I was doing all this thing as soon as I came home I was so tired I just went to bed I mean it was late of course I couldn't sleep at that time it really bad to sleep that time but I just wanted to you know lay down for a while and I was hungry as well because I had no lunch I told my mum to bring me something and she bring a good lunch time it was chicken kadai if you know it's really amazing it was Pi cnm hot and amazing I had a really amazing lunch after that I had some tea I turned  on my PC to do some Work you know check my YouTube channels you know this is the best time of my day when I check my Instagram YouTube and steemit because it's funny no looking at all the notifications after its release excitement I don't know about you but I get really excited for this after that I did nothing special I mean I just know was browsing watching random videos on YouTube I was just scrolling through steemit and that's it now I am writing this diary so that was all for today I will see you guys tomorrow tomorrow is really special day will come na to some really good things I'll be sharing that with you stay tuned 






to get there support.




A GIF by @stephenkend


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