Words Have Power || It Really Matters what you say..||STORY OF TWO FRIENDS

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

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This is the story of two friends whose friendship started from a hospital room They were both admitted to the same room So one of the men was paralyzed a few days ago Due to which the whole body below the neck was paralyzed.He could not move his finger And whenever a nurse or a doctor came to him, he would tell them to give me an injection that would kill me...I don't want to live anymore. What would I do with such a life?

So he had a friend who could walk in this room He had a window in this room every morning and evening. He would go and stand by this window, He would tell his friend what was happening outside the window.

  • Outside he says, the sky is blue,
  • There are white clouds,
  • Some birds are flying,
  • There is a very beautiful beach where children are building mud houses.
  • Some people are sitting on the beach,
  • And at sunset the ocean water becomes completely golden and it starts to shine.

So in the beginning, when he started telling all this there was not much effect on his friend. But gradually the desire to live awoke in him.Now he waited for the morning to come early and my friend told me what was going on outside today.
It went on like this for a few days. Then one day when he woke up in the morning he saw that the bed in front of him was empty .The nurse said he must have told you he had a few days left and He died last night.

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Hearing this, his inner hope was completely shattered because it was his friend who connected him to the outside world...Because of which he knew what was going on outside and how beautiful this world is.Some days he cried and gave up his desire to live.

But on the other hand, somewhere in him there was a hope of living , I wish I could see for myself what this world is like before I die as his desire began to grow. He began to feel a strange energy inside him And then one day he did his best and somehow he fell down from the bed and grabbed things and finally reached the window. Then he grabbed the window and stood up and looked out of the window and as soon as he looked outside he grew angry.

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He yelled at the nurse and as soon as she came he asked. This is what you did. Why did you build a black wall outside the window?

So the nurse didn't understand what he was saying and she said I've been here five years this black wall has been here ever since I came.
Then he realized that his friend was lying and he asked the nurse.
If this black wall has been around for the last five years, why did my friend lie to me?
So the nurse smiled a little and said I don't know why they lied to you But I know for sure that whatever they told you is why you are still standing on your own two feet 🐾

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So this story teaches us that our words have so much power that there is no limit...There is so much power in these words. They can drop a person and even lift him So it's up to you now. How do you use the power of your words?
You use your power or misuse it.

Thank you so much ❤️
I hope you like it



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