Entertainment Blog #38 | The Cabin in the Woods [2011] : Don't Expect a Normal Horror Movie...| 5% for SL Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago
Most people like to watch horror movies. And we all know what kinda categories have in Horror Movies. There are slasher, sinister, psychological etc. But there are some horror movies... they are different from conventional horror movies and they appears once in the full moon.


The Cabin in the Woods is a movie like that. It was released way back in 2011. Even from the name, this movie sounds like a conventional Horror movie. But it's not. I just judged the movie by its name. And here I am... watching it in 2021..

The movie starts as a very usual horror movie. Five young people move into a cabin in a wood just to get away from normal life. So they drink and dance blah blah..

The Friends

Then things starts to shift in a different way. At this section, I thought that these young people became victims of some kinda Government experiment. But after few minutes I changed my mind..


And I really was unable to believe what happened after that. It's not something you've ever seen. It's so fascinating how they cover this extreme horror under a very conventional crust.


I mean really.. I was blown away from what I experienced by watching it. I mean, how those ideas came to their mind?? It's like out of the world. You know something amazing gonna happen. But you actually don't know until the end.


You can see stats.. They are great.. It's 10 years old. But it's way better. Even Chris Hemsworth stars in the movie.. But I'd like to say.. if you haven't watch the movie yet, don't go watch trailers of the movie. Go straight.. download the movie and watch it...


The way you have described it seems interesting. But I hardly watch horror movies. after watching I get trouble sleeping.

Hmmm... then I recommend not to watch anyway 🙉🙉

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