Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19W3 - "My life in paranormal."

in Knack4buzz2 months ago



Even though nowadays times are very advanced with very great medical and medical science, in Indonesia, especially in Aceh, there are still very many people who trust paranormals for treatment. Paranormals themselves in Aceh have two types of paranormals, namely evil psychics who are usually called ** "Dukon"** and a good psychic who is called "Teungku Meurajah".

Both have ways of treating patients with their own characteristics, but the main goal is related to demons or genies, evil psychics use genies to harm other people, while good psychics' job is to expel genies sent by evil psychics.

These are two things that the people of Aceh still really believe in to this day, so now I want to tell you about my experience when I myself was a good psychic at work when teasing the genie that was in my nephew, I saw this incident directly about a few months ago.

Initially, my nephew was a gloomy person, he had a lot of bad behavior, such as often being angry with his father and mother, he didn't like hanging out with people and he was also not cheerful in going about his days even though he was only 11 years old.

Therefore, my parents invited me to treat my nephew at a good paranormal place which we usually call "Teungku Meurajah". While being treated by reciting special spells, my nephew suddenly became possessed by an evil spirit which made him appear convulsed and scratch his own body like someone possessed by a genie in a horror film.



My sister also said Mercy, mercy, mercy, I'm out, I'm out of this body, I'm sorry in a voice that wasn't her own. Seeing this incident, I was immediately shocked because I just realized that all this time there had been another figure occupying my nephew's body.

The treatment process carried out that night by a good psychic lasted about 2 hours. Seeing this incident really made me shocked with fear. However, after being treated by this good psychic, until now my little brother has been able to live his life well like children in general.



Now my nephew has become a cheerful child, loves his parents and likes to make friends with the people around him. Seeing this significant change, our family and I are very grateful to Allah who has restored our little brother from the temptation of the evil jinn and also to the good psychic. who was willing to help remove the evil genie from our nephew's body.

That's the paranormal event that I experienced myself for my participation in this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite sister @chant, sister @eliany and sister @uzma4882 to participate together in this contest.


Hola apreciado amigo. Así como en la vida carnal también en la espiritual hay elementos malos y buenos. Así que debemos saber cuando estamos ante una entidad buena o mala. Pues puede ser peligroso. Gracias a Dios tu sobrino fue liberado de esa posesión. He visto muchas personas dañar su vida por hechos así. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

Terimakasih saudara, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

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Terimakasih atas dukungannya saudari @ruthjoe

 2 months ago 

I can hear you. I know this is common in Asian countries. When we see something abnormal we consider it to be a paranormal. Some psychological disorders. make a person. look like paranormal even if they are treatable. In most cases, But yes, I believe there is some truth in all this. My best wishes in this contest.

Thank you brother, I hope we can all always be healthy and happy

Hello friend!

The series of activities that occur in Aceh are really surprising, it's indeed a brow raising episode you shared with us, your nephew had himself possessed by an evil spirit ad some magical spells where said to cleanse him off them, this occurred for about 2 hours amidst convulsions, that must have been a terrible experience for you. You have shared a special article. Hearing the fat that he is freed is a relief. I really enjoyed all you had to say and success in the challenge my dear friend.

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita terus sukses, sehat dan selalu bahagia

Many tantriks and exorcists claim to make such spirits come out of the body, I have also heard this many times. But most of them turn out to be frauds and cheats.

Ya anda benar, kita harus benar-benar jeli melihat tingkah laku mereka agar kita tidak tertipu, terimakasih sudah mampir di postingan saya, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

You are always welcome friend, it's my pleasure.

Kop ngeri kan menyabka berhubungan dengan Saket angen gop kirem😓

Nye buk, tamelake tanyo mandum besehat sabe dan Allah pejioh dari segala bala


Dear I really enjoyed reading your post and very awesome and wonderful presentation the way you talked about paranormal in your post today is very high indeed such incidents happen before our eyes. But then to us it's unbelievable, we're not ready to understand it, to us it's a bit unusual but nothing like that actually happens, so the way you talked about it today is very It felt good Best of luck for this contest.


Perubahan tingkah laku yang terjadi kepada keponakan anda sangat terlihat jelas karena itu anda sekeluarga menyadarinya dengan cepat. Namun bila itu tidak terendus oleh keluarga anda kemungkinan tubuh keponakan anda dikuasa makhluk astral tersebut. Selain makhluk aatral saya percaya bahwa perubahan sikap seseorang juga terjadi ketika seseorang banyak menyerap energi negatif disekitarnya. Mungkin saya dilingkungan atau dalam kelompok berteman banyak bercampur aduk energi sehingga tanpa memilah milih semua energi diserap membuat seseorang bingung sehingga bersikap seperti bukan dirinya seutuhnya.
Sukses untuk anda

Benar sekali kak, terimakasih atas tanggapan baiknya, semoga kita semua menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dan terindah dari hal-hal yang buruk.

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