Today is World Mental Health Day!

in Steem Sri Lankalast year

Today is the day contributed for mental health. Not only today, all 365 days must be contributed for mental health since it’s the most basic part of the human life. Mind is everything! Our thoughts and emotions become our behavior. If we think positively we attract good in to our lives. If we think negatively we attract bad and failures into our lives. That’s why mental health is really important to us. A person with a healthy mind is a blessing to this world!


A person with poor mental health is struggling with their decisions, coping with the stress, controlling of their emotions, attention, memory and with most of their daily activities. How our mental health become poor? I will explain the answer like this. Our brain is the controling centre of our body. Several parts pf the brain is respnonsible for our thinking patterns , behaviours and all mind connected actions. This process is happen involving several chemicals like neurotramsimitters. Changing of these chemicals bring several diseases to the patient. Conditions like depression stops releasing happy hormones like dopamine and that's why the person always experience sadness.

Other main risk factor is genes. With my experience I can say genes have a high influence on transmitting mental diseases. When we ask family history from our patients most of the time we find a positive family history.

The thing we must always keep in mind is, any person who has a brain, can be diagnosed as a person with psychiatric condition. The only thing we need is a brain to become mentally ill.


So as I mentioned earlier today is the day for mental health. If you feel like someone is mentally unstable or he/she seeking help we must help him to meet a qualified Person like a psychiatrist. Your kindness, love empathy and understanding will make his/her life better.

Finally I wish a cheerful day to all the warriors who decided to fight with their mental illness and find their life back. May all your struggles end soon!

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