Spanish lessons through literature/creative writing: "clase n.7 segundo acto"

in Knack4buzz14 days ago

EL DIARIO DE DIEGO: clase n.7 segundo acto

Muy bien, mis amores: así que las tareas de la escuela, las mías y las de mi mejor amigo Miguel se fueron al garete. Al cabo de unos quince minutos, efectivamente, las páginas de nuestros cuadernos quedaban blancas como cuando los habíamos abierto. Pues la curiosidad nos estaba matando. ¿De qué estaban hablando mi abuela, mi mamá y doña Angustias en la pieza de mi abuela? Nosotros no resistimos, y entonces fuimos a husmear atrás de la puerta bien cerrada, cuando de repente mi mamá abrió, y ella, la abuela y la señora Angustias nos agarraron en flagrante, con las orejas bien abiertas y pegadas al cerrojo. Pronto mi mamá me dio un par de bofetadas por el atrevimiento. Lo que me disgustó bastante, pues, a lo contrario, doña Angustias hizo caso omiso al mismo atrevimiento de Miguel. ¿Por qué rayos solo yo tengo que tener unos padres tan estrictos? Sin embargo, mi abuela se apiadó de mí y empezó a pelearse con mi mamá para defenderme. Che, ¡cómo me gustaría que mi mamá fuese igual a la abuela! Es verdad que los adultos en nuestra casa siempre nos enseñan lo correcto, a mí y a mi hermana. Sé que husmear en las conversaciones de los adultos es gorda travesura. Pero...

Dictionary and slang:


IRSE AL GARETE (here the verb IR = TO GO is conjugated in the simple past tense, third plural person, as TAREAS is plural) is an idiomatic Spanish verbal phrase that means TO GO DOWN THE DRAIN or TO GO DOWN IN FLAMES or TO HELL😂. In Spanish this idiomatic phrase requires the verb in its reflexive form.



BLANCO/A/OS/AS = WHITE (a colour as adjective in all Romanic languages, including Spanish, turn into masculine, feminine, singular and plural)


DOÑA is a synonymous of SEÑORA = MRS. it's a more formal title compared to SEÑORA. The masculine correspondents are DON (more formal) and SEÑOR (more informal).

HUSMEAR = TO SNOOP (it literally means to sniff, but used in the context of this lesson means to snoop)



ATREVIMIENTO = IMPUDENCE, FORWARDNESS, DARE. In a different context it could also mean boldness or courage.

POR QUÉ RAYOS is a Latin American slang adverbial phrase meaning WHY ON EARTH.

PELEAR/SE = TO FIGHT (also meaning an animated discussion as in the case of little Diego's mum and grandma), here used in the reflexive form.


Here the video-slide with the pronunciation:

I registered the pronunciation and I added an image for the video-slide from Pixabay, among those can be freely used. You find it here:
Video-slide prepared with the free tools Slideshow Creator and ClipChamp default for Windows11.

Did you read the lesson and watched the video-slide? Very well, let's go now to see the English translation🤗:

DIEGO'S DIARY (=EL DIARIO DE DIEGO): lesson n.7 second part (=clase n.7 segundo acto)

All right, my dear friends: so my homework, mine and my best friend Miguel's went down the drain. After about fifteen minutes, indeed, the pages of our exercise-books were as white as when we had opened them. Cause curiosity was killing us: what were my grandma, my mother and Mrs. Angustias talking about in my grandmother's room? We didn't keep quiet and so we went to snoop behind the tightly closed door, when suddenly my mother opened it and she, my grandmother and Mrs. Angustias caught us with our hands in the jar, with our ears wide open and glued to the keyhole. Soon my mum gave me a couple of slaps for my impudence. I was quite upset, because, on the other hand, Mrs. Angustias ignored Miguel's forwardness. Why on earth should only I have to have such strict parents? However, my grandma took pity on me and started fighting with my mother to protect me. Hey, I wish my mum was just like my grandmother! It's true that in our house adults always teach us to do the right things, to me and to my sister. I know that snooping on adults' conversations is a big mischief. But...

Previous lesson:

Ps.: I apologise for the pronunciation not very crisp, but I caught an allergic cold still bothering me...



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I hope you feel better and have a great Sunday. Thanks for sharing the Spanish lesson with us. We are super happy to see you.

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