Social MediasteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Sri Lankalast year

Social Media is a web-based platform that enables users to perform an interaction with one another. Social media, like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Google+, Telegram, Reddit, and LinkedIn, allows users to form and spread information.

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Social Media, is a curse to some people while for others it is a blessing. It is a highly controversial topic today in society.

Social Media has developed into the ideal location to display anyone's talent without needing to invest money. As a result, a lot of people use social media to make a lot of money. This can be done by selling, clothes, blogging, affiliate marketing, and many more. TikTok has recently gained a lot of popularity as a source of income, especially among the younger generation.

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It has become a very widespread propaganda to society. Social media allows any message, true or not, to spread quickly throughout society. Politicians, nowadays, use social media as a platform for their political life.
Social networking is an excellent tool for establishing connections and partnerships. You can meet a wide range of individuals who have similar interests, preferences, and lifestyles thanks to it. Social media has made it possible for you to keep in touch with friends and family who live overseas thanks to online video calls.

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As well social media has a negative impact on people for a number of reasons. Teenagers are the group in society that is most badly affected. It had a direct impact on people's bad health. Social media has developed a serious addiction problem.

Not all of the information you read or see on social media is accurate. Furthermore, some individuals take pleasure in spreading incorrect information, which grows rapidly.

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Addiction is quite common and regularly seen, not just in teenagers but also in younger people. They start mornings with social media and ended with the same media. Society has no time for any communication with family members, neighbors, relatives, etc. Thus, due to this social media physical human interaction has reduced.

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Cyberbullying is yet another important negative aspect of social networking. It is clear that a lot of young people have been the targets of cyberbullying.

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