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RE: Official Bug Reports Thread

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago

Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-06-03.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-07-10.png

  1. The Meteor spells killed the red phoenixes . ( Please , leave your comment : what should have happened ? )
  2. The Lightning spells did not killed phoenixes , but their countings starts over from the beginning . ( Please , leave your comment : what should have happened ? )
  3. The Poison spells did not killed the phoenixes , and they were transformed instead . ( The Phoenix Egg stops growing when under the influence of an evil status , and must die when the poison timer ends ) .
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-01.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-09.png
    4.. The Phoenixes+ are not enchanted by the butterfly spells . ( After the eggs do the transformations , it is logical that the Phoenixes are the only possible recipients of the enchantments , but the enchantments are canceled due to the fact that the eggs receive it , instead of the phoenixes ) .
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-39.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-46.png

I just noticed this, and found it interesting to wonder which behavior should remain between lighting/meteor. I think some of the desync here is derived from the meteor push effect causing various issues, and on some technical level lightning will need to sync to it if they are the same.

However some hesitation is there are many times where lightning/meteor may destroy an egg, but only one where it possibly resets the timer, and it might be more interesting to allow that possibility to remain rather than eliminate it entirely. The obvious problem being the counter-intuitive change in behavior, but it will depend if meteor can be synced to lightning in reasonable time. Butterfly will follow after, presumably the enchantment should affect the phoenix rather than the egg, same as the others.

The poison one I have heard of but not seen demonstrated this way, I'm still not entirely sure I know how this happens but have a couple theories, and think it's a less niche problem as well.

I appreciate all the detail provided here, and sent you some crowns.

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