Some intellectual activities throughout the day.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago
Today, I thought to share a diary game. But nothing came to mind as a typical diary game, so sharing other stuffs that i did.


Quran For All by Alhuda

I use this app after zohar everday to study Quran

I am using this app since 2020, when Covid happened. This app is to learn Quran, hadith and what not. Sharing its features in the picture below.



Before 2022, i used to study Quran with Urdu translation, that has Urdu tafseer as well. It was like shallow and superficial read. But after using this app my perception towards Quran has changed.

Before learning the tafseer, Quran was like a book of punishments, halal and haram stuff only.

After learning tafseer from Dr. Farhat Hashmi, Quran became my favourite book. She is the owner of Alhuda institute , one of the reowned Islamic scholar, currently living in London.

  • First she teaches the word to word translation of the Ayah.
  • Then the origin and multiple meanings of the words.
  • The final step includes the interpretation or tafseer which is one to two hours long.

If anyone of you who is interested in leaning Quran, do check out this app. It's size is barely 1-2mbs.

Learning Benefits Of Morning Sunlight For Adjusting Sleep Pattern.

I'm struggling with my sleep.
To begin my morning with these plants and sunlight again, I'm learning some tricks



I painted them


I used to be a morning person, infact i am a morning person. But after every Ramadan, I struggle and finds it hard to sleep early and wake up early. When I barely set my routine next Ramadan comes. And we repeat this cycle:)

So i filled me in about how sunlight, first thing in the morning can fix this issue. I hope most of you must be facing this issue. So, hang along if you want to wake up early and feel the serenity and calmness in the air, and mild sunlight over your body.

This information is from Dr. Andrew Huberman, a Neuroscientist and a professor at Stanford University.


Our body has a 24 hours cycle called biological cycle or Circadian rhythms (in thick science). Which is influenced by the light, our morning should start with plenty of sunlight to fully awake the body (don't use mobile phone light for this purpose that's not that much light as our body needs). On the other hand after evening, as the sunsets, our body needs less or mild light to calm the body.

After evening a sleep hormone releases in our body called Melatonin, in the presence of mild or no light. After 10pm there should be no light.

In the morning, our body naturally produces a hormones for focus and alertness through out the day, named cortisol(stress hormones), which is important for getting the work done. Otherwise no one would wake up in the morning to go to their school or job(we do things out of stress).

Now the thing is, we put lots of light on us at night and no light at all in the morning. Our body gets confused, and starts to make melatonin hormone in the morning and cortisol hormone at night.

Cortisol during the day is for alertness, but at night most of the time people feel anxious and depressed because their cortisol level that needs to me higher in day, is getting higher at night.

Allah Says;
“And among His signs is your sleep by night and by day and your seeking of His bounty, verily in that are signs for those who hearken” (30.23).

To fix any physiological or psychological ailment, first we need to fix our sleep, that will schedule our hormones, that ultimately would do wonder.


Lastly, picked up this writing to reprogram the autopilot mode of the brain, that is there since the age 7. Majority of the people are on autopliot all their life and blame their parents, environment or upbringing for the troubles their have in their life.


This book is to question that beliefs which have been injected in our brain since the age of 7years.

Brave man is the one who has the courage to learn new things consciously to achieve peace and success.


Your diary is very unique. You are doing a very good job. Allah has ordered us to read the Quran with understanding. Sleep is a problem for me too. The crying of waking up all night during Ramadan disturbs me throughout the year. I am going through all the points you have mentioned. Due to not getting proper sleep at night, the whole day passes in stress. You have shared very good information. May Allah reward you for this, Aameen💖

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you pearl:)
Glad it was helpful for you❤👀

 2 years ago 

It is very good to know that you read the Quran regularly and understand it. May Allah make you successful in this world and hereafter. 💓
Keep sharing

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear @fabiha for making dua❤
May Allah bless you too❤

 2 years ago 

Masha ALLAH MASHA ALLAh good to hear your love for religion. Dr Farhat Hashmi is the best religion influencer no doubt! She is actually a role model for us!
Your flower photography is so beautiful.
You have given such a great information no doubt! Thankyou for sharing this beautiful info

 2 years ago 

Thank you iqra for acknowledging my post❤

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