Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19W3 - "My life in paranormal."

in Knack4buzz3 months ago (edited)


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Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Welcome to the Ulfatulrahmah Blog.

Hi all my steemian friends, how are you today, I hope today my friend's news is fine. I really want to feel success in the biggest contests like the Steemit Engagement Challenge, because I really want to succeed. But it doesn't matter to me, the important thing is that I have to be confident and try as hard as possible with myself so that I can achieve success. Hopefully in the "Steemit Engagement Challenge S19W3 - My life paranormal" contest I will succeed in giving a good entry Amen.

This was my first experience at home, in my entire life there was one incident at that time that really gave me goosebumps. This case was in my own house. Even though it happened quite a long time ago, I always remember it and I will never forget it, because of this incident. it's really very strange and very scary.


So I want to tell my steemian friends all about the strange and goosebumps incident that I felt in 2023, this incident was in the middle of the night,.. I woke up very often in the middle of the night, that night my body was very weak and felt I'm always thirsty so I go back and forth to the kitchen to drink. I feel a very quiet night, calm, there's no wind, not even a single mosquito. There are so many mosquitoes at home that if I don't use an electric mosquito repellent I won't be able to sleep soundly.

In the middle of the night, I woke up because I wanted to get drinking water in the kitchen. At that time my father was not at home because my father went to a relative's party and stayed there, so that night I was only with my mother, grandmother and my two younger siblings. at home, then I went to the kitchen to get drinking water because I was very thirsty. When I was in the kitchen I felt uneasy and had a little goosebumps. It was like a night when no one was at home at all. That's what I felt.


Then a strange thing happened, while I was enjoying drinking in the kitchen, I seemed to see something like a black shadow that flashed briefly into my grandmother's room. I went into my room first, then I went towards my grandmother's room even though at that time I was very scared. Because I was curious about this image, I ventured into this situation.

Arriving at grandma's room, then I opened the door and saw grandma sleeping soundly. Maybe I just felt like there was a black shadow that passed around here, I was scared at first but I felt like my mind was going blank, then I covered the door. Grandma, after seeing the situation in Grandma's room, then when I went to my own room, the shadow appeared again from the kitchen towards the bathroom.

When this second black shadow appeared, I saw a little clearer than the first appearance. I saw the shadow of a person who had passed by, but the shadow passed very quickly right in front of me, and passed from the kitchen to the bathroom. At that moment my mind I'm increasingly empty and don't think about anything that's on my mind, I'm just curious and very curious, I want to see clearly so that my mind can be calm.


My curiosity made me stand for a few minutes in the kitchen, while thinking whether this was really a spirit that was bothering me, I waited for the third appearance of the black shadow. About a few minutes I stood while the shadow appeared again, but the shadow There were no more signs. Because I was curious about the black shadow that I last saw passing towards the bathroom, I went to the bathroom to see the situation in the bathroom.

Then when I opened the bathroom door, and the result was that I saw from a distance of 5 meters what looked like a ball. The ball had a very bright shadow like sparks from fireworks burning upwards, this was very strange, my body was shaking a lot and had very goosebumps, So I couldn't say anything, my legs were too heavy to go back to the room to tell my mother. My body tensed for about a minute and saw this strange thing. Then I hurriedly covered the bathroom door while the minister called. Mother.

Then my mother woke up and followed me, my mother was very confused about what happened to me because my mother was very sound asleep, not only my mother, my younger siblings also woke up hearing my loud shouting. Not long afterward I told her there was a ball of fire inside. the bathroom, then when my mother opened the bathroom door again the ball, like a firework spark, disappeared very quickly, and my mother didn't have time to see it. It's really strange beyond my understanding that this happened.

The next day I told my father that a strange thing that really gave me goosebumps happened to me last night. I was very confused as to why this incident happened to me. It was an unlucky night because it was only that night that I saw this incident for the first time. My father could only remain silent and not say anything. Meanwhile, my mother was very worried about this incident. Moreover, it took me seven days. I felt traumatized by that incident, so every time I went to the kitchen I always asked my father and mother to accompany me.

Invitation letter for my beloved steemian friends: @sailawana @liasteem @asiahaiss @vivigibelis @sammy1109 @misssj


ACHIEVEMENT 01 | My introduction post to the Steemit community @ulfatulrahmah


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

I applaud your courage that you could stand on your feet after watching so much and watching all this happen. An ordinary person would have fainted within a few minutes but you braved them all. My best wishes.

I'm scared, but at that time my mind was very empty. I couldn't avoid that incident, sir 😅

Thank you very much sir for your kind comment 🤗

Wow kamu sungguh wanita yang sangat pemberani ya dek, pakek ikuti lagi ke kamar mandi hahaha.

Kalo aku udah teriak kabur sih😁

Pikiran saya sangat kosong kak saat itu, namun rasa penasaran yang membuat saya jadi berani 😭🤣

Sungguh pemberani, mumcul pertama di cari, muncul kedua kali juga masih dicari, dan menunggu muncul untuk ketiga kali,,,anda benar-benar pemberanj

Isi pikiran sangat kosong, sehingga saya tidak memikirkan apa-apa 😁

Terima kasih ibuk atas kunjungan nya 🤗

Sangat disayangkan sekali anda mengalami peristiwa yang sangat menakutkan. Saya bisa merasakan ketakutan anda dari tulisan anda. Diperlihatkan berulang kali kejadian seperti itu tentu saja membuat anda merinding. Namun saya sangat kagun terhadap anda karena penasaran yang begiru besar anda memberanikan diri untuk melihat langsung apa sebenarnya yang menampakkan dirinya kepada anda. Mungkin jika hal itu terjadi kepada saya. Tentunya saya berlari ke kamar dan mengunci pintu kamar saya, hehe.
Sukses untuk anda

Hehehehe, mau lari tapi kaki saya sangat berat KK🤣, terimakasih ya kk Meri atas kunjungan nya 💕

Itu merupakan pengalaman yang benar2 menakutkan. Saya membayangkan kalau saja saya yang berada di posisi itu, saya belum tentu dapat melakukan apa2 juga. Tapi sepertinya dunia lain yang bersifat ghaib itu memang ada. Kita bisa menganggapnya sebagai salah satu kebesaran Tuhan semesta alam. Semoga sukses di kontes ini 👍

Terima kasih bg atas komentar nya

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