- THE DIARY GAME - - 1 April 2021- the beauty of life BY @AKASHHASSAN


Ciao amico mio come state tutti spero che stiate bene

It means in Italian that how are you all I hope that you are good 

 assalamu alaikum and hello to all the beautiful people of steemit  after many days today I have got the time to share another day of my life with you guys life is very busy   over here so that's why I don't get time to write my but I will try my best to stay as consistent as I can

My day


 well in the last couple of Diaries I have told you that how my life is busy I am working I am studying I am doing everything by myself washing my clothes making food for myself   it's hard and busy 



 today a decided that we will not go to work ok all my friend The Roommate that I have we are all friends because we work together and we live together so we decided that we will go to the park just chill by changing I mean just to hang around walk a little before the pandemic we used to go to other cities but now we can't everything is closed it's lock down here so we cannot go to other cities we will go to the park which is not so far from  our house 


I woke up late today because I knew that I don't have to go somewhere so I stayed late yesterday watch web series episodes I have been watching this is many days the name of the web series is Prison Break  Surya when I woke up I made breakfast for myself and for my cousin as well yeah I do have a cousin with me when he arrived here just two months ago he is a nice person he is adapting to the environment slowly it's hard for him after the breakfast all of us got ready we took a chess board with us to play some chess as well in the park


 and after that we were in park park is not that far it's 20 minutes by walk it's not that park is just for walking  for morning walk evening walk and when we reach there it was full of people because how much will you stay at home at home kids old people young people everyone just walking and talking and yes everybody was wearing a mask so you should wear a mask to  it is compulsory to wear a mask for here otherwise you will be captured by the police


 to be honest it was a beautiful experience we played chess and just  layed down  down other people what their also everyone was enjoying their self we spend more than 6 hours are there we had lunch packed with us I mean we could come home and go there but we just wanted to take the feel of of a break so we took some lines with us



And we have decided that we will come here once in a week all of us together it was a fun day when we came back we kinda missed that moment already so we have decided that we will go to the park again tomorrow and none of us will go to work ok I guess Life is Beautiful if you try to make it beautiful the way I see it every moment is important decorate each and every moment of your life this should be something worth to Remember when you are old and you will just have to live for your memories when you are old

 that was my day

 Mehmood Ul Hassan signing out   Allah Hafiz

That was my day 

SPECIAL MENTIONS TO  @ steemcurator01 @ steemcurator02 @ booming01 @ booming02 @ booming03 @ steemcurator06 @trafalgar

Cc:  @steemitblog


regards @akashhassan




Nice post.. appreciated

beautiful pictures and amazing writings
life will be easy soon
stay blessed


All the pictures are beautiful and Well written dairy. ✨

thanks it means a lot

all the pictures are captured in fantastic way and showing the excellency of photographer. BTW good post. best of luck

thank you so much for your kind comment

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