Steemit Engagement Challenge/ The woman's place is in the kitchen, You will be happier if you are not married and vows are not guaranteed. Por @angelnu.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

The woman's place is in the kitchen , You will be happier if you are not married and vows are not guaranteed.


Hello friends of STEEMIT , in this opportunity I bring you the topic of The place of the woman is in the kitchen”, You will be happier if you are not married and votes are not guaranteed . To justify these positions, I will make a dissertation of each of the topics, according to the context in which we find ourselves, which will go hand in hand with certain events and the corresponding narrative, until we reach our objective.

The Woman's Place Is in the Kitchen.


From ancient times such as the Stone Age, there is no reliable evidence of the roles of women, what can be said by logic, is that, in all ages, it is the woman who, by nature, is the one who must by obligation feed her children, so she must somehow ensure the feeding of the family group which presents as inevitable scenario The Kitchen or place of elaboration. This does not mean that the woman and the man do not participate equally in the acquisition and elaboration of these foods.
It is clear that man is one more inhabitant of the planet and is the species that exercises supremacy over the rest. But each species has its own survival characteristics that distinguish it, remaining almost unchanging and whose dynamism is only particular to its environment, but almost permanent in its life cycle. On the other hand, the social dynamism of man is changeable, due to factors and rules that influence his behavior, which create particularities in human groups that, like the rest of the species, have different attributes, generating what is known as variety of the same species. These human groups, in turn, create their own rules of behavior and survival, which generate particularities that distinguish them from the rest of the human groups that are supposed to be of the same species. I should point out that when I refer to man, I mean man, I mean both sexes, male and female.

Western context

In the male-female social relationship, its evolution obeys in a natural way, to ensure in the same way the permanence of this social group in this part of the planet. That is why to ensure that the main role of women is the kitchen; behaviors have been created that point to it, such as religion or doctrines of all kinds that make it frowned upon, that women do not devote themselves to the home and therefore fulfill their role of staying in the kitchen. That is why throughout Latin America there have been currents that have been transmitted from generation to generation, such as machismo, the way of dressing, among others. But there have been social evolutions throughout history that have tried to give women more active roles without neglecting their fundamental role.
in the kitchen. This is because, after all, they have a brain that cannot be wasted, and it has been scientifically proven that they have communication between their two parts of the brain, where some believe that from there arises or gives rise to what they call the sixth sense, which in many cases has resulted in such a way that has reversed the role of the male-female couple, even so their fundamental role in the kitchen is regulated by rules and laws that ensure that role. Despite this, these freedoms have been misinterpreted, generating currents such as fundamentalist feminism, which basically seeks and has been shown, to pulverize and disappear families, as is the pathetic case of Europe, whose population of long-lived who have not been able to realize themselves as women, since, in their struggle for the misinterpreted Feminism, has led to the expiration of their biological clock and that lead women to condemn their lives to an irremediable loneliness and where their fundamental role of having children and family can no longer be, so they will not experience their fundamental role of cooking in the role of the family to maintain the species.

Eastern Context

For the other side of the world, customs, laws and ancestral norms have also been imposed, which have made the role of women in the kitchen, reinforced to ensure the existence of the family and therefore the role of women in the kitchen. For this they have resorted, as in the West, to the religions or doctrines and ancestral customs of that environment. For example, it is said that, in a sacred book, there is a passage in which the prophet points out to one of his disciples that it is necessary to "protect" women, perhaps from the "eyes of lust" that could endanger women, this is part of the fundamentalism of the so-called "theocratic" governments. The rigorous application of these premises results in a high population density and a strict total submission in the role of women.


The place of the Woman is the Kitchen, it assures the continuation of the human species, defining the concept of family as a man-woman relationship.
The rest of the conclusions I will reserve for the comments, which I hope will be fruitful and constructive.


You will be happier if you are not married.

Hello STEEMIT friends, this time I bring you the topic "You will be happier if you are not married". The defense of this thesis will be based on many experiences, both my own and others, at the same time I will consider the existing legalities, duties and rights that are generated with marriage. It must be kept in mind that man is the only species on the planet that has marriage as part of its organizational model.

Advantages of singleness

The traditional civil statuses are single and married. Married implies permanent fidelity, therefore cohabitation, which implies commitments with the partner, which is mutual between both from the economic point of view; without forgetting the act of marriage itself, which is usually very costly. There are other considerations that should not be lost sight of, such as the dowry or the realization of some event that makes it worthy of marriage that can even be painful, as are the marriages in certain tribes of America. In the country where I am, marriages are increasingly a thing of the past and it is rare for a couple to get married nowadays.
I recommend remaining single, in my particular case, my marital status is ungovernable, no man or woman should allow themselves to be unconditionally subjected to their partner. This does not mean that neither of the two members of the couple should abuse the other or fail in their conjugal duties since the ungovernable marital status has as its main postulate the cohabitation and tolerance up to a certain value that each member of the couple sets intrinsically and that puts an end to the cohabitation. All this in the western world, it is not said, but it is allowed. In some countries like Venezuela it is called concubinage and has the same legal status as if one were married. The difference is that the woman does not lose her last name, since, if she marries, she takes the appellative DE, followed by the husband's last name; this in my opinion degrades the woman. Children born under marriage are automatically recognized from the legal point of view even if the condition is concubinage. In order to guarantee that the newborn carries a surname, he/she is not allowed to leave the hospital or clinic where he/she was born; the surname must be carried by the father. This in practice is an outrage, due to the existing irresponsible paternity, so the permanent solution that is given in these cases and that is given in a high percentage, is that a relative can withdraw the baby becoming the father from the legal point of view, the great majority of the times is the uncle who assumes the paternity.
Because of the above, there is no doubt that the bachelor is happier, especially if he thinks as a macho man "in the variety is the flavor" or better "you have to change the model annually". The above can be experienced by a sheikh; since "one of them" came to Venezuela, although it was false; what impressed me was that he came with his "50 wives"; so it would be attractive for a macho man to live in the Middle East.


Being single, you have more time to enjoy life and more time to meet the "ideal partner" and make plans, whether married or living together.

Being single does not mean that a couple cannot have children.

Reasons for the non-guarantee of voting in publications.

STEEMIG friends, writing a publication does not mean that you actually have to vote for it, and it is guaranteed, due to many factors. The main thing is that the publication is subject to review by all who access it, it is assumed that they also access, those who daily thoroughly review such publication, to determine the quality of the content, such as the presentation, whose layout is related to the code and that meets the condition sine qua non, that the publication must be free of plagiarism. Which is Steemit's main flag. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that, in the subject of contests, there is another additional condition, which is the date and time limit of publication; this must be taken into account when publishing and make sure to be within the respective time zone and not get carried away by the "deadline", since those who administer the contest, are guided by the World Time..
Other reasons why sometimes people do not vote or comment, is for reasons of force majeure, for example, I tell you that, on more than one occasion, I have stayed with the post without publishing for various reasons and that are related to the "good services" that exist in my country, such as electricity and internet, I hesitate to publish to prevent the comment is outdated. Last year for example I was more than four months without internet, even so I did not forget the friends of steemit, since from time to time I could at least see the publications, so many times I could not vote or comment.
In my opinion, when you vote, you vote for interesting content that the reader has undoubtedly liked. But there is something that for me has much more value, and that is the comment; which means that you have really read the content, secondly, it does not matter if the comment is positive or negative; since, in the first case, it is what will help us to improve our publications, giving rise to feedback; and in the case of being positive, we are left with the high satisfaction that at least one user has liked our content. In both cases we win with the comment, which I consider a feat. For me, the most difficult thing in a publication in Steemit; is to start a comment comparing it with the vote, because although we can know who voted; in my particular case, as I am in training phase, I can not determine with certainty, who of those who voted have the SP that monetizes our publications.
Other reasons why sometimes people do not vote or comment, is for reasons of force majeure, for example, I tell you that, on more than one occasion, I have been left with the post without publishing for various reasons and that are related to the "good services" that exist in my country, such as electricity and internet, I hesitate to publish to avoid the comment out of date. Last year for example I was more than four months without internet, even so I did not forget the friends of steemit, since from time to time I could at least see the publications, so many times I could not vote or comment.
In my opinion, when you vote, you vote for the interesting content which undoubtedly the reader liked. But there is something that for me has much more value, and it is the comment; which means that you have actually read the content, secondly, it does not matter if the comment is positive or negative; since, in the first case, it is what will help us to improve our publications, giving rise to feedback; and in the case of being positive, we are left with the high satisfaction that at least one user has liked our content. In both cases we win with the comment, which I consider a feat. For me, the most difficult thing in a publication in Steemit; is to start a comment comparing it with the vote, because although we can find out who voted; in my particular case, since I am in training phase, I can not determine for sure, who of those who voted have the SP that monetizes our publications.


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@angelys y @alegnita
Thank you for reading this post.


 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and throwing light on both western and eastern cultures and perspectives on each statement.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

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Steem Exclusiveyes
Word Count~2100

Thank you for your appreciation, when I have the miracle of being connected, I do not miss interacting with STEEMIT friends. greetings from Venezuela.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello, you expose many important points of your point of view of the statements, you have good arguments that defend them, for my part I agree that women will always have a place in the kitchen since they are always involved in the preparation of food for their sons and husbands.

On the other hand, I believe that if a hinbrey does not want commitment, it is better that he stays single.

Greetings and success in the contest!

Hello friend, I would like to tell you that what I don't agree with is the marriage act. A man can live as a couple without the commitment of getting married, I consider that being single is part of life without ties. That is the same whether you are a man or a woman.

Right away points to defend these controversial statements. Good job you made for the Pakistani contest. Get ready for a new participation on Steemit Contest Challenge that is running now. Wish you big success with the entry. Happy Monday.

Thanks friend, I'm glad you liked the post. I could have put a woman on top with the flag, but since I am a man; I had to defend the guild.

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