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RE: Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Inspired by Beauty."

in Knack4buzzyesterday (edited)

You're very much right with your observations but the contest gave us the opportunity to express beauty of different things of which photography was mentioned. So I was giving out beautiful vibes and lines for photographs taken by me which spotlights beauty. I wasn't just talking about beauty on it own or comparing how the camera's eye is better than humans eyes. I was placing a point and expanding my creativity for this genre. You can say anything about how beautiful music is even comparing it to living things but sometimes they are figuratively explained.

I understand where you heading but that's not what this writeups means. It was a detailed explanation of how beautiful Photography which everyone knows is figurative, implying a lot. For beauty, we need eyes, experience, knowledge and inner observations. If you give a blind man sight, he gets to see light and the beauty it illuminates. This is what I can say about this. This is your own opinion or suggestion for this content. I'm not debating it and I accept every words you place as comment. I've also learnt from it but this is my contrary view.

Thanks for this comment. If everyone is positive about your post, you won't know where you go wrong. I really appreciate ♥️♥️♥️


I am nowhere saying that you are not allowed to use photos or say photography isn't a way to show beauty.
All I did is commenting on what you said, sharing my thoughts.
As a commenter this is my good right.

Since this is an engagement contest we can keep writing and answering so you receive the most comments. How about that?

I don't know if there's a wrong or right I can only share how it looks if I open a post or see a list of posts. You can do your benefit with it or say nonsense it's up to you, you are free to do as you like or if, how you promote yourself.


 yesterday (edited)

You're right. I was just replying back. Like I said, you did noble in sharing your thoughts. You have rights commenting on my post and so do i in appreciating the comment. At least there should always be a criticism in one's post not so? This helps improve one's writing and make them do better. So please, don't be annoyed. I was just replying to your own thoughts about my post. At least, I've gotten some good ideas from your own post. No one is above mistakes and your thoughts to my post can be applied by me. Thanks for the comment

 20 hours ago 

I am not annoyed at all what made you think that? I just thought you misunderstood what I meant to say.
I agree with you. I rather hear something new than always the same.
It's not easy to edit yourself. I write my text so at times I have in my mind something else than I wrote down (not being a native speaker is a problem at times as well).

A great evening.❤️🍀

P. S. How many comments do you need? 100? 😉

 18 hours ago 

😂😂😂😂.....Yes please.....You actually make sense in your sense of judgement. I think I'll love you to be rating my contents or give me your view about it. 😁.

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