Demographic Survey II (12 RP incentive)

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago

If you take this survey and post the results, I will send you 12 RP.

The results look something like this.

This offer is only valid for the first 10 respondents.


how did this political compass thing ever become such a big meme, the questions are some of the most poor and poorly thought out I've ever seen, i could give agree/disagree to different interpretations of the same question

this is probably the worst on it


because a "genuine free market" does not have regulations


also actually consider myself probably anti-leftist anarchist, this information is far more useful than this left-of-center nonsense

Screenshot_2020-11-20 The Political Compass.png


Alright I retook the quiz just to be safe since I don't know if just my word is good enough, and it looks like I got a slightly different result though not by much:

Screenshot (388).png

 4 years ago (edited)

Wow main you're really into collecting people's data on touchy subjects here aren't you


Also I somehow didn't realize the result is editable until I see your cover image

I didn't bother taking it again but my placement from previous results isn't that far off anyway

yeah as main said this quiz is a joke also i just took it again i got different results, either my opinions aren't very strong or this quiz sucks. Im going with the latter


I see some people complaining about the test but as someone with all the right opinions I absolutely breezed through it

did you make the test

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