Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Inspired by _ beauty."

in Knack4buzz16 hours ago (edited)



When talking about beauty and what inspires us, it goes deep beyond just the things we see. Just as we know, beauty, they say, is in the eyes of the beholder. What seems beautiful to me may not be the same with another person and not everything which is beautiful actually inspires. That's the truth. What inspires me may be something else to another person. Many things inspire me but, for this contest, I'd like to focus on the beauty of nature.

When I look around the environment, the green trees and grasses, I see the beauty of nature. The beauty of the temperature, the different seasons and times, all tell of the beauty of the works of nature.

Looking up at the heavens, the blue sky, the clouds, the elements of the sky; the sun, moon and stars are just an excellent work of nature. What about the different birds of the air with different colours and sounds? They are all characterised by nature's offer to humanity.

Have you ever imagined the deep oceans, the rivers, the streams, the fountains and all that they inhabit? I mean all the aquatic plants and animals and the natural resources therein.

What about the mountains, the highlands and lowlands, the valleys and the tall trees in the forest, the glowing flowers that inspires with its beautiful colours when you wake up in the morning. They are all gifts from nature.

Have you ever thought of the ambience of the beach/sea? How peaceful and quiet they look? Maybe just begin to imagine the greenish lands, the flowers, the wildlife, the land and all its inhabitants, imagine the rays of the morning sun and its beauty.

In just a few seconds, with your eyes closed, begin to imagine the sights of nature's gifts to us and its beauty. How these things have contributed to our wellbeing as humans, how lovely they have made us feel.

You can't feel less than just exhaling with a smile and giving thanks to God for the gift of life and nature.


What would life be without the gifts of the beauty of nature? And my best inspiration of nature which is flowers. Flowers gives me a new thought and mindset whenever I see one. Flowers signify peace, love and and beauty. They're loving, alluring and breathtaking.

I leave you with Psalms 8:3a

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of...Source


I'm inviting

Picture 1: Pexels


God made beautiful and fascinating nature. It's all of our dependency how can we avail benefits from them. Eye catching scenes, refreshments plants and fragrant flowers feel to us healthy and energetic. Yes , this beautiful natural beauty assume that we are in heaven where in just happiness and peaceful life.

Thank you for this heart melting comment.

Nature is actually the thing that inspired me so much in life follow by foods. You have shared wonderful post and pictures. I wish you good luck.

Thank you for reading my friend, I really appreciate your support.

hey dear your post on the nature to the beauty is trully insppiring. to from the green trees and blue sky to the birds and flowers on the everything in natured to the brings pleasure & peace. The ocean to the mountain the valley to all contributess to our happines and protection.stay blessed & take care for ur self

Thank you for the lovely comment, I appreciate your support.

Hola amigo es bastante bonito recordar lo bonito y hermoso que es la naturaleza y todos sus paisajes que contiene, la playa es hermosa yo aquí he podido ver bastante y siempre es una belleza de admirar, las montañas siempre son de admirar son unos monumentos magníficos de Dios para nosotros, los bosques son perfectos con su cantidad de árboles que maravilla a la vista, y el océano cuna de muchas especies marítimas es un atractivo visual sin igual.


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