Silver vintige picket watch from year 1984


24 years ago, this silver pocket watch was given
to me by an older man as a keepsake. I carried it
with me everywhere. And I last saw her 24 years
ago. I thought I lost this watch. All this time I often remembered and thought about this watch
and it was nowhere to be seen.
But yesterday I was tidying up the closet and
found it, it was in an old purse, it stayed the way
it was, and when I rolled it up it is still working.
I was just so happy to find this watch, right now that I wasn’t really looking for it. I'm so greatful and happy.


And this watch is vintage Russian Marnna
pocket watch, with inscription Caenaho
B CCCP, it is hand engraved, from year 1984,
has two faces, has chain, watch is in good
condition and I will now keep it in save
place, so it will never get lost again.


Image: photography from my LG Q7


That's very nice that you found this watch, and even better that it still works!!!Thanks for sharing!!😀

It was realy magical. When i least expected i foud it. 🍀

So very nice, a keepsake!!😀

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