A man facing the hardships of life || by @adviser2

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago



I hope u are all fine.Dear community and dear people, this is my third position in this group and today I am going to tell you how many difficulties a man faces in life and what difficulties he goes through and what he does to overcome these difficulties. Does and what kind of responsibility is on him and how does he fulfill these responsibilities and what does he do to run the system.How a man toils day and night and how he thinks about that time after toiling and thinks about his future tomorrow and it thinks what I have to do tomorrow and the people in my house And how to fulfill his desires and how to run his family and in every way he lives in tension.

Let me show you a picture of some men who will be seen working very hard


What a man sacrifices for his family

A boy spends his childhood reading and writing when he is young and the purpose of reading and writing is to grow up to be a man so that he can burn down his house bar and get married and when he When he reaches the age of earning, his sister becomes young and he starts saving money for them when he saves money for them and marries them after marrying them then his own When it comes time to get married then he starts giving up money again. Marries himself.
During this time he has to go through all sorts of hardships, he has to endure all kinds of hardships, he has to eat his dot during work and after a lot of hard work he is able to become so useful. He has to be able to run his own house and he has to look after the affairs of the world. He has to give time to his friends and share his work with them and he has to do a lot of work and daily routine.

When he marries himself and his wife come gis house, then his whole family, which becomes a responsibility on his head, includes his parents, wife and relatives of his wife and for them. Hard work starts counting and I show it


Responsibilities of childrens after marriage

The biggest responsibility that a man has after marriage which he cannot run away from and cannot deny is the responsibility of the children and when his children are born his expenses also increase. And he needs more hard work to make more money and more money for which he does not feel sad. He sees at night and works both day and night so that he is perfect enough to support his children and wife.

When her children grow up and she starts going to school then her school responsibilities and many other responsibilities come along which she has to bear the expenses and she has to work hard day and night. Then he works hard so that he can bring all the comforts he needs for his children and wife


When those children go on for further education, their expenses increase. We give equal education to boys and girls because we do not differentiate between boys and girls.

He remembers that when he was a child he grew up, then he married his sisters, he did a lot for his parents, then he had children of his marriage, then he paid for his children's education, then he had daughters of his own, then he added money. I felt that he had to marry his daughters well and give them a lot of things that would make them comfortable after marriage.


How a man Hard works

Below I will show you some pictures of how a man works hard and how he works in this work.





When a man leaves home to work, the only thing on his mind is that I have to earn something in the evening and take it home because a lot of people are waiting for our Baba Brother and father. The son will earn and fulfill us in the evening and many other desires that are the necessities of life.

And this man has no idea whether he has eaten anything all day or not, but the same thing is going on in his heart, I will not eat anything but those who are waiting at my house So you have to earn something and feed yourself something because earning one makes the whole house work.

This man forgets everything, he also forgets his desires, how many desires he fulfilled in his childhood and how many remained, but now he only starts fulfilling the fact that I have fulfilled my responsibilities. She has to give because she has a lot of responsibilities on her head because it is within the society. The responsibilities of the society are her responsibilities. If someone dies or dies and someone is born and someone is getting married, then in every case he has to fulfill it.

A man hardworking in village

How does a man who lives in a village get out of his house on a daily basis because the people living in the village are mostly dependent on cattle and in addition to admiring the fields he earns his living by farming

Let me show you some pictures of how a man works in the fields



Working in the fields is not easy because the servant who works in the fields because there is a very difficult time in the fields is not an easy task. You have to work all the time and at any time if you and you They have to stay on top of the crops so that no one has problems with them

Why does a man have a heart attack

We've seen a lot of young people leave this world and have had a heart attack. There are a lot of reasons why a man works so much that he thinks a lot of things to earn and tell his job when he If he fails to do these things, his heart attack will increase to such an extent that he will not be able to survive in this tension.
The reason why heart attack always happens to men is because they take too much tension. Women do not have heart attack because they do not have any such external tension. Women have many problems but no such There is no problem with the causes of heart attack and that is why so many heart attacks occur. I have seen more people and young people having heart attacks.

Blood pressure

Let me tell you why men have high blood pressure and what they are harmed by this blood pressure and I will show you the blood pressure machine that is checking a man's blood pressure.


Blood pressure is a very dangerous disease that is found mostly in the younger generation and is found in men who take men so much tension that they face problems like blood pressure and many more. Problems that lead to heart attacks are encountered

Men who experience side effects such as high blood pressure are given a drug that they have to take for the rest of their lives. If they do not eat, their blood pressure rises and their brain veins There is a risk of an explosion

A man responsibilities in society

A man who is connected to a society and has lived in a society has a lot of responsibilities in terms of the society which he has a responsibility to fulfill which is his responsibility which I have been their responsibility in the village in which anyway it is their responsibility to carry out many such responsibilities.

There are a lot of people in the community who stand with him, in whom you have spent a lot of time with his friends, and with the neighbors with whom he has been exposed since childhood, and with the people with whom he is very good. There is an attachment

I want to show you some pictures of her friends

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These are also the people for whom man has to make a lot of sacrifices and all this together becomes a society and the society has all the responsibilities from which we cannot run away, we have to fulfill them in any case.

A man worried about unemployment

A man who is very upset because of unemployment because he does not have a job, if he does not have a job, how will he run his household and all other affairs, how will he deal with people in the society and How will he live in the society and what will he do for his parents and he will suffer a lot of hardships and because of the hardships he will have to suffer a lot of worries and worries turn into blood pressure and Low blood pressure leads to a heart attack and I have seen many patients who suffer from it.

Condition of man in old age

A man who is surrounded by all these difficulties all his life and tries to get out of all these difficulties and solves many problems and tries to solve many problems. At last there comes a time when He becomes weak and helpless and becomes helpless. He can't do anything even if he wants to. When that man gets old and needs people and there is a time when no one supports him. Old age either starts or he works hard and can work hard and then he does it.
A man who spends his entire youthful childhood only for those like his wife and children and for his children he does everything he needs but in the end when the time comes when he finds himself helpless Yes, he becomes helpless and is not fit for any work.

He is the child for whom he does everything. There comes a time when you leave him and do nothing for him and rejoice in everything he has done since he was a child. Kar was from youth to old age, now he is unhealthy and not helpless because of making, and because of being helpless, at last there is a time when he is pushed and dies, this is the life of a man.

Death of Man

You do a lot for them. The societies for which you have done a lot and worked hard all your life. For those people, the time has come when youth has been taken away from you. Imposed on the bad, now you can work hard, you can. There are many problems that come to you, many of which are problems, especially people who die of hunger. 70% of people die of hunger.

Because no human being can deny death but this is the life of a man and he does a lot in his life but life does not give him anything after all the same life takes him to the grave the same life goes under the dust Life makes her way.
Every human being who has come into the world has to leave this world one day or another. Whatever he creates in this world will start only after he dies.

Now I am a young man who died of heart attack due to tension and died of suicide due to many reasons. I will show you the photos of such people, such people.


This is the man I have shown you. This is the same man who used to be very enthusiastic in his youth. He used to be very courageous. He used to work very hard. He worked very hard. But when he was surrounded by death and see how death came, this is the reality of a man and


A man is a true hero for his family, for his wife and children, for his society

Special Thanks 😊


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