Skeleton army contest

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! With all the skeleton related buffs in the last patch I would like to see an army incorporating it. I will give 5 rp to the first 4 armies posted with a replay of you playing against a person of gm rank (any games suspected of being thrown will be asked to be redone) named and winning. I will give an additional 10 rp to the army I like best according to an undisclosed rubric which all armies will be scored on November 3. Armies must include summoning skeletons as the primary mechanism to win but armies may include other pieces unrelated to summoning process but these pieces must be secondary to the skeletons.
Prize status: 3 claimed 1 to be claimed!
Sorry I'm a little late main_gi is the winner

Screenshot_2020-11-04 Chess Evolved Online(4).png



 4 years ago (edited)

Another one with the same army:


Neither of those should count since you mainly relied on soulkeeper and summoner rather than skele related things. Also based on the chat for our match it shouldn't count since I was obviously memeing

Hey here's FOUR replays. two are against elias lul






The actual lich win condition got murdered but opponent downtraded heavily for the 6th rank lich so i see this as a win (also i promoted 2 tombstone skeletons)

i keep forgetting to screenshot the win screen but theres a few more replays in the discord and gms who have testified that they did in fact play me in these replays

 4 years ago (edited)

Screenshot (271).png


I even wasted multiple turns doing nothing with Voidmage and still managed to win with a skeletal army so this should definitely count

 4 years ago (edited)

lol you didn't even use any skelletony thing. Not to mention that I lost that bye being blind and blundering SK (also why you switched to private account?).

 4 years ago (edited)
  1. I used Necromancer and skeleton and both were very vital to it.
  2. Your BS counted when I was memeing around and now you wanna complain that mine counted when I won a fair and full game? Whether or not someone blunders doesn't invalidate a game, because if that were true then every match we've played should be invalidated for everything. Also you had me waste several turns with voidmage to test a hypothesis of yours so you blundering SK barely affects the game in that regard
  3. I switched to private account because if the skele mix wasn't working out I didn't want everyone to know and see my ranked army, since I just replaced some units in it with skeleton things

You used 1 necromancer and 1 skelleton, you didn't even upgrade your skelleton once, you used your necromancer just to thraten my minions. You must be joking.

This really fit in the arcane box because it moves are unpredictable. It's great for the arcane box as it does use magic. Overall make a lot of theme executive sense.

That's like saying my Valkyrie doesn't count as being used that match simply because I never teleported king with it. That's such a dumb argument, if you utilize the unit for anything even using necromancer to transform enemy minions then you are making use of the unit

Hmmm I hate to dq people but all I see in this army is a base necromancer being forced into an army as a counter to hoplites ect. and being useful only because your opponent was using expensive champions. You are welcome to resubmit an army (if you still want to after being understandably frustrated) but I am afraid I have to disqualify this army. I can go on further if you want to argue but I feel this explanation is sufficient.

I will hold your 5 rp for 24 hours to give you time to make a new army if you would like.

should be given 12 hours instead on principle lmao

My necromancer was essential in the game though as the skeleton spam in the corner would have killed me had I not used a necromancer, and I used the base skeleton in order to protect my nexus area for over half the game

My point is that the necromancer would be useless in any game not v. skeletons and that the skeleton did nothing a base swordsman couldn't do

Base swordsman can't move backwards or to the side. You're thinking of swordsman+ which is in every way inferior to skeleton base so there'd be no point to use that. Also how is saying my necromancer would be useless in a game without minions a valid point? Does that mean that behemoth is UP because without minions it doesn't do anything? I think you missed the fact that necromancer targets all enemy minions not just skeletons.

The necromancer killed one skeleton then promptly died it was not developed for most of the early and mid game. Only 9% of the total points of this army were skeleton related and were 5% of its functionality which was the entire point of the contest. Elias' army passed due to it upgrading skeletons and running multiple tombstones and necromancers and actually using them as his primary method of killing stuff.

His primary method of killing things was soulkeepers. He could've had twelve more skeletons and no SK and he would've lost by a way higher margin and lost horribly in his other games, because the SKs Made up all the trades that mattered in the games

Screenshot (261).png

Screenshot (262).png

Does skeletal intimidation count?

He did dodge the game, to disdvantage you, how cruel xD (Joke [: )

Ranked only, or also practice games?

Practice works

Practice counts because he did play me once in practice and never showed any signs of it being a game that didn't count

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