Contest! // My creative cinema 📽️🎥 | Pakistani Teen Superhero

in Knack4buzz2 months ago


Hello steemians, I'm @fajrularifst from Indonesia, happy to join the knack4buzz community which will be full of entertainment. InshaAllah...

My creative cinema_20240607_213421_0000.png

One of our favorite pastimes is Cinema, this place embodies togetherness, people gather with a common goal, there is laughter, fear, and even crying. is this an exaggeration? 😁

Well, actually I rarely watch movies in theaters, where I live Langsa City, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Movie theaters are prohibited buildings. Why?... because Aceh has a shari'a law that prohibits unmarried couples from being alone in a dark place.


If we want to watch a movie in the cinema, then we Langsa residents will go to the neighboring province by traveling for 3 hours, it's like we don't have a television at home, then we are willing to pay to watch at a friend's house 😅

I love watching action or comedy genre movies, and I'm surprised by people who choose to watch horror movies or sad movies, I want to say "Hey you guys! We go to the movies to entertain ourselves, right?"

You'd have to believe that the last time I went to the movies was in November last year at the Premiere Cinema in Ciwalk, Bandung, and the movie playing on the big screen was The Marvels. Of course you want me to tell you a bit about that movie.


Kamala Khan is a phenomenal character in this film, she is the first Muslim super hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she is very excited when she refers to herself as Ms. Marvel. She is a teenage girl who lives in New Jersey, from a Pakistani-American family who is religiously observant. Initially, Kamala's daily life was filled with fictional stories, her favorite of course being the Avengers, especially Captain Marvel.

Kamala gets superpowers from an ancient bracelet, with which she gets connected to the powers of two other superheroes. It was entertaining to see that in the early days of the power connection, the three female superheroes moved from one place to another in different dimensions of space.

I don't watch with popcorn, it's too spoiled. I prefer a drink called Mood Booster, which is a processed strawberry-flavored drink with a creamy mixture, yes as the name implies, this drink is able to restore a good atmosphere to the heart and mind.


Oh yes, I don't want to cover up that there used to be a movie theater in my place, which lasted until around the 1980s. This is a legacy from the Dutch colonial era when they colonized our country. The building is still intact to this day, the outside of which functions as a coffee shop. I have deliberately taken this picture specifically to enter this contest that you have created Mr. @khursheedanwar.


It is a dream come true for me, my family, my neighbors and all my friends, if this theater reopens someday.

Langsa, June 8, 2024

Senang membaca tulisan anda yang menceritakan tentang bioskop dan kronologisnya di aceh, karena saya juga dari aceh, semoga berhasil sobat.

Terimakasih sobat,
Semoga bioskop di Aceh bisa diizinkan untuk beroperasi lagi, walaupun dengan aturan tambahan, seperti pemisahan antara penonton laki-laki dengan perempuan.

Bagaimana menurut Anda @mthaib?

 last month 

Like you like action and comedy content, similarly everyone have their own choice.
You won't understand.

Of course, my friend,
I'm just expressing what I feel, it doesn't mean I'm deploring their choices, everyone has their own interests and has the right to express them.

What about you, what do you like to watch?

 last month 

That's why I surprised that how danger is your choice 😳.
Because most of the girls are Scared from there types of content.
But you're so brave girl.
And i mostly like emotional types of content.

Iya, kita di Aceh gak akan ke bioskop karena memang gak ada, sejak tahun 2000 bioskop tidak boleh ada, keluarga saya setahun sekali nonton bioskop ke kampung tetangga, itupun kalo ada pergi..

Betul Bu, mari kita satukan suara agar bioskop di Aceh kembali ada.


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