SEC S19W2- Inspired by beauty: Crushing wave

in Knack4buzz2 months ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


I have decided to do one post a day in order to support my little niece that is why just to have a topic for the post I have chosen the challenge in Knack4buzz community.

When considering about what beauty to choose for the topic of this challenge, first I thought about an architecture like old buildings or bridges. Such construction always make me stun how people in old time without modern technology were able to create such stable buildings that sometimes are more than hundreds years old and still look amazing.

In old time it was also not possible to be able to assess the ground and to do the foundation, but even then you will not be able to find any buildings with not straight lined floors, walls and corners.

The other wonder of old time masters are the dome of cathedrals that is build in such height and so light in their weight so that despite of hundreds of years they still did not have any cracks or breakages.

Despite of such beauties I wanted to talk about other Artist, it is a mother Nature, that can be calm and kind but can be devastating, this power of nature of nature we often undervalue and at the end we suffer from our own mistakes.


Beauty of nature: Crushing wave


My admiration of beauty is of water, that is the place where life was born, first as a little bacteria and maybe one cell organism but slowly due to further evolution the whole life on Earth is originated.

Water is always a fascinating thing, as children we all love to play with water, to pour it from one vessel into other, to let paper boat to sail, to play with friends water pistol in summer. Also little children love to spend hours in water just playing but also do not forget about swimming and diving.

The water that we have at home mostly for our domestic use but today I wanted to draw your attention to the large amount of water in seas, oceans. When the ocean is quite that is ideal time to sail on a boat and watch sunset.

I believe in old time it was the same people always wondered what is behind the horizon and loved travelling with their sailing ships.

Being away in an open sea and having wind will cause big waves, foam and often it is dangerous. But if you are lucky and despite of waves you have nice weather with sun and blue sky, then you will witness this phenomenon like on my example on the photo "emerald wave", you can see how on wave crest the wave is thin and looks transparent that is way this colour and of course crushing wave will produce a lot of foam that is typical for salty water of oceans and in seas.

The beauty of emerald wave is a favourite topic of Artists in old time who without camera managed to capture and reflect them in their works. Even now this is one of the favourite subject for painting for many artists.

So my example of beauty is emerald crushing wave.

I would like to invite @onomzy00161, @bahrol, taina02122 for this challenge.


Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




We can enjoy as much natural beauty as you say, a building can be a painting, despite hundreds of years it still does not have cracks or breaks, but today, my friend, you focus more on Mother Nature and go for the water, specifically the sea where we can seeing calm waters of great beauty with a unique color but that is also a symbol of destruction for the world and we underestimate it without thinking about the great power it has, when we express what we feel and see we have no limit.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Thank you @wilmer1988, it is indeed impressive to see how much creative our nature is and how much we depend on it, hope we start caring about it, at least nowadays people take it more seriously maybe we feel more our own impact on nature :)

 2 months ago 

I saw your first image alright but somehow I couldn't manage to see other pictures. Maybe my connection is slow for the time being so I will come back and see how the crushing wave looks in the ocean.

There was no other images and crushing wave is the first one image :)

 2 months ago 

Sorry, I thought I missed something and took those links for more photos. Thanks!

Waves are very beautiful, watching the waves gives a positive vibration in us, and repeated waves hitting the shore shows perseverance, in times of extreme tiredness or depression, standing on the beach or lake shore and watching the waves will relieve our mental stress, waves are a boon of nature. , you have written about it in detail and beautifully, I wish you success in the competition

You are absolutely right, often we can see people sitting on the beach and watching waves hours, that is something relaxing but also a bit sad or maybe nostalgic. Thank you for reading :)

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WOW! Thank you very much for choosing my post @steemitbloggers!

You are very welcome @wuddi :) Happy Friday to you!

Efectivamente la estructuras arquitectónicas son muy hermosas incluso, tienen un misterio apasionante

Thank you for reading. I am pretty sure that there are many unique structures in any country that have national heritage meaning and appreciated by people :)

 2 months ago (edited)

You wrote something nice but somehow the text doesn't deliver the message. Perhaps it will if you edit a bit and add an extra ohoto. Perhaps a waterfall?

That last blurry photo or what is it hurts my eyes! I use nighstand on my phone and after only tekst this ugly thing is what I see. Has it any purpose?

Also your hashtags aren't used in the right way!

Screenshot_20240716-064622_Samsung Internet.jpg

Hi @wakeupkitty, I am glad that you for reading and I am pleased you like my writing.

My aim was writing this time and to let people imagine that is why I try to explain more, often we all have our own imagination and of course, my main topic was that transparent emerald wave.

As to the:

That last blurry photo or what is it hurts my eyes! I use nighstand on my phone and after only tekst this ugly thing is what I see. Has it any purpose?

It is an Instagram logo to my Instagram site of @stef1 that is you click on it will bring you to this website. I think when using your phone it distorts the image because of different software. When I create my post I use my desktop and also laptop computer and it is looking like that it is tiny little logo with a link:


I was not aware that smartphones distort the image so much, i will change so that it is not looking like that.

As to tags, I do not think it is change anything as they all appear in the tags too. For me it was important to

 2 months ago 

Thank you for explaining it. I'm not into all that social media. Kind of strange how one tiny pic changes into huge and covers the screen and shadows all the text.

Perhaps the new layout of Steemit can fix that as well? 🤔

Good luck to you dear & a great day.


 2 months ago 

saya senang berada di tepi laut melihat ombak yang menderu terasa hati senang yang tak terkira, ombak yang tidak pernah lelah menghantam pinggir pantai. begitu menakjubkan, saat berada di tepi laut tanpa terasa telah menghabiskan waktu yang begitu lama.

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