Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19W6 - "Time Travel Challenge"

in Knack4buzz2 months ago

It's a pleasure to be here this beautiful evening to participate in this memorable engagement challenge. This happens to be my first time navigating through this very community and I hope I'm highly welcome. You can call me @missyleo your favorite girl.

If wishes were horses beggars would ride, but in this case I would say, "if there's was a time machine to go to the past, I would have love to go back to year 2020, it was a turbulent year for me I lost two most precious people in my life, which i am still carrying the guilt and scars of them in my life till now.

I will only talk about one of the person for now, while the other one will be a story for another day.

I lost my best pal to the cold hands of dead in February 2020, my late friend by name Divine died a very painful dead that up till this moment no one knows the reason behind her demised.

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She used to stay with me in the city, trying to make earns meet with the little stipends we were getting as a salary from one of the nursery school we were teaching, one day we decided to stop working because the proprietress of the school was owning us two months salary, and she wasn't even ready to pay us.

So I looked for another job while my friend decided to learn a thread, which was a very nice idea but what I never like was her decision of going back to the village to do that, with the reason that, she will be eating free food from the mother's house and she won't be spending much since she doesn't have enough money for that.

But as a friend I didn't agreed to that but since I couldn't help her and we couldn't helped ourselves, because we were still struggling to even feed, so we came to an understanding that she will only spend one year in the village learning the tailoring work and after she is free, she will come back to the city and by then she will get a better sewing job.

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As God did it, she was able to secure a good place for the training with the help of her mother and everything went on smoothly, she stayed and completed her one year training and it was that February of 2020 that she wanted to do her graduation/freedom party, I mean that very week she has called me and informed me about it amd i even promised to go for the ceremony but something terrible happened😭.

The next morning I had a call from her younger brother telling me that Divine is dead, she just slept and couldn't wake up again, no sickness, no form of issues or any thing.

That was how I became blank totally, like I was out of life completely, I was taken somewhere for treatment, I stayed there till my friend was buried.

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I couldn't see my friend corpse or even had a chance to bid her farewell because I was insane and wasn't ready to accept the truth that my childhood friend, my best pal is no longer in existence.

When I came out of my insanity, that was when I realized that I had lost so many things in one friend and the guilt of me not going for her burial is what I'm still living with up till now.

That's why I said if there was a time machine to go back to the past I would have gone back to year 2020, even if I won't be able to bring her back to life but at least give her the last respect that she deserves.

Thanks everyone for reading my post so patiently
I would love to invite my friends to take part in it
@goodybest @ngoenyi and @tripple-e


One Love 💕

Hello, I hope you are well. I am very saddened to read your post in which you told about one of your friends who has passed away. From the photos, I can imagine how beautiful and young she was. It is said that those who die only die once and those who are close to them remember them every day and continue to die every day. You have certainly shown your love to them and What you have remembered and shared with us is very appreciable, but I wish it would be possible for her to come back to you again.

I wish everyday that she didn't die, I wish it was just a dream and I wish I could turn back the hands of time mostly...

You know exactly what the truth, I remember her every blessed day of my life, a very young soul...

Thank you for your word of consolation.

Good friends certainly leave a good impression of love, losing someone we love and love us is very sad.
Hopefully you can continue to have happy days, your best friend will be happy to see that.

My prayer is that God should accept her gentle soul, as I will keep praying for her soul to rest well in the blossom of the Lord.


You have shared a painful story of how you and your friend who bonded for so long, got snatched from you. It was a shock to you as you heard she slept to death, it's really a painful past, but am glad you had moved on my dear friend. It's really a nice article, your pictures show how much you guys were. Success in the challenge my dear friend.

Saludos .

Lamentó mucho la perdida de tu amiga tan joven.
Es triste cuando los amigos o familiares parten de este mundo y más aún cuando no podemos darle un último adiós. Es muy noble que quieras volver y poder hacerlo con ella.

Sé que ella entiende que no hayas podido hacerlo. Ten paz en tu corazón.

Éxitos y buena suerte.

I've tried to make peace in my heart, but the fact that I keep remembering her every now and then is what is killing me inside.

May God forgive me.

Te entiendo perfectamente, cuando pedir a mi padre me sentí que moría y el dolor me consumió, es normal que te sientas así era tu mejor amiga y no estar con ella al final debe estar hiriendo tu corazón.

Pero quizás dejar de sentir culpa y recordarla siempre en sus mejores momentos te ayude a estar más tranquila y en paz.
Lo merecen ambas.

Te abrazo.

Thank you for the encouraging words, I appreciate it.

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Hello there, you have posted a great quality post and we are happy to support you, stay up with good quality publications

Curated by : @vivigibelis

Thank you for the support, I appreciate it.

@missyleo, your story is truly touching. If wishes were horses, we would all ride towards our most precious moments. Thank you.

Yes ooo, truly if wishes were horses we would have ride... Thank you for stopping by my post and also with a wonderful comment.

I’m glad you liked my comment! If you found it wonderful, it’s because your post was equally so. Thank you for sharing such a great piece!

Thank you once again, stay safe and enjoy your weekend 💕.

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