Lunch Hour Dragonfly Hunt | 5% to SL-Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago


It's an office day. During the lunch break, I noticed a dragonfly who sat on a pineapple leaf from the kitchen window. I saw a story through him and ran to take the phone to capture some photos.

Dragonflies are not rare in our garden, but this one looks attractive due to its color. Dragonflies are common on lawns and near ponds according to my experience. I have seen them on the surface of the pond at our garden and later I learned they lay eggs on plants near water or sometimes on water directly. As same as frog and butterfly, this insect has a life cycle.

This is for additional knowledge of you and me:

Read it

Let's move back to the story. This guy was orange in color, which is a bright and attractive color for enemies. The above article says, the color of dragonfly change over time when they grow.

This one was so rushed and didn't wait for a long on the pineapple leaf.


In school, you may have learned the 3 basic parts of an insect; head, thorax, and abdomen. (හිස, උරස, උදරය ). Dragonfly is also with the same arrangement. Their wings are strongly bond to the thorax and have the ability to move so fast. Simply google "how fast do dragonfly wings beat" and it is 1,800 times per minute and 30 times per second. Sometimes we don't capture the movement of the wings with our eyes.

Look at the arrangement of wings and head. Dragonfly has compound eyes. This gives them the ability to vision on all directions. Read this if you want to learn more

The orange dragonfly flew to the tea plantation. I did not want to miss a wonderful natural experience, so I followed him. Imagine how fast him? He disappeared under tea bushes by putting me alone in the middle of June wind. I didn't think this is a waste of time since I spend the whole day inside the room looking at the computer. There was a nice wind even the day is too sunny.

Alone in the middle of wind

I saw a different dragonfly with a different color scheme flying away from the corner of the tea plantation. I followed him to the front garden and finally could catch him there. This one had shiny spots on his abdomen and faster than the early one.

Look at his strong transparent wings

While he was flying here and there, I noticed a third creature who is aiming at this super-fast fly. Turning back to food chains, dragonflies are food for frogs, birds, lizards and for monitors. Do you remember in cartoons? Frogs put their tongue out and hunt dragonflies.

The following guy who lives among flowerpots was looking at the dragonfly greedily. I don't think he can catch this fast fly!


The lunch hour completely passed with this wonderful experience. Unexpected moments build a beautiful story!


My favorite animal too but our side very rare to see now

i have neutral idea about dragonflies. Not favourite but I enjoy their behaviour

Very nice picture of dragonfly. thanks for sharing

you are welcome. Do you have dragonflies in your garden?

Frogs put their tongue out and hunt dragonflies.

Oops🙊 an unpleasant scene 😶.
But I love that dragonfly because they are so innocent. Isn't that so?

😅😅 I knew you don't like frogs but I didn't know you hate this much..

Dragonflies innocent. Like me

Actually I don't like them. I know they are innocent..

Why you don't like them?🤔🤔🤔

HI I have a shared a Post In our community

Nice photographs and interesting article dr😍

Thanks halo.

Look at that dragon! looks like me when i am hungry, a hunger of power and freedom. Nice photos. Greetings :P Thursday, June 17th, 2021.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Why? Do you fly fast when you hungry?

I fly around the kitchen looking for some food hehe

mama palaweni photo eke hewwa ko dragonfly kiyala 😂.

I was confused for something.... but finally I had answer... nice captures... you are becoming a good photographer 💪

@randulakoralage When I was a kid, I caught dragon flies with strings & lizards using.....mmmmm..... what we called pol eratu.... 🙈 🙈 ( I was a bad boy....)

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