It is My Dream Home | Steem Sri Lanka 3G Contest Series | Week 06 | More than a dream is a goal

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, how are you? Here we are in another new contest of @rasinkani I would like to invite some friends to join this beautiful community and they can participate in dynamics like this @ashen99 @cuneydozen @blackstar12 AND @alejos7ven



Well let's get started ...

¿What is the house of your dreams like?

Good is not something that I ask myself a lot, but despite this, I have an idea of ​​how I would like my house to be, or at least some personal details that I would add to feel identified with it and not see myself as a stranger within the same, The important thing is that I have my mark, the first of which is that my desired house should not be in the center of the city or in noisy places, although it is true that services are important (health, food, education etc.) I prefer that my house is a bit far away to avoid the sound of cars and trucks, like motorcycles I prefer to live in a quiet area, which has a beautiful landscape mountains or forests in the background with a large backyard where the fresh air can breathe perfectly, I would also like to have 3 bedrooms, a basement, an attic and a large living room and open, that has a classic style with modern touches at the same time.

At the back of the house I wish it had a good area to make a rustic style fire pit and barbecue and with enough space to prepare a lot of food and attend to the guests. It must be covered with a clear roof to avoid disasters with rain or snow. In this recreation area there will be a space that has more than one trees if necessary and that is large where you can climb or set up a tree house (if I have children)

The part corresponding to the basement will be my work area, my personal office, where I think I would spend most of the day there I would like to have a large space without many walls with air conditioning a television in case I feel exhausted from working and a collection area for video game consoles, I would also have a computer that would be Custom built by me knowing that I know what it has and that in detail a 144Hz screen and headphones for listening to music, also a table with automatic suspension in case I feel tired of sitting so I can stop to relax a little muscles but at the same time not lose productivity

My room would be simple, nothing to write home about, a large bed with many pillows, also access to a private bathroom, a not very big television in case I watch movies at night and a medium window that opens onto a small terrace overlooking the patio and the sky.

The attic would generally be for storing things that annoy like shipping boxes, tools etc

When did you have this dream?

As I said, I don't think about it much, although I have more or less an idea, it would be more or less from the age of 12-14 since I have always wanted to live in my own house where I can be comfortable, it is also a goal of mine proposal, then, soon I hope it comes true

Who do you want to take to live in the house of your dreams?


It depends a lot, my mom would have no problem living with me even if I think about it better she would be with my future wife. At first if I wanted to live only for a season, but in general it would be with my future family that I form

Why did this dream make you happy?

Because it is a possible goal, to feel that it is within my possibilities. it is only effort and dedication that makes me happy since fighting for a goal and achieving it is very rewarding

How do you plan to achieve your dream?

Working, Rome was not built in one night, so in order to have my dream home I have to study and work a lot. Will it cost me? Sure, but that's the fun part that is like an adventure, a dream, a great goal that I hope to achieve soon in the future


It is nice to read about your dream home. Thank you for sharing. Hope you will achieve your goal. Good luck !

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Excellent post 🥰 i liked minecraft house

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