Story Telling | Jenggo, The Lion Cub?

in Knack4buzz27 days ago (edited)

Hello, I'm happy to be back on the Knack4buzz art stage, I'd like to present a story, and I hope you're entertained by this story, read it slowly and give me your feedback, I'd be happy to receive it. Let's take a look at this story about a lion cub.

Source: Freepik

In a vast tropical forest, a lioness was moaning in pain under a shady tree, she was about to give birth to the cub she had been carrying for 4 months. A lion cub was born healthy from her womb. Unfortunately, some time later, the mother lion died due to the pain and injuries she suffered from giving birth to the cub. And now the lion cub was left alone.

The lion cub, who knew nothing about the world, didn't know what to do. Then, in the distance, there was a flock of sheep walking towards him. The oldest sheep, let's call her grandmother sheep, saw the lion cub, grandmother sheep said "poor lion cub, take him with us". And so the lion cub joined the flock, and the grandmother sheep named him Jenggo.

Source: Freepik

As the months went by, Jenggo grew up following all the habits of a typical goat, from the grass he ate to his voice that also sounded similar to a goat. Now that Jenggo is a teenager, one day a pack of wolves came and stalked the goat colony that Jenggo belonged to.

The wolf pack began to attack the goats brutally, in this bad situation one of the sheep was caught by the wolf troops. In a pinch, Jenggo's friend said "Je ... you are a lion, you can help him", Jenggo replied "what can I do, I'm not a lion I'm also a sheep". So the captured sheep was devoured by the wolves, after being satisfied, the wolf pack left.

Jenggo remembers what his friend said earlier, but he doesn't understand why his friend said that, he still believes he is a sheep.

Source: Freepik

Time went on, the next day came another threat from the wolves, the sheep colony began to panic, slowly the wolves were getting closer, after determining the target, the wolf horde attacked again, this time the threat was the grandmother sheep, she then said to Jenggo "son you are a lion, help us with your strength". Jenggo, who heard the grandmother's words, got an adrenaline rush, and started to fight the wolves with horns like a sheep. Annoyed by what Jenggo was doing, the wolves changed their focus of attack, with Jenggo becoming the main target.

Jenggo began to get scared, he ran as fast as he could without a definite direction and destination, the wolf pack continued to follow behind.

The sight of the chase was seen by an adult male lion who was on the hill, he probably felt surprised and strange about the unusual conditions, then the adult male lion roared with a powerful sound, and the wolves who heard the sound scattered and hid, as well as Jenggo. Then the male lion approached Jenggo, and Jenggo became even more frightened. The male lion said "you shouldn't run and be afraid, you are just like me", Jenggo replied "I am a sheep, how can I be like you".

Source: Freepik

The male lion tried to convince Jenggo that he was a lion, so he took Jenggo to the riverbank not far from them. When they arrived at the riverbank, the male lion told Jenggo to look in the mirror and see his face in the river water. Jenggo looked again and again to build up his confidence as a lion and the male lion again said "that's right son, as I said earlier, you are a lion, we are the rulers of this forest", Jenggo finally found his true identity, his instinct as a lion emerged, he expressed it by roaring loudly, his voice was heard by the wolf pack that was chasing him and they ran away even more frightened.

This story actually has analogies, where the forest = steemit platform, and the lion cubs = me and maybe other newcomers. So we need guidance from male lions like @el-nailul and @radjasalman to develop ourselves.

oh, I think it is also necessary to get escort from @the-gorilla and advice from @wakeupkitty.

Thanks to everyone


Pintar sekali anda membuat cerita, baru kali ini saya mendengar koloni domba menghidupi seekor anak singa. Juga anda meng analogi kan kita sebagai new comer di steemit butuh bimbingan senior. Anda pantas menjadi pemenang.

Terimakasih buk, saya masih belajar juga buk, sebagai sesama pendatang baru memang kita perlu bimbingan dari para senior. Namun di balik itu kita juga perlu menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri kita. Mari kita saling mendukung buk.


I like the story but the opening part actually distracts it a bit, try to write more touchy and start directly at the story, and you can make it flow better

good luck my friend and thank you for mentioning me, actually I am not as a good writer as you thought.


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