Covid19 Mi experiencia / Covid19 My experience [ESP-ENG]

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago


Imagen de nuestra propiedad, realizada con PicsArt.

Hola amigos de Steemit! Espero estén teniendo una semana increíble y llena de salud. Hoy vengo a contarles mi experiencia durante el tiempo que tuve covid.

Hello friends of Steemit! I hope you are having an amazing and healthy week. Today I come to tell you about my experience during the time I had covid.


Imagen de nuestra propiedad. Capture de una conversación de WhatsApp.

Fue con este mensaje que confirmé que el malestar que tenía desde horas antes era COVID. No tardé mucho en manifestar fiebre, la cual me duró 3 días, y 5 días más tarde tuve pérdida del olfato. Fui la primera en mi casa en presentar síntomas, por lo que decidí usar tapobocas aún dentro de mi casa. Me sentía bastante preocupada, sin contar el inmenso cansancio y malestar que tenía, ni siquiera quería levantarme de la cama. Cuando desapareció la fiebre empecé a mejorar, aunque aún utilizaba tapabocas cuando estaba cerca de mis padres o hermana.

It was with this message that I confirmed that the discomfort I had hours before was COVID. It didn't take long for me to manifest a fever, which lasted 3 days, and 5 days later I had loss of smell. I was the first in my house to present symptoms, so I decided to wear a mask even inside my house. I felt quite worried, not counting the immense tiredness and discomfort I had, I didn't even want to get out of bed. When the fever disappeared I began to improve, although I still wore a mask when I was around my parents or sister.


Emoji de Bitmoji.

Después de mí mi hermana, mi mamá y mi papá empezaron a presentar síntomas. Para cuando mi papá se enfermó ya yo me sentía bastante bien, ¡y gracias a Dios!, ya que necesitó mucha ayuda y atención. Luego de cada cita con el médico mi mamá y yo nos sentábamos a escribir y llamar a varias farmacias y así conseguir los mejores precios, ya que se le recetaron varios medicamentos y con costos un poco elevados. Entre ellos ampollas con un costo de 10$ cada una aproximadamente, expectorante +40$, antialérgico +5$ y vitaminas. Era realmente angustiante ver la cantidad de medicamentos que necesitábamos y el costo de todos ellos.

After me, my sister, my mom and my dad began to show symptoms. By the time my dad got sick I was feeling pretty good, and thank God, he needed a lot of help and attention. After each appointment with the doctor, my mom and I sat down to write and call several pharmacies and thus get the best prices, since several medications were prescribed and with slightly high costs. Among them ampoules with a cost of approximately $10 each, expectorant +$40, anti-allergy +$5 and vitamins. It was really distressing to see the number of medications we needed and the cost of all of them.


Emoji de Bitmoji.

Agradezco muchísimo a mi novio por todo el apoyo que nos brindó en esos días.

Bueno amigos, no solo me convertí en chofer, como les comenté en un post anterior, también me tocó ser la enfermera de mi papá. Pasarle tratamiento dos veces al día y llevar el control y horario de cada tableta que tomaba.

I am very grateful to my boyfriend for all the support he gave us during those days.

Well friends, not only did I become a driver, as I told you in a previous post, I also had to be my dad's nurse. Give him treatment twice a day and keep track of each tablet he took.

Fueron días duros, pero unidos como familia logramos superarlo y hoy ya nos encontramos muy bien. Ya regresamos a nuestras actividades y, aunque aún tenemos secuelas y síntomas post-covid, estamos felices porque estamos sanos :D

They were hard days, but united as a family we managed to overcome it and today we feel very well. We are back to our activities and, although we still have after-effects and post-covid symptoms, we are happy because we are healthy :D


Emoji de Bitmoji.

Gracias por leerme y llegar hasta el final :) No hay muchas fotos porque fueron días complicados, jejeje, pido disculpas por eso.

Thanks for reading and getting to the end :) There aren't many photos because those were complicated days, hehehe, I apologize for that.

Con amor, Lu.

With love, Lu.


You have a strong enough patience, I know you really care about your family and parents, what's more, this is a dangerous disease, a sign of caring for it so well. how happy the family is with you.

That's right, it really is complicated. But since I was little I have practiced together with my family the "strength is in unity" and it has always gone very well for us. Thank you very much for your comment ❤️

Glad that all of you are safe and better now.

Thanks a lot! I wish that your family and that of all the people around the world enjoy great health, and that those who have to face the disease, emerge victorious. A hug🥰

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