Steem Sri Lanka - Contest Series | Round 02 | Week 05 – My Secrets of Success: Life management hacks by @vvarishayy

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians
It's my honor to participate in the contest organized by @randulakoralage. Thank you for such an interesting contest and it's my favorite topic I'm posting it late because I was having exams.

Before moving towards the topic I want you all to read it till the end. I read a lot of self-help books and whatever I'm going to discuss will help you. Below all things I discussed are my favorite. I hope you all will like ☺️


Topics which I included in this post are;

  • A true story to motivate you
  • how to set a life goal
  • a triangle of success
  • persistency
  • How to attract better people in your life
  • Best way to save money
  • how to focus
  • how to step out of your comfort zone
  • choose your counselor wisely
  • how to become an extraordinary student
  • Take responsibility for your actions

A true story to motivate you

An author named Jean-Dominique Bauby wrote a book. Before writing the book he got paralyzed and locked-in syndrome. The name of the book is the diving bell and butterfly. The interesting thing about this book more than its context is how the author wrote it, he was locked-in syndrome and couldn't even do anything by his own self. So how he wrote the book?? He wrote a book by blinking his left eye.

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A person who got locked in syndrome managed to achieve what he wanted so why not we can??

How to set a life goal

We all have some goals but I want you to make a life goal. Your life goal should not be comprised of only making money. It should be something worthy of your life. Before moving towards how to set a life goal there's another most important question that why you want to achieve that?? Make a notebook and write down what you want from your life then write down why you want that and your "why" should be solid so you can motivate yourself whenever you feel low.
To achieve my big goal you should set many goals like for life goal, set your yearly goals, for yearly goals, set monthly goals and to achieve that monthly goal, set weekly goals and for weekly goals, set daily goals and divide your day as well to make the most of the time you have. Each day, each breath, each minute counts and depends on the person you want to become in the future.

I've shown the flowchart below, so you people will understand that easily what I'm talking about.


A triangle of Success

I usually write in my diary about the key to success so I have a lot to tell about.
The key to success is to always make and maintain a triangle in your life.


The first thing that if you want to achieve something you should believe that you will get it and you deserve that. Faith in God is the most crucial thing in my perspective.


If you respect others and their work that will impact you in your life. A person who disrespects others never gets success in his life.

Hard work

Hard work is the third most important thing that will lead you to success. As you have heard God helps those who help themselves.


It is also one of the most important things to achieve anything. Don't quit don't stop. It doesn't matter what is your pace because persistency matters more than your pace. Look at this experiment below that I've made.


You can see clearly by working so less but consistently you will get some good results while if you don't work you will gain nothing so the choice is yours. Your way to success is hidden in your daily routine.

Step by step day by day, your choices will shape your actions until it becomes a habit, where practice makes them permanent. (Daren Hardest)

How to attract better people in your life

You become like people with whom you spend time so choose your friends wisely and if you don't find any, be alone. To attract a better friend/partner.
Step 1
Make a small notebook for the person you want to meet and then write down each and every detail and good qualities of that person like nature etc.
Step 2
Then read that and introspect, Do you have all the qualities that you want from the person you want to meet? You might not have all the qualities that you will mention.
Step 3
Then try to make yourself exactly like what you have mentioned in your diary and from time to time you add some more qualities in that diary.
After some time, you will definitely meet the person, because people with the same frequency attract people who have a similar frequency. Try this it will make you better + you will attract people like you want ❤️

Best way to save money


The best way to save your money is to divide the amount of the item by your daily wage. This is the best way and I do the same. Calculate how much money you make per day. And then divide the amount of the desired item by your daily earnings. Consider the worth of a pair of shoes that you want is 20 days of your hard work?
I've written a complete blog on how to save money you can read it further here

How to focus

We all have heard with our parents, teachers and many people that focus and concentrate but still, we can't, sometimes we got punished too because of it. But that's not our mistake that we are not able to concentrate. Tell me have you ever learned how to concentrate on your school, college, or anywhere?? No, not at all!!
We become perfect in things we do persistently and nowadays there are a lot of distractions, so what you are doing daily, you are practicing distraction so you can not focus on one thing. To do focus is just doing one thing at a time.

I'm giving you an exercise, just decide on a person whom you talk to daily for a few hours and talk with them without thinking about anything else and without doing any other activity. I mean your 100% attention should be on that person. By doing this exercise for 2 to 3 hours daily means you are practicing how to focus and gradually you will be a master in focusing, just be persistent.

How to step out of your comfort zone

If you have a goal, you know you can't achieve it in your comfort zone.
Make a circle on a blank paper and write down everything you do daily inside the circle and that's your comfort zone. Now write down the actions that require to achieve your particular goal, outside the circle and that's how you can know what is your comfort zone and try to do other things and that's how you can step out of your comfort zone.

choose your counselor wisely

It is just too unwise and ignorant when people ask for relationship advice from either people without experience or people who themselves cause displeasure to their household. When it comes to seeking a piece of advice, instead of going to your unwise close friend or someone you believe will favor you, visit or call someone who will work on building a relationship strong and tell you where YOU are wrong. I honestly hate those, who speak in your favor and end up destroying the bond. When it comes to relationships, stop searching for people who will consider you right and prove yourself as if you have tried your best in the relationship. No, you haven't. If you have such intention, it shows how insincere and irresponsible you are in keeping your relationships strong.

Imagine yourself in your 60s or 70s quite often, and know this, the only people in those lonely and dark days will be the people you cringe at the most right now. No friends, no fans, no followers, and none of your social group will be present to hold your hand at that time.

How to become an extraordinary student

There are 5 "R" that will make you good in your studies.
Record: during the lecture write all meaningful information legibly
Reduce: after the lecture write a summary of the ideas and facts using keywords as cue words.
Recite: recite all the information in your own words without looking at your notes or the text.
Reflect: think about your own opinions and ideas. Raise questions and record original ideas.
Review: before reading new things take 10 minutes to review your older notes skim over the main ideas and details.


Take responsibility for your actions

In the book, Compound Effect, the author talks about an instance when he went to a conference and the speaker asked the audience, how much effort should two people put into relationships. Some answered 49/50. Some answered 40/50. Some answered 50/50.
And he said it is 0/100. Because when you give your relationship without expecting, you start seeing problems differently. I AGREE IT IS DARN HARD TO BLAME YOURSELF. As long as the relationship isn't abusive, you start seeing problems differently when you give without expecting anything in return. If your parents are angry, you will start seeing faults in your behavior, routine and maybe you are not giving them much time, or you are not aware of your responsibilities at home or you spend time on your phone too much. If your spouse is angry, maybe you spend a lot of time with people outside, you are not sweet enough, your behavior is too UNromantic, maybe you don't listen to their problems or maybe you don't respect his or her wishes. That's how one improves relationships. The disadvantage of walking a relationship with 50/50 is, whenever something goes wrong, it will be another person's unfulfilled 50 to you but not YOURS. Thus, You take 100 percent responsibility for your actions, leaving no space to escape from improving yourself. You may come up with the questions. But as long as you are improving yourself, you don't need to worry about how others are doing. You will soon see that people will gradually initiate working on themselves. I believe you might know or heard of someone who hasn't changed their whole life or you have seen in movies or dramas that no matter how much someone is putting in their effort into building a strong relationship, the other character is just too rigid. Let's forget about movies for a second because that's not something you should be living your life considering, but about the former instance, yes it does happen but does observe that they did confront anger, criticism, and injustice but they too haven't changed themselves. Well it is a long discussion but long story short; as long as people analyze themselves instead of finding faults within their parents, spouse, children, and siblings, we will have a society where people are strong because they have a back to rely on.


I still have a lot in my mind but the post would become too long so that's all for the contest :)

I hope you all liked it and have learned something new today. I tried to put all my unique things together so that you can learn something new.

mentioning respected,
@steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator07, and @steemcurator03 to get their support


Seasonal Greetings..
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Thanks 😊

Excellent participation. I wish you luck in the contest. Cheers @vvarisjayh

Thank you ❣️

Thank You for Your Entry.

Your post has been upvoted by Steem Sri Lanka community curator.

My pleasure

How to attract better people in your life

I got attracted to this one. are you also doing this?

Nice to read tricks. I'll take some more time to read. Interesting. Thank you verymuch

are you also doing this?

Yes I do, it's really good😍 and I read it from a book. This trick will help you to improve yourself as well because we all want better people in life but don't change ourselves.

I'll take some more time to read. Interesting. Thank you verymuch

Yes I know I've written too much 🙊 it's my favourite topic.

I read it. Its very awesome

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