Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Inspired by Beauty."

in Knack4buzz2 days ago


Beauty is something that can make us happy, as simple as that, so where do we get that beauty? Looking at the flowers in the city park, looking at the mountains from the highlands, or watching the sunset from the beach. Yes, they all look great, but is it really necessary to spend time looking for beauty? I don't think so, an easy example is to look at @rashid001's paintings or @blessedbee's dance moves, isn't that beauty too?.

For me, I can also get beauty from things that are not visible, it's about feelings, the analogy is like when someone feels in love. Similarly, being together with your beloved family, spending time filled with joy, is the beauty of a relationship. So the most important thing is not where we are, but who we are there with.


The universe is a masterpiece of the Most Beautiful. Allah SWT, the Almighty God, has arranged the harmonization of nature starting from the smallest such as blood flow in the body to the rotation of planets in outer space. Certainly not worth saying a coincidence, this is the beauty of a creation that should be a lesson for us so that belief in the existence of the Creator does not waver. The beauty of the work of God Almighty can also be seen clearly from the verses written in the holy book of the Qur'an, let's review one of them.


Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay); Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We Made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothes the bones with flesh; then We developed out it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create!

This verses explain how the process of formation and development of the fetus in the womb of a mother.

One of America's leading scientists, Marshall Johnson, was once asked to comment on the Qur'ānic verses relating to embryology. He said that the Qur'ānic descriptions of the stages of embryology could not have happened by chance. The professor also said that Muhammad 1400 years ago probably used a sophisticated microscope, then he laughed and said that the first microscopes invented could not magnify more than 10 times and could not show clear images.

We often focus too much on what looks interesting in front of our eyes, we consider it beautiful, even though the real beauty lies in the ability of our eyes to see, which inspired the creation of a camera lens. Speaking of cameras, try activating the front camera of your smartphone, then what you will see is also a beauty, or maybe more than that, this is a miracle from the Most Beautiful. That's Yourself.

This beautiful challenge is certainly not to be missed, I want to see the beauty shared by @lil.albab @musaddikpase & @ifatniza.

Warmest regards,


Postingan anda sangat mengedukasi kita semua sobat, saya kagum membaca ulasan anda sudah seperti seorang tokoh agama.

Anda juga menunjukan bahwa Ilmuwan Amerika terkenal bernama Marshall Johnson takjub dengan kebenaran yang terkandung dalam Al-Qur'an, kata-katanya tentang mikroskop apa yang digunakan Muhammad 1500 tahun lalu jika tidak menggunakan alat yang canggih disini kita dapat mengetahui bahwa jawaban nya adalah temuan ini adalah kebenaran dari firman Tuhan.

Saya hanya ingin menyampaikan apa yang seharusnya kita ketahui bersama bahwa banyak ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an yang selaras dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, yang merupakan bukti bahwa ini benar-benar dari Tuhan Yang Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.
Semoga keberkahan selalu menyertaimu..

Tulisan yang keindahan alam di ulas dengan teori dan kebenaran ayat suci..

Alam mengandung tanda-tanda kekuasaan Tuhan, patutlah kita mengambil pelajaran dari keindahannya bahwa tidak mungkin keindahan itu tercipta dengan sendirinya, pasti ada yang menciptakan.
Ibarat sebuah lukisan yang indah, tentu tidak ada yang percaya bahwa lukisan itu ada dengan sendirinya, maka begitu pula seluruh alam ini.

 2 days ago 

May Allah grant you success at every stage of life. And may happiness be your destiny. This prayer is from my heart for you, because you have explained the word beauty with Quranic verses in the best way, and this is beyond praise. ALLAH (S.W.T) created everything in the universe beautiful. The only difference is how we look at it.

Thank you for your sincere and beautiful prayers for me, Allah SWT has created everything in the universe, from nothing to nothing. The greatest beauty is His.
Everything beautiful in this world is only temporary, eternal happiness and beauty is only in heaven, hopefully we can enter it. That is the real success.

Awesome post The beauty and ability to enjoy the Must we are grateful for

Thank you my friend,
I believe you have something beautiful for us to enjoy here, come and show us. May your days continue to be beautiful.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

La belleza, por lo general, proviene desde nuestro interior. Si vemos lo que nos rodea dispuestos a encontrar aquello que nos agrada, que nos provoca satisfacción, descubriremos la esencia maravillosa de lo que tenemos ante nuestros ojos. Y si la belleza depende de nuestra manera de percibir el mundo, quiere decir que se encuentra también en nuestro abstracto universo interior, en lo que sentimos y nos causa emociones hermosas... Éxitos en este desafío...

Thank you,
Beauty can come from anywhere, depending on our perspective. There is always beauty behind something.
A person's assessment of something is also different. So beauty is very dependent on individual interest and subjective.

Very well explained the term beauty by reference of Islamic verses. That makes the sense of beauty complete. Allah is the best creation to make the beauty things for us . We thanked to Allah for His blessings. All the best dear to have more blessings and live happy and prosperous life towards your family and adorable kids. :)

Allah SWT is the pinnacle of all beauty, He is the creator of all that is shaped and colored, seen and unseen.
True beauty will be obtained by His servants who are good at taking lessons from what they feel in life.
May blessings always be with you and your family wherever you are.


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