Theme diary game // My market visit. | A trip to the ikom market on the 7th of June |

in Knack4buzz15 days ago

The economic situation of my country has made people to be African of going to the market due to the increase in the price of goods and services that have caused serious inflation.


Sometimes a market will be full and sometimes it will be dry because there's no money to such items which hight cost.

About my trip to the market to purchase some food items

This is a market that is always crowded with people especially on Mondays and it was my turn to go to the market to purchase ingredients that we will need in preparing dishes in our house for that week, so as soon as I woke up from sleep I did morning rituals and quick prepared myself and went to the market before it becomes late for me.

I stayed for about an hour at the road before I saw a bike that took me to the market,


and on my way I decided to capture this beautiful picture of how the street looks like because I was very close to the market.


As soon as I arrived the market I walk through and went to where they were selling cow meat and I stopped by to purchase some that we will use to cook at home, so when I ask the man he told me the price of it and it was very cost so I had to option than to purchase #2,000 naira worth of it.


After buying it, I decided to walk around the market if I could see anything that I would buy.


Moving forward, I saw when they were selling onions, and I stopped and purchased some that we will need for the week. Luckily, for me, the onions were sold at a very affordable price, and I was very happy while buying it.
What gave me more joy was that the person selling it was my language person so we spoke and he reduced the price for me.


Not too long after that, I went to purchase some fresh fish, when I saw it I couldn't resist it because it really caught my eye.
When I went, the price was very high, but because of my love for it, I bargain until it favours me, and I purchase it.
This was the last item that I bought, and after that, I entered a bike that brought me home successfully.


Overall, it was a stressful day for me because going to the market to buy things nowadays seems very difficult due to the increase in price, which at the end causes inflation.

I am using this opportunity to invite @pandora2010, @josepha, @simonnwigwe and @rakiya to join me and participate in this wonderful contest


It's always in our place to bargain, if the trader don't go in our favour and their strictness in selling price depends on their buying price, I never knew you good at pricing goods, even though the economy is hard we will survive. Amen.
Best of luck friend

Thanks my bro, for this wonderful comment i do appreciate ❤️ 🙏


Nice post. It seems u have purchased a lot of things today in market nice capturing 👏

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